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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   IE Bookstores

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Old 18th February 2008, 09:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 18
IE Bookstores

It's been so quiet here, but it's been a while since we discussed the bookstore scene out here in the IE. Is it totally dead, or is there some life left out here?

What's the deal, are there any bookstores left that are worth visiting? What facilities do they offer? Any cover charges? Private booths? GH's? How tolerant is the staff?

Hope to get some discussions going.
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Old 28th February 2008, 09:14 AM
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ooh well I could fill ya in ......
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Old 6th March 2008, 11:23 AM
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I'd like to know too....

I'm out in IE a few times a year and would also like to know the deal.
Any information would be greatly appreciated....
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Old 12th March 2008, 02:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 32

I am going to an abs todya witch one is best? will be out around 5.
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Old 12th March 2008, 09:58 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17
Exclamation HERE's a rundown:

The Adult Shop ---[indent]tiny, horrible, & dead, & not fun
304 S E St
San Bernardino, CA 92401-2011
Bear Facts Adult Book Store --- [indent]yikes!, small little shack, gaping glory holes, standing booths only, filthy curtain 'doors', sketchy parking lot, creepy cowboy employees.
1434 E Base Line St
San Bernardino, CA 92410
For Discriminating Adults --- ---[indent]wierd, gross, empty, lesbian counter help, bad videos, don't bother
304 S E St
San Bernardino, CA 92401
Fantasy 66 ---[indent]surprised by this one. Very busy/cruisey & active, bad neighborhood, decent prking in back, SUPER friendly & very polite african-amer staff!, great videos, popular w/ the occasional tranny & spun out hispanic 20-somethings kneading their bulging cocks, HUGE private video booths!
835 E. Foothill Blvd., Rialto. .
Bookstore with arcade
Le Sex Shoppe ---[indent]Cruisy fwy traffic from I-10, industrial area, nice & dark, very busy, sometimes white jocks in afternoon beating off to bi-porn.
14589 Valley Blvd.
Fontana. 909-350-4718.
Bookstore with arcade
The Adult Shop ---[indent]*yawn, bad local, tons of heat from ever-present redlands P.D. , bad selection of dick-mags, over-lit & over-sanitized video area w/ lame 'saloon door' viewing spots. street cruising in general area (tenneseee to redlnds. blvd., & west to alabama & side street offshoots, guys beating off in their trucks/s.u.v.'s)
736 Tennessee Street
Redlands. 909-335-7070.
Bookstore with arcade
Mustang Books and Video --- --[indent]In extreme west IE, but my favorite all-around pic. Huge place, always busy, tons of hotties, -- north/south on Central ave. from foothill blvd. very cruisy -& east/west on foothill blvd. from AM/PM just west of Monte vista to the east to del taco @ Benson ave. Go anytime, you'll love it
961 N. Central Avenue
Upland. 909-981-0227
Le Sex Shoppe ----[indent]decent, popular w/ drunk latinos, no hotties or young people, lots of drugs in neighborhood
304 W. Highland Avenue
San Bernardino.
Bookstore with arcade
Baseline Books --- --[indent]worth a look, scary @ night, smells like pee, tons of traffic in & out, hot videos, lots of interuptions w/ lookey-loos bumming smokes & change, crack-head employees really involved in clearing loitering from parking area, sometimes CALSTATESB boys w/ boners!
25557 Base Line Street
San Bernardino, CA
(909) 889-3284
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Old 13th March 2008, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 13

Thanks for the list. I was a big fan of the Mustag till the cops started making it a regular stop. Has this changed?
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Old 13th March 2008, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 32

So i went to the one on Cherry in fontana. Thought i was going to get mobed. There were way to many old guys trying to give me a bj i could not even relax. so i left. went to the one in redlands. much better. just a couple of guys and not so pushy.
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Old 16th March 2008, 12:27 PM
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Posts: 13


Did you use the GH's or did you let him in your booth? Did you cum? Did you suck his cock too?
How was the crowd? Older, younger?
Just curious...
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Old 18th March 2008, 03:09 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17
Talking ShOOting my lOAd in the IE !!

HEY, ...glad to hear list was useful! -- It's taken some time to make the rounds but it's an honest assesment, & many hot experiences w/ my penis!
AlWAYS looking for HOT tips re: action in the IE, so keep this thread going!
happy J/O boys!
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Old 29th March 2008, 08:36 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by LATop2 View Post
Thanks for the list. I was a big fan of the Mustag till the cops started making it a regular stop. Has this changed?
yea, not so much. they've got their hands full w/ the titty bar round the corner on foothill.
I mean they still patrol the prking lot & sometimes sit across the street, but they usually don't bother anyone. I've never had an issue w/ them!
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Old 12th February 2009, 03:43 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 18

Wow, I can't believe a year has passed since I first asked this question.

A year later, anyone have an update for us? Not just on the locations, but what the cruising scene is like? I miss Jackman's out in Rialto, wish it was back again. The place was a dump, but the cruising there was out of control, and the owners were pretty decent.

Thanks for any updates!
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Old 14th February 2009, 11:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 32

Been to bear facts a couple times. always hot. to bad the place is so small. went to the abs in victorville also and was not good. only 1/2 doors and not alot of people.
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Old 24th March 2009, 04:13 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17

Bear Facts Adult Book Store --- [indent]yikes!, small little shack, gaping glory holes, standing booths only, filthy curtain 'doors', sketchy parking lot, creepy cowboy employees.
1434 E Base Line St
San Bernardino, CA 92410

For Discriminating Adults --- ---[indent]wierd, gross, empty, bad videos, don't bother, dumb asses from that fucked up bar Branding Iron wandering thru., horrible, & dead, & not fun.
304 S E St
San Bernardino, CA 92401

Fantasy 66 ---[indent]surprised by this one. Very busy/cruisey & active, bad neighborhood, decent prking in back, SUPER friendly & very polite african-amer staff!, crackhead security guys, great videos, popular w/ the occasional tranny & spun out hispanic 20-somethings kneading their bulging cocks, HUGE private video booths, but ALWAYS smells of PISS!!!
835 E. Foothill Blvd., Rialto. .
Bookstore with arcade

Le Sex Shoppe ---[indent]Cruisy fwy traffic from I-10, industrial area, nice & dark, very busy, sometimes white jocks in afternoon beating off to bi-porn.
14589 Valley Blvd.
Fontana. 909-350-4718.
Bookstore with arcade

Baseline Books--- --[indent]worth a look, scary @ night, tons of traffic in & out, hot videos, lots of interuptions w/ lookey-loos bumming smokes & change, crack-head employees really involved in clearing loitering from parking area, sometimes CALSTATESB boys w/ boners! **** ALL NEW VIDEO MACHINES !!!! ***** best air conditioner in the IE !!!
25557 Base Line Street
San Bernardino, CA
(909) 889-3284

The Adult Shop ---[indent]*yawn, bad local, tons of heat from ever-present redlands P.D. , bad selection of dick-mags, over-lit & over-sanitized video area w/ lame 'saloon door' viewing spots. street cruising in general area (tenneseee to redlnds. blvd., & west to alabama & side street offshoots, guys beating off in their trucks/s.u.v.'s)
736 Tennessee Street
Redlands. 909-335-7070.
Bookstore with arcade

Mustang Books and Video --- --[indent]In extreme west IE, but my favorite all-around pic. Huge place, always busy, tons of hotties, -- north/south on Central ave. from foothill blvd. very cruisy -& east/west on foothill blvd. from AM/PM just west of Monte vista to the east to del taco @ Benson ave. Go anytime, you'll love it
961 N. Central Avenue
Upland. 909-981-0227
***************************ATTENTION!! SEE UPDATE BELOW

Le Sex Shoppe ----[indent]decent, popular w/ drunk latinos, no hotties or young people, lots of drugs in neighborhood
304 W. Highland Avenue
San Bernardino.
Bookstore with arcade
* ************************ATTENTION !! SEE UPDATE BELOW**

Lovely to see all the views/replys to my original post re the IE bookstores, ...

First, I'm glad to hear the recent good times over @ the Redlands Bookstore, as I live close to this one but RARELY do I ever set foot in there! That might change now that I hear it's so 'popular'.

Second... to answer that most recent thread; YES!! I do have a couple updates (in general) to mention:

It's most sad & true to report that this place is in a state of 'suspended animation' as the Upland P.D. have increasingly been 'more involved' (so-to-speak) w/ this establishment. BUT that's not even the main problem. -- There have been a few times recently whereas I thought it had closed! The parking lot was not it's usual circus, & half of the building looked "darker" than usual.
I ventured in & asked about the situation & was told that they're still open 24-7, but due to the recession & economy they could'nt afford to staff the 2-story section & it had to be closed off until business picks up again. Other than that, traffic there has decreased &/or become kinda scary, hit-or-miss, & troll-nest. (Had to get fiesty w/ this stinky one who was hyped up on poppers, & would'nt take seriously my "would you please excuse me, & find your own booth" until I started to raise my voice)

WOW oh wowie! What a transformation! If you refer above, ...I wrote a scathing review of this dump below. BUT I'm so pleased to report that this place has done a 180 !!
-- I happen to be in the area on other business & had time to kill. I was across the street from this ABS at my bank, which when exiting I was reminded that this place is situated there, when I glanced up at the sign. (Mind you I had totally forgot about this one, -- Out of sight...Out of mind & so on)
ANYWAY, So I thought I'd go on in. I'm SO glad I did! Not only were there fun young gays working there, ...It was clean, attractive, & the video area was spotless w/ some of the BEST porn I'd seen featured.
Like I said, ...I don't know the story is as to what & when this all occured, & I mentioned that much time has passed since I was last there. But I thought it was fair to post this most interesting update, & now RECOMEND you visit.
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Old 29th March 2009, 02:05 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 10

Bear Facts Adult Book Store ---[indent]yikes!, small little shack, gaping glory holes, standing booths only, filthy curtain 'doors', sketchy parking lot, creepy cowboy employees.
1434 E Base Line St
San Bernardino, CA 92410
I won't argue with your desciption of Bear Facts, ScrotumSacBoy, but my hottest sexual encounter of 2008 (out of a LOT of sexual encounters!) took place inside Bear Facts.

The place is hit or miss, like everyplace, and there's one employee with a severe personality disorder. Loves to make a scene and kick people out for nothing. He works 5 shifts a week though and other clerks work the other 16. Some of those other clerks are downright friendly; others aren't friendly but they leave you alone.

By me Bear Facts is sleazy in a good way. I've had lots of fun times there over the years. Sucked off a half dozen dicks in an hour a few times. The last couple times I visited it was really slow though, even at 4pm, 5pm, which used to be SRO. The economy's in bad shape around San Bernardino, it's a blue collar bookstore, and plenty folks can't even afford $3 in tokens now, I guess.

I like the place in Redlands ABS best by far, and Bear Facts after that. I've never been to Le Sex Shoppe that you say has gotten better. Are there gloryholes there? Thanks for your updates.
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Old 31st March 2009, 07:27 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Cockhound3 View Post
I won't argue with your desciption of Bear Facts, ScrotumSacBoy, but my hottest sexual encounter of 2008 (out of a LOT of sexual encounters!) took place inside Bear Facts.

The place is hit or miss, like everyplace, and there's one employee with a severe personality disorder. Loves to make a scene and kick people out for nothing. He works 5 shifts a week though and other clerks work the other 16. Some of those other clerks are downright friendly; others aren't friendly but they leave you alone.

By me Bear Facts is sleazy in a good way. I've had lots of fun times there over the years. Sucked off a half dozen dicks in an hour a few times. The last couple times I visited it was really slow though, even at 4pm, 5pm, which used to be SRO. The economy's in bad shape around San Bernardino, it's a blue collar bookstore, and plenty folks can't even afford $3 in tokens now, I guess.

I like the place in Redlands ABS best by far, and Bear Facts after that. I've never been to Le Sex Shoppe that you say has gotten better. Are there gloryholes there? Thanks for your updates.
HEY THERE! TERRIFIC RESPONSE!Your assesment is SPOT ON! -- I couldn't agree more w/ you. I think that's totally awesome & don't doubt for a second that you had a blast there, as the ambiance & the experience are dependent on many, many variables!
I absolutely understand what you mean by "bad in a good way" & again agree w/ you. (If that place wasn't a perfect example of such, ...I don't know what is! LOL)
-- It doesn't claim to be anything more than it is, it certainly serves a purpose, & what you see is what you get (usually that is).
You kinda know what you're in for, & all that sort of fun that goes along with it, IS...well, ...indeed FUN !!

Thanks for reply & comments!
Be safe,
PS) maybe we should 'tour' together?? You sound like you know a thing or two about around here!!?
take care!
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