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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   IE Bookstores

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Old 15th January 2011, 05:55 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 3
Post The Black Chatty Queens at Bear Facts

Bear Facts is hit or miss...I'm a regular there...I have been going there since 2009. The best times are Thursdays 6pm to 9pm...Saturdays from 12am to 4am (alot of people go there after they come back from the club...I have ran into people who I saw at The Menagerie or The Lark)

The Black Chatty Queens are back...they stand back there and talk smack about everyone who comes in...OK that's find you know people there...I know people there...I say hey and go about my thing, but there is no need to stand back there by the bathroom and say "Oh Girl...he smells good...I wonder if he clean his cock" I swear they scared off half the people...Mondays nights is when they usually come.

The one further up...Baseline book is again hit or miss...I went last night and two people were sitting in the booth waiting for someone to come in, pay the $2 and watch them jack off...I pefer bear facts, but its messy there.
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Old 13th February 2015, 05:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by shavednuncutboyee View Post
DEJA Vu is on Mission and Central in Ontario/Montclair
Yep, this place is gone now. Too bad, I never knew this place was even available for that sort of thing. Just thought of it as a "straight" titty club.

So, now these places are shutting down, what about out by Ontario Airport? There used to be ABS' out there, any left? What are they like?
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