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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   'In-denial' places in Chiangmai

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Old 9th November 2010, 08:47 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 162
'In-denial' places in Chiangmai

A lot have been said about the numerous places in Bangkok that offer massage by boys but may secretly offer some kind of sex too. Are there similar places in Chiangmai? The concept doesn't seem to exist there.
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Old 9th November 2010, 10:03 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

If you walk up Chang Klan Road south (the one-way street through the night bazzar area) past the Meridian, on the right hand side, just before you get to Chiang Mai's Punthip Plaza, there are one or two foot-massage places with boys who have willingly had soft sex with me during a Thai massage. This was a while back so cannot give any names from memory.
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Old 10th November 2010, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

Go to the Rachada Cafe website, then click on gay venues and you will find a substantial list of m4m massage parlors, similar to the dedicated m4m venues in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and more. They are not 'in denial', not at all.

or, -then click on 'male massage' on the list on the left side of the opening page.

Most of the websites have photos of the massage staff, usually without shirt but not more than that.

Most of these venues have individual rooms with door & lock rather than curtained areas.

'Happiness' is very much part of the 'arrangement / expectation', and well understod by the massage man, if that's what the client wants. Full 'action' is a possibility with some boys, but of course the type / extent of 'action and happiness' is also up what the massage man will agree to.

Some clients will indicate to the captain / manager what 'level / type of happiness' they are looking for. Some captains / managers will then recommend various staff members, but on the other hand some will say that they don't recommend and it's up to you to make an 'arrangement' with the massage man once inside the massage room.

Pretty much expect the massage man to instigate some level of action at some stage of the proceedings, he wants to try to increase the possible tip.
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Old 13th November 2010, 08:00 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 162

Thanks Yannawa. I did notice a few shops there with male and female masseurs, though never went in. Are you allowed to choose the masseur?
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Old 14th November 2010, 02:56 AM
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Posts: 393

At such places, the default system is to have the boss select the person for you. But avoid that if at all possible or else go someplace else. But to be fair, they largely do that because they think you won't know who to pick and so, to speed things along, they will try and do it for you, either in an attempt to be helpful or to ensure the massaging work is spread evenly amongst the practitioners. However it is also important, as a customer, that the staff are rewarded for their attractiveness, appeal and skill rather than solely upon their relationship with the boss. But to me, a massage is a rather personal thing and I want someone massaging me who I am "comfortable" with and not just the next spare person in the line. When I say comfortable with, I don't really mean sexually but chemically and "first-impressiony".

If the staff are sitting outside, then make eye contact with the person you like most and ask them about the massage services available. If anyone else chips in, just ignore them and persist with your one-on-one conversation. That person will eventually answer you with an option and then say "that's good", can you do that for me and make it quite obvious from your body language that he is the one for you.
Alternatively, you can decide from outside who you'd like and make a b-line for them and say something like, "I remember you! You gave me a great strong massage before...can I have again please... the girls are often not strong enough for me". Or "I feel shy with a girl".
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Old 14th November 2010, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Xfun View Post
Go to the Rachada Cafe website, then click on gay venues and you will find a substantial list of m4m massage parlors, similar to the dedicated m4m venues in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and more.
What am I missing? I went to this link:

I saw lots of info for Chiang Mai, but nothing about the other cities you mention. Can you provide a direct link to a page with this information?
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Old 14th November 2010, 09:19 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

My reference to Rachada Cafe (located in Chiang Mai) was specifically in regard to Chiang Mai venues.

The OP did make reference to venues in Chiang Mai.

Similar information, for other cities, can be found on numerous sites:

- Utopia-Asia
- Sticky Rice
- Fridae
- TMM Society - Index scroll down to mssage links

And i'm sure there will be more sites with this information.
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