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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Update on Bars in Bangkok

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Old 15th December 2015, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

There are SO many of such listings-and many, many are heavily out of date, that I dont care much for that. Best to simply link to a good one. as a normal customer I have nothing to do with bisnis, competition etc, to the usually best current one: travalgayasia. Lists all the mainstream touristy places.
For the select cream among us, keep this site/forum to report on any mostly Thai places and what to get there. These come and go with the wind. so noone can reasonably expect them to be fully uptodate. Then for Thai readers there are the Thai sites, though many are also outofdate or only list paid advertsiers. Think of, mangosociety, gboysiam etc.
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Old 16th December 2015, 08:43 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557

Thanks for mentioning travelgayasia. One of my goals is to clean up bad information in the Sex Listings and make it more comprehensive and useful. I have bookmarked that web site. Although I'm extremely short on time, all the time, I'll come back to it as a resource to update and add to the Sex Listings. There are similar sites for Europe (I see they have one, too) which I also will use when time allows.

If anyone has the time simply to add a review to out of date places in the Sex Listings noting that it is closed that would be a great help.

I do try to pick up posts from this Forum to correct things in the Sex Listings, but typically might be able to edit places I can locate there but not always add places that aren't already on the site.

It does make sense not to include places that come and go in the Sex Listings, only established places that have some expectation of being open and staying open. Thanks again very much for that observation.

Just to be clear, this Forum will remain online. I had renamed it as "Southeast Asia" because it had been getting posts about neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Clearly Thailand is the main focus. This Forum will be here for you to post your most current information and opinions. It's probably been the most active part of our Message Board in recent years, since many North American users have moved on to Apps or other online resources.

At some point I hope to upgrade the software here, something that has not happened since I did it for the late Cruisemaster Keith years ago. With so many irons in the fire I'm not sure when that will be, but our future depends on making the site -- all the parts of CRUISING for SEX -- more user-friendly and mobile friendly.

~ Bob
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