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Message Board > Our Archives > Trip: Dec. 99, Jan./Feb. 00   thanks keith!!!!!!

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Old 9th January 2000, 05:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Talking thanks keith!!!!!!

I really had a great time with the pic's and later in New Orleans. I've had a lot of wonderful responses and have tried to send thanks to all, but may have missed some. I'm back in ABQ now, for the moment at least, but I had some excellent times throughout Louisianna, Jacksonville and Austin. Planning on a move this year and I think I've narrowed it down considerably. Now that I'm back I should get a response to everyone (this is my disclaimer: if I missed responding to you, don't think I didn't want to, I just lost track of your message, email me again and I'll gladly respond.) who wrote me. I had a great time doing the shoot and would encourage ANYONE else who thinks they might like to be a little more than a little public to email Keith and see if they can set up a time/place.
later guy, stay hard
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