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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   cruising crystal centre

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Old 21st March 2008, 02:50 AM
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cruising crystal centre

this is along the ram intra toll way just past lotus after the traffic lights. Opened few months ago.If u dont have a care - dont bother. Got followed into the toilets -this was b4 noon time when its quite at te centre. Dont try it at dinner time the place is packed with families with small kids.Went into the stalls with a cute teen with big boner almost sticking out of his shorts and super horny who shot allover the place in no time. Second time I saw one guy really cruising the walk ways this was early afternoon and as soon as he saw me he also went into the toilets. I dono the place well so dono abt security and cleaners and was a little jumpy. This guy in his twenties started to suck me than dropped his pants and bent over I got inside him and slowly fucked him - both of us careful not to make too much noice we spend about 10 minutes in the stalls and it was a blast. Note this place for sure ayor No lurkers in toilets I went back several time without success though

If u drive back to town- make a u turn under the next bridge and stop at Jet gas station ( with jiffy shop) this one has a small sitting area next to the toilets and most of the time after darm some guy waiting there. Sometimes old sometimes very nice. Toilets are ok - pretty warm no airco but no problem with cleaning staff- got action there 2 times . Both very hot and wet and sweaty
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Old 23rd March 2008, 10:08 AM
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-- Am I correct in thinking that the Toll-way runs roughly NNE. from Eckami to Ram Intra rd., it's either above or parallel to Pradit Manutham rd. and crosses over Lat Phrao rd. not too far from the 'BIG C.' on LP. rd.?
- If I'm correct then the 'LOTUS.' shop is approx. 1M. after the Lad Phrao fly-over.
- If I'm correct again the 'bus. #154. runs from Klong Toei, through Eckami, (BTS. Eckami,[E7.],), and along PM. rd..
- The 'JET.' svce. stn. would appear to be approx. 1/2M. futher on and on opp. side from 'LOTUS.'.
- Confirm'n. of the above, or correction, welcomed.
- From 'LOTUS.' how much farther along to 'CRYSTAL CENTRE.'?
- Anyother info. welcumed!
-- bibi.. --
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Old 23rd March 2008, 05:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Welcum back, Sextile....You were missed!!
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Old 23rd March 2008, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
Welcum back, Sextile....You were missed!!
-- Billinbkk.,
- Thanx for your 'Welcum back.' - appreciated!
- Alas and alack, woe is me. A Fils.acquaintance has decided to unload himself onto me by visitng BKK. for the next three weeks while his Visa for SGP. gets sorted-out; so it'll be good behaviour except for those few times when I'll be able to escape.
-- bibi.. --
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Old 26th March 2008, 06:27 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- This a'noon., (wed.), went looking for the CRYSTAL SHOPPING PLAZA.;
- I took the BTS. to Eckami, (E7.), and thought that then I could take a #154 'bus., (as shewn on my 'BKK. 'bus. map.', [version 2.], ISBN. 974-525-045-7.), thence; but after 30 or so mins'. wait no sign of such a beast.
- I checked with 3 taxi-drivers, none of whom had ever heard of 'CRYSTAL CENTRE.' in Lad Phrao area.
- So I took a taxi to 'LOTUS TESCO.' on Pradit Manutham rd., (the Ram Intra Xpressway. runs either above or parallel to it.), and sought further info..
- No luck at 'LOTUS TESCO.'; at their two info. desks no-one seemed to know anything about CRYSTAL CENTRE.
- So I walked to the 'JET SVCE. STN.', (noting - en passant, as it were - that there were 'bus. shelters displaying the #154. but no signs of any such 'buses.), availed of the facilites, enjoyed a drink of bottled green tea in the shelter and kept my eyes OPEN; not much tfc. into or out of the conveniences. But observed that there were two janitrices busy about the place: one doing her rounds of the CRs.,(squatters.), and the other busy swabbing the floor of the sitting-out area.
- After sitting-out and waiting for about 30 mins. I took a taxi back to Lad Phrao MRT. stn., (such a pleasant young man!),; thence MRT. to Chatuchack, and from there BTS. to Sala Daeng, (S2.),.
-- bibi.. --
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Old 26th March 2008, 07:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Map here:

I believe it is the dot marked "The Crystal / Crystal Park" that you want.
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Old 26th March 2008, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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[quote=icon513;659578]Map here:
... .
I believe it is the dot marked "The Crystal / Crystal Park" that you want.


-- Icon.,
- Thank you for this helpful info. - appreciated!
- I pased-by 'THE CRYSTAL/CRYSTAL PARK.' on my walk y'day.; without entering to check - possibly I ought to have done? - from looking-at it from the high road I had the fleeting impression that it looked like some sort of 'Gated.' housing estate.
- But, having time today, I'll make further checks as my curiosity is aroused!
- Possibly Josh4u - as 'Originator.' - would be kind enough to confirm?
-- bibi.. --
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Old 31st March 2008, 04:40 AM
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yes there is a housing complex behind the shopping mall.Plse dont cruise inside there- u will be arrested for trespassing or eaten alive by dogs

Sorry to hear ur problems with public transportation. I did warn u .

The Jet gas station I ment is at the oposite side of the road. If u have a car leaving crystal centre make a U turn under the brigde. If ur on foot u can cross the road using the pedestrian traffic crossing but run run and dont count on green lights for pedestrians. After u make it alive to the other side look left - facing away from crystal centre and u see the Jet service station within easy walking distance. U can grab a taxi from there lateron. I had no further luck at Crystal but the gasstation is not bad at all.Evenings is washing up time for taxi drivers and motorcycle boys
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Old 31st March 2008, 04:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I can confirm that things happen at that Jet station.

Got into a stall with a young, Chinese-looking kid once. He wanted me to rim him, but in few of the skid marks in his undies, I declined!
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Old 31st March 2008, 06:36 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by josh4u View Post
... .
Sorry to hear ur problems with public transportation. I did warn u .
... .
The Jet gas station I meant is at the oposite side of the road.
... .
-- Yes, you are totally correct about the 'bus. svces.; if one doesn't have one's own tpt. - apart from Shanks' pony, that is - then it's best to take a taxi-cab.
- I found the 'JET SVCE. STN.' across the rd. with no trouble; careful when crossing the road as the tfc. is usual heavy & fast moving.
- Possibly worth re-visiting another time?
-- bibi.. --
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Old 18th April 2008, 12:06 AM
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-- Y'day., (thu.), I walked from 'Big C.' on Lat Phrao to the 'Jet.' svce. stn. wch. is opp. to 'THE CRYSTAL.' - a 45mins'. walk.
- All was quiet at 'JET.', where I arr'd. at around 16hrs..

-- Taking my life in both hands I crossed-over the dual carriageway and to THE CRYSTAL SHOPPING PLAZA. wch. shewed no signs of life in the usual places - possibly some post-Songkran lassitude had set-in? I stayed there until about 18.30hrs. and it was "Nothing to report." all the time.
- A brief look-in at 'JET.', wch. was quiet as well.

-- 'Big C.' Lad Phrao had plenty of customers, most of whom seemed to be doing no more than just walking around and looking, with nothing else v. much in mind.

-- bibi.. --
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Old 15th September 2008, 02:25 AM
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-- Today's BKK. Post has a four page and full color supplement devoted to the GRAND CRYSTAL. - a new housing community of the XTL. GP..
- Prices are between THB.35M. to 180M.! (say GBP.561,389. or USD.1,013,210. and UP.),.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 15th September 2008, 08:25 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 48

I rode my bike through the Crystal a couple weeks ago on one of my treks (I ignored the guards who tried to wave to me to stop). Huge houses but very narrow streets, unlike my moo bahn which has medium and reasonable sized houses with very wide streets. Never have had any luck in the shopping center there.

There is a park back behind the foodland on ramintra road (you need to go inside a couple kilometers). It is a large hilly park with tennis, basketball, a pool, soccer fields, a big badminton building, weight room, and a nice sized running trail. Bathrooms in early morning can be cruisy on the weekends, I've been lucky a few times....all by chance though when I wasn't particularly looking for it. I usually go there to run, but will accept the post aerobic hand job gladly! It is probably too far to go for most but if you like early morning workouts it is a great little spot.

for Google Earthers:

Or in
13°52'40.71"N, 100°37'13.02"E

Good Luck!
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Old 20th February 2011, 08:11 AM
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-- Today, 20 feb., a'noon. having despaired of catching a #154. 'bus. I took a taxi. from BTS. Ekkami, (E7.), to THE CRYSTAL SHOPPING PLAZA.; fare 105.Bh.;
- ETA./ETD.: 14.40./18.oo.hrs.;
- Checked-out twice all of the five hawng nahms there of wch. I'm aware - NTR. for all of them;
Quite a few shoppers, mostly families or elderly folk, v. few young men seen.

-- During my time there I crossed-over the rd. to the svce.-stn. opposite; again NTR..
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Old 20th February 2011, 10:02 AM
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Do you ever get discouraged going from HN to HN all over the city, with very little TR?
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