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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Asia   Jakarta

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Old 20th January 2013, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1
Thumbs up Jakarta

My general experience in Indonesia... The men are mostly tops, I would say 75% consider themselves to be tops or vers tops and fully 20% will not bottom. The sex is mostly unprotected, although most will wrap up if you request it (and provide a condom). Safe sex is more likely if you cruise online or at one of the high-end clubs. The sex is mostly of the quick hit-n-run variety. Many will stay for several hours, but asking to stay overnight (or go to breakfast the next day) is very unlikely... they have to go home to their wife/girlfriend/parents/etc. Jakarta is a HUGE city, but only has a handfull of cruising spots... so it's hard to miss. Get a blackberry (just buy one off ebay) and learn to use BBM... it's your best friend in Indonesia Learn to use IRC (for anyone under 35, that's internet relay chat... predecessor to modern messengers).. use channel #GIM on DALNET 9M for a sexclub and Moonlight for a cruisy dance club are, by far, the best cruising places.
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Old 23rd May 2017, 06:08 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557

I saw this from BBC Indonesian police arrest 141 men over 'gay sex party' and was curious where the sauna, not named in the article was.
Indonesian police have arrested 141 men attending what they called a "gay sex party" at a sauna in the capital Jakarta late on Sunday.

Police said attendees, including a Briton and a Singaporean, paid 185,000 rupiahs ($14; £10) to attend.

Indonesia has witnessed increasing hostility towards its small and low-profile LGBTQ community.

Homosexuality is not illegal under Indonesian law, except in conservative Aceh province.

But Jakarta police spokesman Raden Argo Yuwono said some of those detained could be charged under Indonesia's harsh anti-pornography laws.

"There were gay people who were caught strip-teasing and masturbating in the scene," he told BBC Indonesian.

Under the ambiguously-worded laws, putting on a live strip show for the enjoyment of the public could be construed as "pornography".
They went on to mention a recent caning of two men in Aceh and the arrest of fourteen in Surabaya.

One more click took me to Nikkei Asian Review: Activists decry arrests of 141 men in alleged Jakarta gay sauna which identifies the place as Atlantis Jaya.

Such a large group arrested, with some facing possibly up to 10-year sentences, was the sort of thing that kickstarted LGBT rights movements in Western countries decades ago. Nikkei says that activists and NGOs have protested, however the general public disapproves of homosexuality.

Knowing Indonesia is the world's country with the largest Muslim population, I'll leave it to others to express opinions, if any, about what happens next.

Should people assume that Atlantis Jaya now is closed?

~ Bob S., Manager/Editor
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