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CRUISING for SEX - Pattaya update

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icon513 2nd January 2011 03:51 AM

I don't own a thong and never will.

I have some self-respect and self-awareness.

LuvThailand 2nd January 2011 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681164)
I don't own a thong and never will.

I have some self-respect and self-awareness.

There's a guy who spends time at Dongtan beach around this time each year...although I haven't seen him this year. He wears some of the most outrageous thongs on a very sad frame. Whilst he's not a pretty sight, the New Years regulars at Dongtan have missed him this year....particularly when he wears his outrageous thong emblazoned with "pussy pussy". He has a very seductive saunter which he's probably practiced for years....with a lot of polishing still required! He is the unpaid entertainment of Dongtan. So Icon if it's you...please play the game and get yourself along to Dongtan....along with your fine collection of thongs. Lol
Posted via Mobile Device

icon513 2nd January 2011 04:19 AM

Sounds like he's making a joke out of himself.

Like I said, I have more self-respect than that.

Part of being older is, hopefully, having a bit better judgment.

sexton 2nd January 2011 07:27 AM

Thank you dear. You just do not need to further apologize to anyone out there who might not be nauseated !

I just needed that assurance!


Not going to waste my crab meat fried rice and witness such a sight!

Certainly it's not going to go down well with food in the stomach!

What is the opposite of eye candy here? Ha!

icon513 2nd January 2011 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by sexton (Post 681172)

What is the opposite of eye candy here? Ha!

An eyesore, possibly?

sexton 2nd January 2011 07:31 AM


That's a good one!

stillthrobbing 2nd January 2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681160)
Here's a late Xmas gift for Taoboxer and James, since they appear to think it is appropriate beach apparel for men of this age.

The guy in the pic doesn't look 60-to-70 to me. Maybe it's a matter of pounds, not age.

In any case, as long as I don't malign gym queens (I probably never would, in fact), I don't see any cause to insult the less-fit, the overage, or both.

gygygy 2nd January 2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681164)
I don't own a thong and never will.

Methinks he doth protest too much! Maybe Icon531 slips down to the beach at dusk to show off his thong know, 'Just a thong at twilight' :)

I have some self-respect and self-awareness.

Self-awareness? But not aware enough to know when he is being ageist and plain rude!

I personally don't like thongs either but I don't think I have the right to make fun of people who do.

Sadly one of the prerequisites of being a moderator is not good manners!

KhunTST 2nd January 2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681160)
Here's a late Xmas gift for Taoboxer and James, since they appear to think it is appropriate beach apparel for men of this age.

I say good on him. People who have the confidence to be what they want to be whether fat, skinny or whatever should be welcome on Dongtan beach. I;ve spent many happy hours there marvelling at the whales in thongs and jandals (Ha!) dragging their big butts/bellies to the water and deckchair. I don't let it detract from my enjoyment. Good on them for gettin' on with what they enjoy.

I remember a guy who came daily for a massage a few years back, very bloated and obviously quite ill. Not a pretty sight but good on him too for getting what he needed. I thought thats what I'll do should I be struck.

Certainly don't want the fat, beauty, agist or whatever police interfering in what I do.

Now anybody want to talk about CRUISING FOR SEX

donatella-t 2nd January 2011 06:27 PM

Hey Taoboxer, I think silly thingthongs on old men are quite entertaining. Sitting on the beach is quite boring after all, so looking at the beached whales and wrinkly old leatherbags cruising for sex on Dongtan beach makes the time go faster. Before someone accuses me of being ageist, I am a wrinkly old leatherbag myself, and keep my burqa on when visiting the beach.

icon513 2nd January 2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by stillthrobbing (Post 681179)
The guy in the pic doesn't look 60-to-70 to me. Maybe it's a matter of pounds, not age.

Is this one more appealing, maybe?

icon513 2nd January 2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by donatella-t (Post 681184)
Hey Taoboxer, I think silly thingthongs on old men are quite entertaining. Sitting on the beach is quite boring after all, so looking at the beached whales and wrinkly old leatherbags cruising for sex on Dongtan beach makes the time go faster. Before someone accuses me of being ageist, I am a wrinkly old leatherbag myself, and keep my burqa on when visiting the beach.

Ageist AND fat-ist.

Oh, my!

SoiVC Slut 4th January 2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681186)

The guy sitting down looks really nauseous or embarrassed. Actually, probably both.:eek:

biggles69 5th January 2011 04:54 AM

The Thai guy seated is in fact one of the hotest / cutest guys on the beach. He works at the "yellow " chair concession and has a hot muscular body and cute face. He flirts a lot with all the farang - particularly the one's with big bellies ! I'm not sure however if he's gay - I suppose I should ask - but I'm really too shy :(

Taoboxer 5th January 2011 09:40 AM

Ha Ha ha. Sorry I didn't see your replies earlier, guys. Thanks for the naughty picture, Icon. I don't have a problem with it, really. Obviously he thinks he's sexy and if he's got the confidence to wear a thong like that, then he might just be interesting enough for me to do him if we met. I have always had catholic tastes, I confess.

And guys, I don't have a problem with guys who don't like thongs on men of maturer years, either. I don't object to people saying what they think as long as they don't expect me to think the same way.

As for wearing thongs myself, I am just vain enough not to wear them until I have enough meat on my buns and sufficient muscle over the rest of my body to look better than a beached whale when I strut my stuff in my favourite pair.

And I really and truly don't have a problem with men who think surfer pants are going to hide their bellies (or any other full figure malfunctions). They have every right to look like one of Snow White's Seven Dwarves if they want to!

To return to cruising for sex, is the sexy seated guy in the picture really Thai? He looks more Caucasian to me. Him, I'd do in a minute.

What's the going rate for long time in Pattaya anyway? I understand it's quite high in BKK nowadays...should I try to hookup with some older guys before I come? At least the sex would be free:D

wantasian 5th January 2011 08:13 PM

Those heavy farangs might have a lot of Thai guys falling all over them. I bet they'd be very successful in Babylon. It's mysterious who the real successful people are.

Taoboxer 6th January 2011 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am quite sure that heavyset men - even men with a lot of excess avoirdupois like the one in icon's picture - are sexually attractive to many younger Asian gentlemen and not simply because of any pecuniary considerations, either. I know this for a fact as I have been told by one or two of these younger Asians that I am too skinny for them. Here's my latest picture. Judge for yourselves.

Incidentally, this was a very lucky shot with my old camera so the only thing I did with Photoshop in this picture was to remove the background (it showed my extremely untidy living room).

sextile 6th January 2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Taoboxer (Post 681302)
I am quite sure that heavyset men - even men with a lot of excess avoirdupois like the one in icon's picture - are sexually attractive to many younger Asian gentlemen ... .

-- Khun Taoboxer, being an Asian himself, might be expected to be MORE IN-tune with fellow Asians as to their preferences for companions.
- As a farang, and an occasional visitor to BABYLON SAUNA, it's been an often source of wonderment - and envy - to me how it is that the heavier farangs seem to attract the younger Thais and I don't.
- My vital stats. are ht: roughly 6ft.02.ins., & wt. roughly 10 stone, thus a Western BMI. of let's say 19.; possibly a bit too skinny! :eek:

icon513 6th January 2011 09:03 PM

I think the all-too-popular phrase "no sissies no fatties" in Thai on local personal ad sites contradicts the theory that young Thais are particularly into blubber.

We've already established that Babylon is not representative of society in general. It is a place for fetishists of a certain persuasion.

stillthrobbing 7th January 2011 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 681307)
roughly 6ft.02.ins., & wt. roughly 10 stone

Do you steer clear of strong breezes, Khun Sextile?

wantasian 7th January 2011 03:07 AM

I'm tall and slim (especially my limbs) and I have a lot of difficulty connecting in Babylon, and am amazed to see how the Thai IMMEDIATELY go in with very-average-looking older farangs. I think that being tall and slim is a handicap. But it seems that you can be MEDIUM height and slim, and that's okay (age and silver hair help a lot). I've seen young hot farangs who were slim and appeared to have trouble connecting. I've also noticed different results depending on which of my two pairs of eyeglasses I wear (this applies to all my cruising in Bangkok)--even though the glasses are almost the same. I've noticed that wearing a bathing suit or underwear is bad--it must be a towel. The place makes no sense whatsoever--I've often thought it's totally weird, and I still can't figure it out. I usually end up connecting with very slim Thai (which I'm not really attracted to) or short (who are usually very self-conscious about it) or slightly older (like 30) and slightly homely (but who end up being the best kissers and sex). I wonder if my wearing glasses is bad--I won't wear contacts, so maybe I should try walking around in blurriness. I've also noticed that the farangs who come in with no expression on their face, no smile, connect immediately. I think I have too friendly of an appearance--which could be a handicap. (Note: I had great success in that new downstairs area under the metal grates--for some weird unknown reason, I do better there than other farangs who go in there.)

Another thing: I like younger nerdy types with glasses, but they universally reject me immediately (and usually in the most nasty way). So it appears that younger guys with glasses are turned off by older guys with glasses.

Taoboxer 7th January 2011 09:49 AM

I'd hesitate to use the word 'fetishist' but it's true that there is a lot of interest in more mature and bigger men, regardles of race.

Don't forget that in Asia, a man of girth has been considered a prosperous one for thousands of years, any fetishistic tendencies aside.

In addition, I think they feel less threatened by men 'with more to offer' - a younger, slimmer farang of any age should have no trouble hooking up and is less likely to be amenable to sob stories about dead buffaloes or sick grandmothers, so he could be competiton of some kind...after all, less attractive farang might be turned on by him.

They don't really understand that most farang who walk into a Thai sauna aren't looking to hook up with another farang, mature or not, no matter how attractive he might be.

Maybe this is just me being cynical, I don't know. I can't really claim to speak for anyone else but me though I am basing my opinions on observation and experience.

biggles69 10th January 2011 06:09 PM

Aficianados of Tom Yam will be upset to learn it's been firmly locked for the last 2 days. My sources tell me this time it was not police activity, but simply a lack of boys. They were apparently down to 2 boys, reflecting what I've been observing on Dong Tan beach - no boys !

Strangley the progressive closing of the more dubious (and probably under age Sunnee bars - Khaos, Sundance, Jimmy James, Euro Boys and now Tom Yam) is being accompanied by higher class beer bars opening, changing Sunnee from paedophile paradise to a more European village square atmosphere which could be quite unique in Thailand.

icon513 10th January 2011 06:21 PM

European village square is pushing it.
Posted via Mobile Device

biggles69 10th January 2011 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681416)
European village square is pushing it.
Posted via Mobile Device

The world is changing fast Icon. Careful you are not left behind !

icon513 10th January 2011 07:10 PM

It's not changing that much.

Have you checked your eyeglass prescription lately?

biggles69 18th January 2011 09:33 AM

I'll come back to the "European Square " potential of Sunnee later, but back to Pattaya - I popped into X Boys tonight to see their show. Still plenty of multi-couple f**king on offer, but this was followed by one of the best live segements I've seen in Thai bars.

5 slim and taught topless punks in skater pants performed an amazing rap dance routine which had the audience cheering as we watched 15 minutes of high energy and beautifully co-ordinated and athletic rap . At the end the hat came around and I think without exception the audience happily tipped in 100 bht notes. Definitely worth watching for both the energy, and the eye candy:)

donatella-t 18th January 2011 08:38 PM

I went to Sunnee last night (18/jan/2011). Alas, the idea of a European town square is bizarre. Maybe it is a way by the owners there to drum up some business. In reality, it just some alleys in a concrete slum, with a lot of very old men and well, dare I say it, boys, mingling. Then the police came, closed of all four exits and started urine checks on the bar boys. All in all it was not fun, not very European, and so we left. I've never seen a town square in Europe that has only old men and young boys walking around.

Sunnee is as decrepit as it has been for many many years.

firecat 19th January 2011 12:00 AM

Your profile says you are 65 looking for quick sex and cheating on someone.

So why should you be throwing stones at older men in Sunnee Plaza in the company of young men.

Seem that is exactly who you are and what you are looking for????

biggles69 19th January 2011 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by donatella-t (Post 681532)
Sunnee is as decrepit as it has been for many many years.

Actually I disagree . There are some smart new bars opening, like the large one in the old Kaos site and several opposite it (old Sundance etc) . On a balmy evening sitting in a wicker chair at an outdoor table with an ice cold Campari and a warm young companion - I could half close my eyes and be in Provence or Tuscany (which are also pretty decrepid in case you hadn't noticed :)

Sunnee also has a lot less traffic than Europe, the mobile crepes stalls, mango & sticky rice stalls and lots of beautiful smiles. Where's the romance, the vision, the charm ? (I'm a glass half full man - you sir are clearly in the glass half empty group.)

icon513 19th January 2011 10:46 AM

My question to you would be: what is your glass half full of? Ether?

biggles69 19th January 2011 06:18 PM

Nice photo - (including the wicker chairs). Looks better at night tho' :)

icon513 19th January 2011 09:10 PM

You're still on some major drugs, buddy.

donatella-t 19th January 2011 11:11 PM

Oh no, I am an optimist by nature.

"mobile crepes stalls". That should probably read "mobile creep stalls"? Actually I went back yesterday and it was quite busy. But not a Euro town square I have ever seen. Sunnee is sleazy and slutty, and full of weird and wonderful sights. There's nothing wrong with that. It is the reason I go there. It's a circus of the bizarre and a few cute boys.

biggles69 19th January 2011 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by donatella-t (Post 681555)
Sunnee is sleazy and slutty, and full of weird and wonderful sights. There's nothing wrong with that. It is the reason I go there. It's a circus of the bizarre and a few cute boys.

Yes but unfortunatley only half as sleezey and slutty as it used to be! Unless some-one breathes some life into it, it will become just a decrepit couple of ally ways.

I think there are now too many beer bars, but this is the sort of place that could so easily become trendy if a couple of half decent restaurants opened. Anyway I shall still enjoy my nightly Campari and hope the wierd and wonderful sights may long continue. (Icon - suggest you take a chill pill - you really are far too tense these days :)

icon513 20th January 2011 12:11 AM

Not tense at all. But my eyes work perfectly.
Posted via Mobile Device

biggles69 20th January 2011 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681562)
Not tense at all. But my eyes work perfectly.
Posted via Mobile Device

Glad to hear that. ... and the last time you set eyes on Sunnee / Pattaya was ?

(see comment from Firecat on Sunnee thread - he's absolutely correct.)

icon513 20th January 2011 03:36 AM

Less than six months ago.

It didn't evoke Tuscany then, and it never will.

biggles69 20th January 2011 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 681566)

It didn't evoke Tuscany then, and it never will.

On reflection you are quite right. I've never seen a pick-pocket in Sunnee, I've never been outrageously overcharged in Sunnee, I've never been verbally abused by the serving staff in Sunnee, I've never worried about the personal hygiene of the boys in Sunnee, I've never been ill after eating in Sunnee and I'm always greeted by a smile and a warm invitation to sit, drink and chat.

Let's hope it never will be like a lot of European cities - and let's look at the undoubted positives of living in or visiting the more colourful areas of the land of smiles. Let's count our blessings !

That said - I suggest we move on and re focus on cruising :)

biggles69 20th January 2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by wantasian (Post 681574)
Do the police really do these kinds of raids, and do they really take urine samples? I've heard this before (probable b.s. story about Babylon occassionally getting raided, with only the Thai in there getting in trouble). Also, it sounds a little "un-Constitutional." I don't know what Thai constitutional rights are, but I really doubt the police can just come in and make everyone take urine tests for no reason.

What rights? They only do the thai's and yes its a regular occurance and the most effeective way to identify those with ya baa or other narcotics in their system.

Its not much different to RBT (random breath testing ) in Australia. Any driver can be pulled over for no reason , simply asked to take a random test. In Victoria they can now test for certain drugs the same way.

I just chatted with a boy on G Romeo who worked at Wonderland BAr. I ask ed him why it closed. His reply;
yes that right.
police they just come to check drugs
and take some boys who have to take drugs and have violet piss

No reference to under-age !

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