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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Announcements and News from CRUISING for SEX   Future of CFS: "Ad-Minimized Supporting" Members? Sell Site? More Options To Cum Soon

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Old 2nd August 2016, 01:27 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Future of CFS: "Ad-Minimized Supporting" Members? Sell Site? More Options To Cum Soon

Edited August 19, 2016: I've just changed the title of this to indicate multiple options for discussion starting at Post #3 below. I have at least one or two more to add when I can.

I've been posting on the CFS Home Page several times this year that the sites have been losing money. This isn't sustainable if CFS is going to stay online.

Here's what I put on the Home Page about it last weekend including a link to the page with more details.

Please let me know what you think about it by posting here, writing to the email address on my Profile Page, or using the CFS Contact Form.

CFS Needs Your Help: CFS and its other related sites are in a precarious financial position.

We rely solely on you to patronize our advertisers as our only source of income. I know this business model does not work on today's Internet. You know it, too And honestly, many of you use AdBlock and don't want to see or patronize the advertisers. I get it.

Still, running a web site like this can't be done for free.

I'm working on a way that CFS Members can donate to or "Support" CFS in return for viewing an "ad-minimized" version of the site with additional features.

Read more about the plan...
Whatever thoughts you have, positive, negative, alternative suggestions, etc., I want to hear them.

That doesn't mean every idea can be implemented. It does mean I care about what you think and I can't do this without you.

Keep in mind that CFS cannot remain online with the old business plan. Keith saw it coming, I did too, and you see it with many web sites large and small.

I honestly don't know if this plan will be enough.

But if it works, you don't have to pay and anonymous users can still discreetly use CFS. It wouldn't take anything away from you if you don't pay, but you'll get a better experience if you do become a "Donor" or "Supporter" of CFS.

Bob S.

Last edited by infopop; 19th August 2016 at 12:51 PM. Reason: Changing to reflect new discussion title
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Old 6th August 2016, 06:19 AM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 45

I have some quick ideas for donating members that utilizes all sections of this site:

Sex Listings: On top of members adding their names to a cruise spot they plan on visiting, they should also be free to do this across state lines, as well as give a timeframe of when they'll be visiting. I know there's a rule that says you can't say what time you visited, but why not? There's a porn store in my area that becomes occupied by a local secretive sex group that meet up ever other weekend and have a big orgy.

Communal Stall/Personals: Donating members will get an automatic renewal of their personal listing every 90 days with an unlimited amount of times they can edit their profile.

CFS Porn: Donating members will be able to upload their homemade amateur sex movies, as well as small video clips in the 'clips' section of this site. Non-donating members are restricted to only uploading clips. There could be something where donating members can also have a fanbase of viewers.

Cruising For Escorts: Donating providers will have their profile featured in the front page.

Adopt A Sex Pig (If this section had active members): Donating members would have their personal profiles featured, as well as (probably) being able to form, or be part of, a group of sex pigs. Non-donating members are restricted to adopt/being adopted by 1 sex pig. I dunno if this idea would be any good, though.
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Old 18th August 2016, 03:41 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I'm going to bump this up, since it's been awhile now and other than weekend_boy -- thank you very much -- I've had little response.

My second possible plan is to sell parts of CFS to longtime business associates who knew Keith and who understand what it takes to manage and run large web sites better than I do.

They are seriously interested and it would certainly relieve the management burden, allowing me to concentrate on tasks and needs I know better. They also already have a team of tech people, marketing and advertising people, and customer service people who are more savvy at what they do than this middle-aged Liberal Arts major.

It would take some time to negotiate an agreement, especially since I need to work through some accounting issues first. There would also be time needed for them to learn what make the sites work (or not work) and decide what to do, although I'm sure they have general ideas.

They cannot purchase CRUISING for ESCORTS, but that site in itself needs serious rethinking about the business model, business processes, user experience, etc. It's software is circa 2002 with many small fixes, and it needs an entire replacement.

So, I'll just throw this one out there to get your feedback. There are pluses and minuses. knowns and unknowns.

Because CFS is a unique community, not just any other business, I want to hear from you before deciding.

Ultimately, the decision is mine because Keith entrusted his legacy to me. I take that responsibility very seriously.

~ Bob S.
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Old 4th September 2016, 11:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Frankly Bob I think selling some parts makes the most sense FOR YOU and your ability to have a life.

Unlike sex this is not something you can do all by yourself. It needs some redundancy in people as well as servers - you can't be expected to handle tech support / advertising / other issues all alone.

I really love the advertiser supported model CFS started with - as someone who grew up in a time and place when you did not "come out" this was one of the first and few gay sites where I posted anything - it was sort of my cyber "coming out" and had I been required to pay a subscription from day one I am sure I would have chickened out.

The free / premium services option seems to work on some of the other websites and now that they have Visa gift cards I would have the courage to use something like that.

One issue CFS has that is a good and bad is an older clientele. The younger generation do everything on their phone - it is only those of us "more mature" guys that still use message boards - but it is also one of the things I have loved about CFS and try to keep going - because those of us that do participate often can have interesting discussions.

I hope you find a model that works - but it needs to work for YOU as well as CFS.
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Old 5th September 2016, 12:23 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Thanks very much jonn. That's extremely good advice.

Honestly, I've been postponing this out of sheer decision fatigue. Many personal and health concerns preoccupy me, too. I do know the time is coming soon simply to make a choice and move on.

I also know at this point in my life I'd much rather write and edit things than manage a web site or do programming, although both of those can still be rewarding. FWIW, I've always been a jack-of-all-trades working quickly and creatively but also "breaking the rules" to get quick solutions. That was valuable working for Keith and for earlier jobs.

For CFS, the Sex Listings are so much more active than the Message Board and take most of my daily work. Years ago Squirt was the oldest and biggest Sex Listings competitor and didn't position themselves so clearly in the hook-up market. Now they are a paid site with quite limited free options, but still our main competitor as a "directory of cruisy places." There are a few others, of course.

I know the future site, in whatever model, will work on phones. It would probably be without an App; Squirt doesn't have one, although they are more hook-up oriented now.

For those who want to stay "under the radar," not having an App can be beneficial. You can wipe out your browser history or browse InPrivate or Incognito, but you might not want a spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend picking up your phone and asking, "Hey, why do you have this App? What are you doing on Grindr?"

For the group I would sell to, CFS would be a good addition to their portfolio and competitiveness.

One of my concerns is to structure things to maintain the openness and anonymity that many CFS users need. I want to allow people to continue being able to use the Sex Listings - both reading and writing - without requiring registration. Most of the Reviews come from unregistered users. Perhaps this might be problematic for the buyer and their legal counsel, although we haven't discussed or negotiated anything yet.

I also want to keep the Message Board readable to unregistered users, although they are not allowed to post or see complete Profile information.

Another is to keep and expand the aspect of CFS as an archive of "living history." In a real sense, it's a legacy I've lived since the days of STEAM Magazine, the print precursor to CFS that Scott O'Hara had with Keith and others before 1995.

Many of the places on the Sex Listings show a 2001 date from when I implemented a database before the current one; most of these actually go back well into the '90s when no date was assigned. They shouldn't disappear simply because they have historical and not easily-realized commercial value.

I better wrap this up. The big deal for me is that in his last months, when he knew he was dying, Keith left me both an enormous gift and a responsibility:

CFS isn't just another web site, it's something special. CFS is a sort of digital historical landmark which still keeps going even though it's not thriving. The next steps have to be handled very carefully and thoughtfully.

All for now. ~ Bob S.
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Old 4th November 2016, 11:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 4

Many people I know would give a PAYPAL donation for a hookup location. Maybe a link to PP and ask for user support. I am UP for it :]
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Old 7th November 2016, 10:34 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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That would be ideal, except PayPal's Terms Of Service does not allow CFS to use them because of adult/pornographic/etc. content.

Considering all the management issues facing me, I've actually decided to follow a variation of jonn3's advice above, although the other party and I have not begun negotiating yet.

I have engaged a tax accountant and business formation professional to help me prepare and get my records in order and make some changes to the corporate structure that need to done beforehand. When I actually make a deal with the other party, who will have actual ownership of what, how access and registration might or might not change, and so on will have to be worked out.

I will stress to them that the majority of Sex Listings content does come from unregistered anonymous "Guests" of the site. For this type of site and audience, a lot of users simply cannot or don't want to register.

For those who do register and who are willing to pay something, they may ways to pay other than by credit card. For example, FetLife Supporters can pay by snail mail sending a money order or a check.

Without getting too much into my personal life and the issues that caused so much delay, I did achieve a major milestone when my ex-partner finally moved out a couple weeks ago. I'm still in a sort of constant rush, sorting things out and dealing with my own health issues, but for me personally and CFS generally we're on the right path now.

CFS unfortunately must see that essential upgrade and reprogramming delayed while this deal - to bring such needed help! - is worked out.

~ Bob S.
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Old 3rd April 2017, 12:45 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I have neglected keeping y'all updated on this matter.

Although there was a negotiation about selling CFS, we did not reach agreement. CFS continues on as an independent site owned by my company. I have reorganized the business with the help of my business and tax advisor. A couple of volunteers have also stepped up to assist when I'm ready to set them to work.

The last couple months I confess to "treading water" with CFS, keeping things updated while I deal with severe vision trouble and treatment as well as getting my house in the suburbs ready to sell.

One of my volunteers has a tech background and I've asked him to look into problems with CFS email services and alternatives so that the Newsletter can be restarted and actually be delivered to you the way it should be. Likewise, emails generated from other parts are also problematic and late, and we'll look into that.

When time allows, I'll write up a better explanation of what's happening and link to it from the CFS Home Page and from this section of the Message Board.

~ Bob S.
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