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Old 25th August 2002, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Changes at Falcon!

I visited Falcon tonight (Sunday) for the first time in a long while, and found a number of changes worth reporting.

First of all, the price of admission is only 99 baht -- free for under 23 year-olds before 19:00 and after 1:00.

Second, it's open all night, every night -- until 6:00 a.m.

Third, they now have some "massage" boys working there. Some real cuties, too! There is no charge to avail yourself of their services (i.e., no charge for the use of a room). You just tip the boy. They are not greedy: I asked one what the "normal" tip was, and he replied "500 baht and up". The boys mingle and flirt among the customers and are not the least bit aggressive or pushy.

Fourth, it's all nude after 19:30...and that goes for the massage boys, too! Rather than being stand-offish, they were acting like catalysts for action: they were in the video room jacking off to the gay porn on the TV, snuggling up with the guests, and trading hand jobs. One of them french kissed and fondled me for ages while we watched the video. What a great idea! (I gave my boy 500 baht, for which he was very didn't appear like he was expecting anything).

Finally, there's a sex show at 21:30 in the video room. First was a soapy-slidy show, the only thing unusual about it being that one of the boys managed to maintain a raging hard-on throughout the whole routine -- without having to rely on a cock ring or rubber band. Next there was a body painting show and a candle show.

The grand finale was a fucking show, featuring one of the massage boys as a top and a little queeny boy in a bridal veil (I'm not kidding...) as the bottom. They did the usual catalog of positions, and then went out into the audience (which was about 15 people tonight).

Now, recall that the show was at 21:30 and the "all nude" hours start at what you had was a room full of completely naked guys watching a fucking show. When the performers came out into the audience, they threw themselves all over everyone sitting on the couches -- like they used to do at Jupiter -- but here everyone was naked, so it made it a bit more fun!

As the fucking couple were finishing up, another naked boy came out with a bucket of condoms and gave one to everyone in the audience. I was just wondering whether they were going to invite us all up to take on the bottom one by one, when the lights went out.

All of a sudden, there were two mouths on my cock -- and hands, cocks, and asses everywhere! The lights stayed out, but it was just light enough to see...the fucking couple had disappeared, leaving all of us in the audience to have our own orgy in the dark! I guess the fucking show had kind of juiced everyone up, because there was fucking and sucking everywhere.

I must say, it was pretty wild...a new experience for me in Thailand. Definitely worth the price of admission (and the taxi fare out there). PS: I was the only farang there tonight, and felt quite welcome!
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Old 25th August 2002, 10:43 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Can you tell us how to get to the sauna. it is not listed in the msn cfs.

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Old 26th August 2002, 12:11 AM
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As mentioned above, the sauna is in Rama IX Soi 49, just within the first sub-soi on the right. It is well-marked and easy to find.

I cannot give advice on public transport, as I drive. But Rama IX Soi 49 is on the portion of Rama IX between Ramkhamhaeng Road and Srinakarin Road. Soi 49 is on the north side of the street, past the Premier entertainment complex.

If you want to take a taxi, just say "Thanon Pra Ram Kao, Soi See-sip Kao" and you will get there. Just get off right when the taxi goes into the soi, then look for the "Falcon" sign on your right.
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Old 30th August 2002, 08:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 19

Falcon sounds too good to be true! How do they make money at B99 per person for 10/15 persons including many youngsters free and a special show (need to pay performers)? Any catch? How can you recognise the massage boys from the customers when they are not wearing anything? What is the average age group? Did you find that the young Thai customers were happy to join in with older farangs? Are the shows every night? Tell us more!
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Old 30th August 2002, 09:16 AM
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Well, I would say that they are probably not making too much money on the place. Maybe it is a labor of love?

You can tell the massage boys from the customers only by the fact that the massage boys will offer you a massage.

Average age group on the night I was there was probably around 25. Most were pretty good-looking, with the notable exception of one guy who was a dead-ringer from Kim Jong-Il.

As I was the only "old" farang there (I'm 37), I don't know if I would characterize the crowd from my experience. But I did feel very welcome and had plenty of action.

I was told that the shows are every night at 21:30.
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Old 31st August 2002, 01:59 AM
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Posts: 2
How to Drive

Icon, how do you drive there? I am a newcomer to Bangkok traffic having recently bought a car....any basic directions from Silom area would be appreciated . I suppose I get on the expressway at Suriwong and then????? Thanks so much
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Old 31st August 2002, 03:38 AM
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From Silom, I would get on the expressway at Suriwong (paying 40 baht toll), then follow the signs for "Rama IX". Go past the Rama IX and Ramkhamhaeng exits (paying an extra 25 baht toll) and get off at the "Srinakarin Road" exit. That will put you on Rama IX Road not far from Soi 49 and going the right direction. Just keep going straight for a couple hundred meters and you'll see it on your left. Once in Rama IX Soi 49, you'll see Falcon just inside the first sub-soi on your right. Parking is where you can find it along the street (not difficult).
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Old 31st August 2002, 07:07 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 36

Thanks for the info. Taking a cab there from the silom area should be no problem, but it is possible to take a cab back? Are cabs easy to find around that area?
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Old 31st August 2002, 01:53 PM
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No problem.
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Old 6th September 2002, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 14
I looked but could not find

7 1/2 Falcon

I looked for Falcon, but could not find. Is it still there?
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Old 6th September 2002, 11:00 AM
Fair to Moderate
Join Date: Feb 2000
Posts: 49

Yes, it's still there. May I suggest if you don't drive, then take aircon micro bus from Silom for Bht25 and get off nearest Ramkamhaeng Soi 26(just after the big stadium on the right). This soi on Ramkhamhaeng is the other end of Rama 9 Road soi 49. From Ramkhamhaeng road take a motor cycle taxi for Bht10/20 down Soi 26 till you get to Rama's just before you get there on the left and well signed.
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Old 8th September 2002, 03:35 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Cool Falcon - The Truth

I visited Falcon this weekend .

After 7:30PM , a staff in silver G-string asked all customers to be naked and took their small towels and batik clothes from away from them .
Actually before 6:30Pm was very quiet . I expected some massage boys would entertain us , but couldn't find any massage boys there . ( 500 Bahts massage & free room charge was a dream )
But after 7PM , as Icon mentioned , there were so many good body shaped young guys with dark toned skin , say between 23yo to 28yo . ( around 50% of customers of all ) And the most rest was over weight middle age guys . The problem was those younger good looking guys DON'T HAVE SEX with chubby midle age guys . ( What's the point the management gives FREE entrance to guys under23yo ?) They have sex ONKL with the similars to them . We cannot MIX each other . So chubby middle age have to settle with the similars to them . ( No offence , Tao Boxer )

But I have to admit it was very nice view those sexy young non-money boys parading around neked .

The wet sauna was not working on that day . It was very cruisy last time I visited during Thai New Year . I got very easily so many good looking sexy guys who were slightly older than this weekend's crowd in the sauna . ( refer my thread " Falcon-update " )

I realized that many younger guys came togeather with their equally young friends .

YES ! They had body painting show , candle show ,
B course massage show AND fuXking show after boring about 20 minute cabaret show .
I counted actually 40 to 50 guys excluding show performers and Falcon staffs in the video room wathcing the show . ( not 15 this time )
4 guys involved the fucxing show , and went almost evrywhere in the video room .
Soon after one of performers who are completely naked , and of course very sexy , gave us condoms , the light went out.
Within 10 minutes time , my body was covered with CUM SHOT .
I have no idea who's .
But I have to tell you I saw only one couple was fucxing there in the video dark room , and not much sucking . They use those condoms for sucking ( I hate it ! ) . That's the main purpose of condom use there .
Oh , well , I MANAGED to have sex with some sexy younger guys there , maybe because I stay there very long . I left just before 2AM ( on weekend ) , and I notice no more than 5 customers were still there . Remmenber they open till 6AM , and they also have 2nd show at 3AM . ( I doubt it )
Anyway , they do change their system quite offten (and names as well ). They have extend free entrance hours for guys undre 23yo already . I didn't see many THAT young guys there , and diffinitely not after midnight . I expected many young guys would move from ICK or some where to use Falcon as a cheep lodging for weekends . Maybe it didn't happen .
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Old 8th September 2002, 10:29 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 11

I also went to Falcon last Sat nite. I enjoy the no towel zone. I love the massage boy who looks caucasian with a big dick. I play with him for a while. Love the way he smiled and looked deep into my eyes. I enjoy the cabaret show too. The gathuy was funny though I feel most customer feels embarrassed being naked in front of them at the beginning. Sometimes I wish the fucking show in Bangkok are not so acrobatic. Please give us some normal love making which we can relate to easier rather than running around in weird positions. I dunno maybe that';s just me
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Old 9th September 2002, 12:04 AM
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You mean the boy with the bad skin (acne)? I agree, he is really, really cute! If he could clear up his skin, he'd be a 10. As it is, he's maybe a 9. Very sweet guy, too. He did the fucking show (as the top) the night I was there.
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Old 9th September 2002, 01:05 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 11

Yes Icon that's him! Yeah I do realize later that his facial skin wasn't that smooth but I think that nite he wore make up or concealer so under the moonlight he still looked gorgeous. He also did the fucking show and the sud sliding show AND the candle show on my nite! If I understand correctly with my limited Thai they have these kind of shows every nite! Gosh I kinda pity them for having to go thru these acts every nite! Really wonder how they keep it hard w/o losing interest.

I understand his name was Joe. ?? Gosh I think he looks like those boys from Bel Ami VCD.......hopes he clears his acne too. Maybe I should lend him some good skincare......
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