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Old 27th February 2005, 12:09 PM
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 10
Unusual Encounters

I answered an ad in Yahoo (when they had adult ads) for a bi older male looking to bottom. I was in my early thirties latin and always horney. I answered the personal and he told me he had an office in the Upper East Side and wanted to get fucked in his office. I arrived at around 10:30 AM checked in with his receptionist and was sent to his office!
The man was in his early seventies not very attractive but the situation was so wierd my cock was ready to go. It turns out that he is a psychiatrist and was in the middle of his office hours.
I told him to get on his knees and start sucking my cock. He was giving me one of those really noisy blow jobs that I was sure everyone could hear.
He got up put some porn on a small TV in his office and continued to suck on my cock. I told him I wanted to fuck his ass. He gave me a condom and lubed up. He got on all fours on his couch and guided my cock into his tight ass-hole.
As I'm fucking him he begins moaning and jerking his cock. I reach around and he tells me to stop but I jerk him off. He shoots this huge stringy cum shot all over his couch. At this point I just lose if and start to cum and cum.
We finally get dressed and I walk out of his office and his waiting area has several people waiting.
This may partly explain the long wait in some offices. This is a true story. Has anyone else ever fooled around in an unusual situation.

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Old 28th February 2005, 01:47 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Talking Some Docs Do It All The Time...

K, I would stop short of saying that this might be the only reason for the patients to have to wait always longer than anticipated, but hey, it sure is one of the reasons...

I was attending one of those very boring Congresses in a fancy German spa, few years ago. Yup, I knew, it was going to be stifling, but I did want to see some people, and I also thought, I should take it easy and relax for couple of days, just like most other guys did.

I went cruising on the first night after the first Big Speech was over and after a while, met a very handsome dude in his late 20's nicely defined, a total cutie. We made a bee-line to my hotel room and he took it all nice and easy from theron. A most wonderful night of sex, sweat and passion. Yup, I got lucky, big time

The Cutie and I had a quick breakfast, we talked for a bit and he went back home to change for work. I was going to hang out at the morning session. He also scribbled his address and phone number and asked, if we could do some more of the repeat work on that day. 'Sure, I said.' Being, bored after lunch, I rang him up and he, said, 'Dude, come over for a quick one'. Now, I am not into the quick ones, but hey, a spa is only a spa, and not too many hot guys were supposed to be cruising there at 2:30 PM.

So, I went to his office. Yeah, there were a few elderly people waiting. Having a big envelope with me, I said aloud, 'this is just a personal delivery for the doctor', so no one got upset, when I walked in after the next patient left his office.

Yeah, it was a very personal delivery, alright and he took it all and very deep. I kept trying to keep it short but, it did take more than half an hour. (Nope, I ain't 16 no more, sorry!)

The Doc and I met for drinks after one of the Congress functions that evening and he said, he was doing that every so often, meaning taking his tricks into his office and having his patients wait while he was releasing some of his frustrations and pent up feelings. (More like, getting his back door long-dicked...)

I asked him, if the people complained and if he felt this was not entirely 'kosher'? He said, very few people dared, and those who did, he quickly sent away. His granddad was a doc, his dad, too. So, he was loaded and he really did not feel like taking crap from anyone. So far, no one had complained to his dad who was still officially in charge.

It seems that the docs simply sit on a longer branch, if you ask me. A few of them are not in dire straits, and they can always say that something took more time than expected. I do not think anyone would sue. Certainly not in Europe.

I really liked that Congress. I mean, I liked the Doc.

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Old 3rd March 2005, 10:34 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1
Drs office sex...

Back in the mid 80s, I went to a local family physician in Atlanta for a minor ailment, flu or bad cold...I wasnt very sick but went in and was put in a exam nurses ever came in, but the tall, older, handsome Dr. had me coughing while checking my balls, etc within a couple minutes...of course I got a major hard on and the good Dr. went down on me and sucked me off in a major way right there on the, it really was so unexpected, and so hot...its been a standout in my recollections of really hot sex...always looking for the next suprise...

now Ive got a hot guy, 33, doing yardwork, etc, for me and he's driving me crazy...
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Old 3rd March 2005, 06:35 PM
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Maybe that was Dr. Danny...
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Old 4th March 2005, 10:08 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

That's too gross to imagine! Just wish I knew the guy's name, I would love to turn him in.

I have a very personal rule: absolutely no sex, or even hint of sex, or thought of sex, with any patient, past, present, or future.

Nope, wasn't me. Besides, while I like to think I'm tall, and I know I'm not "older" (except to my voracious nephew). But yeah, I am good looking, at least my 3 wives tell me that.

Dr D
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Old 7th March 2005, 06:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 2
Dr D

3 wives? Your profile says you are in Atlanta not Utah! With that many holes to fill no wonder you don't play around at work. lol
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Old 14th March 2005, 08:15 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 31

One particular encounter happened to me several years ago when I was 20 and living near the Bay Area, or Tracy to be precise. I did certain yard work for extra cash as most of you might have during that time of your youth. My last stop of the day was at this old man's house to remove a dozen of his old rose bushes. He was easily mid-60's but still pretty good for his age.
I got half way done uprooting the bushes in his backyard when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye behind the patio door. It was the old man, and he was stark naked beating his meat. My eyes couldn't move away and I stood there gawking. It didn't take me more than 5 seconds to get in there with him. With the sun beating down on me and with all the work, I suddenly had got REALLY horny.
Once inside he immediately reached out and pulled on the back of my head guiding me down to his swollen cock. He muttered something like, "That's it, you want this, slut" but real softly. He had a beautiful pink cut cock, no more than 7 inches. I slobbered on that meat like it was the last one on Earth. I sucked and sucked while he held onto my head and moaned loudly.
I unzipped myself and started to beat my own meat when he pulled his cock out and wanted to watch me play with myself. This went on for minutes until he suddenly cried out and jumped to his feet. He came over to me and popped his dick back in my mouth to where he came a huge frothy load. I was so bewildered by the whole thing that I came automatically. I sucked and licked him up while he sat down and told me "never mind about those rose bushes, I'll pay you extra anyway". I got paid and never had to fuck with those rose bushes. What a great summer!!
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Old 16th March 2005, 11:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 235
Doctor Experience

I was once getting a work related physical exam from a physician. He had me pull down my pants while I sat on the exam table. He could see I was shaved. He supposedly checked around my testicals for a hernia. He fondled my balls a bit, looked up at me and told me I had "very" large testicles. I got nervouse. Said, "thanks" and acted aloof and uninterested. This doctor also gave me a prostate exam. I turned around, bent over the exam table and exposed my ass. He put on a latex glove, lubed up his finger and stuck it up my ass. He said that my prostate felt good. I guess now I know what it's like for woman who goes to a ob-gyn and get's fondled (in a professional manner) by her physician.
Cocksucking Crossdresser

i don't fuck guys. they fuck me (if im lucky ).

luv scenes in alleys, parking lots, between two cars. me on my knees, sucking your cock, or just bend me over and fuck me. sat nites/weds when i play. im a submissive bottom cockwhore. nsa ...

Last edited by gigboy; 26th September 2021 at 03:12 PM.
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Old 14th May 2005, 02:56 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 64

I was driving home from a rock concert on the highway when all of a sudden it was total grid lock. I knew we're I was and it didn't appear that I was going to get home going the normal way so I took the next exit and back tracked to the other highway a few miles west of where I was. It was way out of my way, but at least I knew that i was driving instead of sitting behind another car stuck in a traffic jam. By the time I finally got to my new route I had to go to the restroom badly, luckily for me I knew there was a rest area about 10 miles down the road. So I hung in there and drove a little faster hoping to get to the rest area before I pissed my pants.

When I got to the rest area, I ran to the mens restroom as fast as I can only to find it closed. I then went over to the womens restroom, knocked on the door and said that I was coming in (though there was only one other car in the parking lot other than mine, i had to go badly) So since I was in the womans restroom I went to the far stall to sit and take care of buisness. While i was sitting, I heard a voice of a younger man in the stall next to mine. He asked if I wanted a blow job. I said okay (forgetting that I was in the womens rest room) So he came into my stall. He was in his young 20's, red hair with red pubes and a cock the size of mine (9 inches), though his was pale with his veins easily seen running up his shaft. I don't normally suck cock, but when there's a BIG COCK in the same space as mine. we took turns slobbing on our knobs for a good 20-30 minutes, when I heard a door close from outside, I ran to the door, now relizing I was in the women's restroom with another dude. When I saw a women comming towards the restroom in a somewhat hurry. We only had enough time to bolt back into our stall. It was a handicaped stall that had metal bars to hold on to on the walls. This really helped out as my new friend stood atop of me while I sat down. This lady also sat down in the stall next to us. We we're both freaking out. This lady must of been constipated as she was grunting and grunting for a couple of minutes trying to shit. My friend accidently slipped and made alot of noise. She asked if everything was okay. And this dude said that everything was cool. I couldn't believe he even said anything. Then the women said what are you doing in here to him. And he replied that the mens room was out of order and that he needed to take a crap in this room as he didn't have any toliet paper on him to go outside, and was trying to hurry up and do his buisness and leave. She found that pretty amusing. And asked him if he wanted a blow job (unknowing that I was also in the same stall) He looked at me and I nodded my head in a go ahead fashion. As my new friend was opening the door, the lady was already waiting for him on her knees outside the door. This is when she saw both of us and then asked us what we we're doing in the stall together. We came clean and told her what we we're doing. She said that the state police patrols this strecth of highway constantly and asked us if we wanted to go to her place so she could watch to 2 men have sex together as she's never seen in person. We decided it was to good to pass up and my shortcut, now was a jackpot of all jackpots. We went over to her place and though she wasn't a model or anything close, she still was pretty hot and we each took turns banging her face and her wet pussy, while sucking each other off for the next couple of hours.

though the rest area isn't there any more, when I drive by that area I remember that night when I got a little more than I XXXpected I would of gotten if i had took the normal way home.
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