I've been to Shenzhen (on business) and the place has almost no redeeming features whatsoever. It is ugly, crowded, polluted, unfriendly, and has zero history or culture.
I can't really see traveling there for a couple dingy saunas and massage parlors...but I may be in the minority!
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-- Khun Icon & Biggles thank you for yr. replies; as there remains plenty of time before next year's Songkran fest'l. we'll see if any MORE replies will be forthcuming?
- But would tend to think, from having read what you've written, that SHENZHEN might be better for just a day's visit? In wch. case we'll have to look-at the cost of the req'd. visas and so on, and then decide on viability?
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-- I wouldn't disagree with yr. assessment of hotel's costs in HK.! - Having availed of search-engine Google and entered 'APEC Card.' I can well see its advantages for an on-business & frequent traveller.
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-- Is KL. all that good? It must be a dozen or MORE yrs. since I visited. -- I enquire as my elderly & WYSIWYG. American Friend has a middle-aged, Malay & professional friend visiting from KL. right now and staying for several days - I asked my American friend why so-and-so was visiting when surely there must be plenty of opportunities for cruising, visiting massage-parlors, going to saunas and so? Apparently not so; although there was a suggestion that the Malay g'man. prefers not to take any chances of being recognised on his home-ground - hence his preference for visiting BKK. twice or thrice per annum: preferably places like that well-known cinema in SAPHAN KWAI. ![]()
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KL is a personal best for me - whether its Blue Boy Bar, local gay sauna or Gay Romeo, I find more cock than I can handle - and it never costs me a cent. Blue Boy is a unique combined bar, disco, H.N. and pick up venue where GWM are swooped on and either escorted to the H.N. for perving or action, or asked to go "some-where private." My personal bests are
- walking in alone , being approached and leaving with a new friend for the night 5 minutes later. (19 y.o. btm not money boy) - walking in alone chatting up 2 19 & 20 y.o. friends, & taking them, and a 3rd cutie back to my hotel for the most amazing night I can remember, Moslem boys in particular are horny as hell and always up for the chance to have discrete sex with a visiting farang.
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I agree Japan is difficult. Many gay venues refuse Gai-gin entry (they think we all have HIV or are genetically inferior.) Having said that I used to have success at GB bar and once picked up a Japanese version of Tom Cruise (with a whopper cock) walking around Shin-juku. Osaka is much friendlier, but still not easy.
In Singapore Backstage Bar and Tantric are good for hook ups, as is Raffles City Mall (3rd floor) and Gay Romeo .
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when in japan (tokyo/osaka), i seem to be able to get only non-japanese muscled guys. the japanese i can get tend to be average looking. gb has got local potato queens, most of whom are well below average look-wise. arty-farty is better. in any case, there are very few hunky gay japanese. even in the gyms, gays are not muscular.
sg is full of sticky rice. ok place if u're not choosy and don't mind having sex with professional potato queens (those asians who go for the white guys, any white guys). haven't been to kl for a very long time. but i agree that it's worth revisiting.
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it makes no sense to visit shenzhen just to go to saunas. but it's a great place for a day or two. food is good (and priced at the same level as food in bkk). shopping is good too. regular massage is cheaper than in bkk. people are in general friendly and many really want to practice english.
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I visited Shenzen with a business associate recently. He went crazy in the shops around the station buying copy I-Pads, phones and watches and announced his proud purchases to our Chinese client. The client looked at my friend as if he was crazy and said "oh no, we go to HK for our shopping - everything here is junk !"
Anyway I now have a copy I-pad, 2 phones and 3 watches I didn't need - but it was fun and they took our money with a big smile ![]()
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