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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bar reports - BKK
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Old 19th August 2009, 10:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
Mamasan's cut at Tawan

This is in reply to a post (permalink) on the "Pattaya Update" thread, where Scoops wrote "And keep in mind that the captain who 'negotiated' the deal will likely be expecting his commission from the proceeds."

Since the posts preceding that one referred to Tawan, it is possible that Scoops was referring to that bar too (which is why I am placing my response in this thread "Bar Reports - BKK").

Indeed, it is an open secret that bar boys have to give a cut to the mamasan each time they get an off, and some mamasans are greedy. With Tawan however, I can't see how the mamasan can be greedy, because unlike other bars, the owner is in attendance almost every night. The owner is reputed to be the type that takes care of his boys; he knows which side of the bread is buttered. I would think he therefore acts as a moderating influence on any mamasan's greed. Probably he'll adhere to custom and allow the mamasan to take a cut in return for managing the boys, but if he knows his business, he'd likely cap the quantum to a very reasonable amount.

I also think the hiring dynamics in Tawan are different from other bars. Elsewhere, much depends on the mamasan in finding and hiring boys, but in Tawan, anyone looking for a job can simply approach the owner since he is readily available. This reduces the leverage of the mamasan on the boys. In other words, no mamasan in Tawan can ever become the tyrants they are in other bars.

However, I am just speculating, but I'd be interested to know if others have more insight into this.
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