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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   Bathhouse in San Bernardino?

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Old 18th February 2006, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Come On Cubby!

Cubby if you want to quote crime stats San Berdo has some of the higest murder and violent crime stats in the USA. As neighborhoods go Hillcrest and Little Italy Vs San Berdo no f-ing contest. Look I lived In Riverside. It is nice to have a bathhouse in the area, but boys hold the phone... A tresure? Unless you mean the new definition of Treasure as in shit hole I don't see it. Perhaps I'm spoiled I can not think of an experience more plesent than taking the sun on The Vulcans Patio on a warm summer day. I fondly remember my college days at The Cross a privete Gentlemens club in London. Victorian suroundings fireplaces , a dining room, Bar, Cigar room and on the lower floors the steam sunna. Pool and the upper floors small but remarkably eligant rooms . The Sex was great and and the place made it even better.
I only wish I had the capitol to do something like that on this side of the Atlantic.

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Old 18th February 2006, 02:51 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 100

I finally saw pics of what the TBT looks like inside from pics from their web site. Appears that someone's grandmother decorated it. Was trying to give the club the benifit of the doubt in the previous posts, since many were boo-hooing about the costs, with other making up reasons for it to be bad.

I was refering to it as a "treasure" as places like TBT don't usually OPEN as new businesses thesedays and San Bernardino sure doesn't have much in the way of gay activities like LA or SD does. This was before I was the pictures of the inside of it.

I gave the auto theft satisticts as you had refered to TBT location
as "a fine line between that nieghborhood and the DMZ" .... I wanted to point out that auto thefts in San Diego were higher than San Bernardino. There was another posting on TBT that someone didn't think their VW convertible would be there when they came out of the club. I didn't run the murder rate, as I was thinking most were concerned about their cars parked while in the club. I totally believe that the murder rate in SB is much higher than SD.

From what I read on this message board, along with one on another, TBT no longer interests me as a possible place to stop when out in that area. I also have never seen a bathhouse decorated that way from the pictures on their site, not my cup-of-tea and from those pics has decided not to go to TBT.

I might go to the baths 4 or 5 times per year .... will stick to one of the 2 ROMAN HOLIDAY locations or my once a year visit to the 1350 CLUB. I, too, at these other places feel comfortable laying out in the summer's sun. I have heard TBT has no sundeck or outdoors area. And you have fun at your places in San Diego and maybe you can make back to your The Cross "where the sex was great and the place made it better". I tend to have good sex at LA baths too.
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Old 18th February 2006, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 37
how does this so-called bath house stay in business??

I totally agree this place is a waste of time & money located in a dangerous, high crime area! They still after seven months have not built up a loyal clientele base. What puzzles me is how they remain in business???

I've driven by there recently at various times, never seeing more than 6-8 cars in the parking lot. (some cars belong to their staff)

I think their only salvation is to reduce their prices and strongly pay attention to what their very few patrons tell them. Cease xeroxing drivers licenses. The older creepy looking cashier must stop stalking & spying on guys every single time they go into that pathetic orgy room. Rude, flippant cashiers should be immediately terminated. etc etc.
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Old 18th February 2006, 11:30 PM
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Unhappy Yeah, How do they stay in business???

I wholeheartedly concur with distalshaft's above posting, with the following exception:

I, myself also have driven by this place many different times and have as yet to see even as many as the quoted "6-8 cars in the parking lot"! (more like 3-4)

And the other night, after a 'drive by', I was unable to get back on the freeway due to 'police action' with several blocks @ the nearby theatre complex and freeway on ramp being cordoned off with 'yellow crime scene' tape and police cars!

Their website is: TBT Webpage
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Old 19th February 2006, 09:23 PM
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If you are going to mention crime, no club is in a place that is considered 'high class' or without crime. Roman Holiday in on Victory Blvd, near Van Nuys blvd which is right in an area where there is a lot of gang violence these days. Yet people still go there. Also the handful of people here whom sit around and whine about how TBT 'can't possibly stay in business' or it's a 'total waste of money and time' are not the real world, and the real public whom will drop their money to patronize a place like this in their area. The demise or success of TBT will not be decided by a handful of 'experts' as you seem to think of yourselves.

Getting off soapbox....
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Old 19th February 2006, 11:14 PM
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Dude, there is whining and then there is warning. If a movie sucks I want to know so I don't waste my money. If a car is a lemon I want to know. If a place is a shit hole I want to know. The place is a shit hole and the fact that it is the only shit hole in the area does not change the fact that it is a shit hole. It is not a case of if this place will go out of business but when. You can forgive rude attendents , xerox'd ID's , high crime . poor facilities and a shortage of guys and high prices by themselves but just like the song says put them all together it spells SHITHOLE! The down side is no one will do it right, future investors won't say here was a great idea executed badly they will say guess ther is no market for this type of place in the inland empire. But think of the possiblities of a stand alone, closed fitness center with steam, pool, spa, private rooms ect now that would not just fly but soar!

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Old 20th February 2006, 12:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
If you got lemons, make lemonade

Make your own party.

Don't need a bunch of capital, don't have to brave the dodgy areas of town. This is fucking America. Do what you want under your own roof.

When you want.
6-1, 190, clean, discreet, handsome
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