The police must convince a Court of probable cause, and the Court must issue a warrant.
It's perfectly legal in Thailand for the police to ask for a urine sample when they suspect drug abuse, and it's standard procedure here.
At least some of the Western Embassies in Bangkok feel it's necessary to inform tourists coming to Thailand about this. That's because the police could also ask foreigners to provide a urine sample, but that doesn't seem to happen often. |
Last night in Boystown decided to check out the newly renovated "David" bar in the old Star Boys site opposite Dynamite.
What can I say? The renovation gets high marks for effort - if you like the New Orleans bordello feel complete with leather Chesterfield style couches , heavy tassled velvet drapes and over-the top candelabra. The central podium has gone and there's a full length stage down the left hand side with lots of glitter and lights. I arrived at 10.30 just as the "show" was starting. What they spent on the fit out, they've saved on the show - which consisited of 12 platform shufflers in white and red briefs dancing to a dozen or so tunes, both on the stage and in the main part of the bar. Unfortunately you cant take bar boys , give them a 5 minute dance lesson, some pretty ropey choreography and call it a show. Ok so it was less boring than the previous stage shuffling, but even Lady Ga Ga couldn't illict any rythme or co-ordiantion from them. The boys were trying to have fun - not sure the 3 or 4 farangs watching agreed. Drinks 160 bht - boys run of the mill. I then moved down the soi to Sawasdee - an old favourite of mine that used to have good shows and cute guys. I said "used to" - now only a few customers down one side - again about a dozen uninspiring stage shufflers and no show. Drinks 160 bt - ordered a Chang beer which tasted crap and turned out to be Chang Light, not regular. I did a dummy spit, paid and left. (translation for the yanks - dummy = pacifier ) :) |
The only thing to report at the moment is the weather is just about perfect. Pattaya is packed - queues at night for the baht buses heading out to Jomtien and the Hill. Hotels doing well for first time in a few years but still rooms to be had - and enough boys to go round.
The quality of the Russian eye candy on the beach has gone up 1000% - and the vendors are already half fluent in selling their wares in Russian. Lots of Russians going to the gay discos, but not getting many boys as they think they are so handsome they dont need to pay. Well maybe in BKK - but here the boys have to make a buck ! Expecting a major inflow of ethnic Chinese for Chinese New Year starting this weekend. Should be some cute Sing, Malay, Taiwan and HK gays in town :) but probably mainly sticky :( |
Back in Sydney for a couple of weeks. One of my regular boys (20 Isaan very handsome) just emailed me lamenting lack of customers in his Sunnee beer bar. He's decided to go home to Isaan next week. Far fewer farangs than last year.
There's never been a year when they didn't say that!
Yes but this year I fear its true. The GFC has hit the US, UK and EU markets hard against the strong THB and I've noticed this year more Russians and Arabs, and far less "Farangs". Also (as we've discussed) on-line hook ups becoming more popular with thais and their tricks. (... and he wasn't trying to hit me up for some $$ - just wanted to send me a Valentines day cyber -kiss & let me know he wont be around when I return.)
I was in Pattaya 2 weekends ago & entered a few bars in Boystown. The shows at Copa & X-Boys(with fu.k show) were well patronised, but the other bars were very quiet. The big bars have less than 20 boys on parade, whereas in the smaller ones less than 10 boys. In the new gay bar on walking street there was only 2 boys dancing on the bar, and coke was only 60baht, & very few customers in the humid & non air-cond room.
In one of the smaller bars in Pattayaland soi 1, a boy's opening bid was 1000baht for him to follow you home,& the off fee 300baht. Drinks(coke) was only 100baht. It was well past midnight when I took one home, & the entire bar was happy as it was their first off for the evening. |
I made last minute plans to arrive this Friday in bangkok and then pattaya. I've been trying to make reservations but haven't heard back from any of them. Is jomtien complex that busy? I've grid tuis too but no response. Maybe I should fly to Phuket instead?
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Should be no problem getting a room in Jomtien. |
I'm not sure those Australian party-boys even know what an exchange rate is. Probably more a function of the increasing availability of direct budget flights from Oz to Phuket -- making it as cheap or cheaper to get to than Bali (which was previously their preferred stomping grounds).
Thanks maybe they are just a bit slow with responding. Any hotel or hurt house recommendations? Ideally I would like to be near the gay beach. On a side note anyone up for a drink or meal once I'm in pattya?
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If you don't mind paying a bit more, the Avalon Beach Resort is smack on the gay beach and a pretty nice facility. Great pool. Lots of Russian families, but gays also stay there. It's around 3,000 baht a night.
I just booked at Tuis place. Good choice? My flight arrives at 1145 thurs night is it worth spending the night in Bangkok?
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Depending how long you plan on staying, there are 48 sq m condos in View Talay 5 (100 metres away from Tuis with big pool and all mod cons) from about 1,200 bht a night. Check out asian-escapes dot com. Gay operated. |
Distance to the beach can't be beat, but facilities (what few there are) can be musty and are definitely in need of a gut-renovation. |
Thanks for the tip! Do you have any picks for around 1k baht a night?
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Dongtan beach ...
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I have ret'd. from several days R&R. in PATTAYA.; I was there from 11-17 feb., and at DONGTAN BEACH, our usual concession in front of AVALON HTL., every day.
- I'd reckon that that concession was seldom as much as 75%. full even at the most popular times of day. -- During our previous visits we noticed that the next concession farther along regularly became popular with bar & suchlike young men in the afternoons - possibly thy were hoping to 'score.' before their bars etc. opened? But for this visit, despite St. Valentine's Day. , they were absent, conspicuously so. - Also the numbers of young men 'walking & looking.' were v. much LESS: few, if any, seen. -- :( |
Sunnee plaza ...
-- During my recent visit to PATTAYA, 11-17 feb., I spent but two evenings in SUNNEE PLAZA.:
12 feb.: TOM YUM. CLOSED; MIC MY. OPEN - Drinks at 120.Bh.; some 20 a go-go young men and possibly a dozen spectators; NICE BOYS. OPEN - Drinks at 130.Bh.; say 30 a go-go young men and 50 spectators. From time-to-time some young men sat on the stage's edges and played with themselves, but little worth noting. One of the very young-looking men, #12., thrust himself at me and invited me to feel what he has - between us girls: 'Not v. much.' 15 feb.: TOM YUM. OPEN - Drinks' price not noted; Maybe half-a-dozen young men & and LESS that that no. of spectators; none of the young men was dancing; apart from a couple who were being fondled by rather bored looking spectators many of the rest prefered to sit-around and to play with themselves. At that rate not worth visiting - that place has gone DOWNhill! NICE BOYS. OPEN - I was joined by one of the dancing young men, 22YO., hair dyed a blonde color - wearing blue jeans rather than white briefs. Spoke quite good English and realized it's importance should he wish to get-out of being a dancer and to progress! |
Boyz town ...
-- During my recent visit, 11-17 feb., unusually I spent MORE time in the BOYZ TOWN's a go-go bars than in SUNNEE PLAZA's.;
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I like FUNNY BOYS for two good reasons: 1. - NO smoking! 2. - Background music is bkgd. music, one can carry-on a conversation without having to shout to make oneself heard; Drinks at 150.Bh.; - I visited thrice, quite full most times; - A Fair sel'n. of young men - not boyz! #23. & #43. caught my eye. -- We visited HAPPY PLACE. twice; - Drinks: non-alc. 100.Bh. & alc. 120.Bh.; - Most of the R&F. a go-go young men danced with seldom seen enthusiasm, #13. caught my eye, as did #555. - but for another reason! - 1st. show started promptly at 22.30.hrs.: - One mildly erotic act during wch. one saw why #555. caught my att'n. - my E&AF. reckoned that silicone was the answer! -- I visited X BOYS., a previous posting had recommeded its Coyote Dancers! - Drinks: non-alc. 150.Bh. & alc. 180.Bh.; - 1st. perf. started at 22.hrs., acts started with a Big Cock Show for wch. the boys wore 'tented.' towels to preserve their modesty, #26. looked to be the most endowed! We enjoyed a comedy act and various other routines before the four coyote dancers who rec'd. a well-deserved round of spontaneous applause at the conclusion of their act, we were asked to shew our further appreciation when the hat was passed-around. The final act was a Candle Show - nothing new in that. -- On DONGTAN BEACH I chatted with a German visitor who recommended the show at COPA BAR, aboit wch. I have no further knowledge. |
Cartier a go-go bar ...
-- For the 1st. evening of my recent trip to PATTAYA, 11-17 feb., I visited CARTIER A GO-GO BAR.;
- Doors OPEN at 22.hrs.; - Drinks at 200.Bh.; - Initially 3 other spectators apart from myself; - I noticed that the two older R&F. dancers, out of a total of possibly 8 or 9. - both wearing white briefs - seemed to be the best endowed; - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.25.hrs.; 1st. act started some 6 or 7 mins. thereafter. The individual acts seemed to be pretty much as I remembered them from my previous visit, (posting #4.), although at one point the 2 young men left the stage and walked au naturel amongst us voyeurs; both unc'cised.; my hands suggested that both are approx. 7". LOA. & approx. 6". circ'fce.. The final act became a 'smoking' act, again both walked amongst us - the man being smoked, despite wearing a Condom, was reluctant for anyone else to smoke him, (unlike my previous visit.),. - Hse. lts. came ON again at approx. 23.10.hrs.. |
I am in Pattaya now and must have been at the X-boys show when you were, Sextile!! It was an amazing dance routine. What about the boy who spun around on his head? Amazing. And with the models, did you notice #30? Easily the sexiest boy there. So far David cabaret has been the best, Wild West Boys, Cupidol, Happy Place, and New Dynamite all disappointing, and X-boys just OK, redeemed by those dance boys. Tonight I will try to checkout the remaining Boyztown go-go bars.
-- Ah, Yes! I wondered who that other and distinguished-looking spectator might be - never dreamed that it was khun Trentaus! ;) |
X-boys Pattaya
-- Khun Sloot, - Tks. for yr. corr'n., minor or otherwise - appreciated by other readers, too, I'm sure. - I checked-back to khun Biggles' posting, #67. in this thread, and must allow that I didn't read it with the att'n. that the writer bestowed in writing it: "Mea culpa." - blush. -- :) |
And yes, they dance boys were hip hop dancers. They were in the bar only for their act. |
Unseasonally cold here and venues quiet - except for Sunnee's "Happy". The first floor is crazy. Last night I took one guy upstairs and was quickly joined by a 2nd one who followed us up to join in the fun. Many cute guys there - spoiled for choice.
Can you describe the layout of the upstairs section? Seating? What are the bays you mention? Drinks served?
And just to be clear what is the full name of the bar? Happy what? Or just Happy? Thanks! Posted via Mobile Device |
There are 2 Happy bars in Pattaya. One in Boystown (Happy Place - the old Crystal in same soi as Wild West) and one near Sunnee. This is Happy Boys . Come out of Sunnee past Eros and turn left onto Soi Yen Sabai and its about 100m down on the left.
Upstairs are about 5 or 6 booths with bench seating and tables separated by dividers and sometimes fairy lights. If you are getting very friendly with one of the boys downstairs they will suggest moving upstairs . I've never been charged, just take your drinks and go. Sanook maak! |
Thanks, Biggles! I must remember to check it out next time I find myself in Pattaya!
As the frogs say - "ca vaux la peine d'y aller" :)
The bars in Pattaya are full of surprises. Last night in one of Sunny's sleeziest I was latched by a cheeky 19 y.o (literally he just sat down and latched his left leg over my right leg and grinned.) Anyway after a few beers, a reasonable neck massage and an upexpected strip show by the stage shufflers (about 5 starkers for no apparent reason other than to show off the goods,) he asked for my phone number. I obliged, but planning on a peaceful night I called for the bill at 11.30 , where-upon he went to the back and quickly dressed. As I exited (I thought alone) he followed, accompanied by another boy who had also done a course in speed dressing. They caught up with me 20 metres down the soi and announced that they wanted to "baie hong" with moi . "What about the bar fee?" I asked. "Mai phen rai " was the response ! I'm sure the mamasan saw what transpired and yet made no attempt to stop the boys leaving early or seek to extract a fee. More surprising was that the bar was busy with lots of available farang still there. So my early night evaporated and a fun 3 some (minus the bar fee) was had by all :)
"a course in speed dressing"
Yet another skill set to learn. |
Dongtan beach ...
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I went to PATTAYA on wed., 06 apr.; I've just ret'd. to BKK. today, 09th., a day after him;
- The concession on DONGTAN BEACH of wch. we avail - right in front of the AVALON HTL. - wasn't all that busy for most of the time; possibly the indifferent weather, particularly during the a'noons., didn't help attendance? - Not all that much eye-candy seen; but for a couple of days there were two young men who seemed to make a point of parading-around our part of the beach and of shewing-off the assets that lay but ill-concealed beneath their tight swimming briefs. -- :) |
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Euro boys bar ...
-- Walking through SUNNEE PLAZA I saw that EURO BOYS' BAR is for sale - 1.4M.Bh.;
- There is also another bar nearby that's also for sale at just 1.3M.Bh. - if my memory serves me correctly. - Being the end of the so-called 'Tourist Season' I'm wondering if we'll see/read of any more such bars being for sale during the summer? -- :( |
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