Early this morning, it was raining in the western Chicago suburbs and I woke up early for a badly needed bladder draining.
I went downstairs, opened the door to the back deck and whipped it out. I then let go with a torrent of urine that made a loud "splashy" sound onto the wet wood of the deck. It was a pleasure to know that the rain would quickly wash it all away. Does anybody else here have "pissing in the rain" or west places for that matter stories? Had I been awake more, I would have probably jacked off. Can you imagine seeing the silhouette of a man masturbating on his deck in the rain, as the lightning delivered its capricious illumination?
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I live in Denver and my Mom lives in Colorado Springs. A couple months ago she called me and asked if I would come down there to help get ready for a garage sale, and I said sure.
There is a bus that goes back and forth from Denver to Colorado Springs that is used mostly by people living in one city and working in the other. It's much cheaper to ride the bus than drive yourself. The day I was to go down there I got up, had several cups of coffe and got ready. Before I left I had to take a piss, so I emptyed my bladder and headed out the door. About half way to the bus stop, I realized I didn't have a dollor bill to use, so I stopped into a 7-11 and bought a plastic bottled sports drink and broke a $20. The bus showed up, I got on, paid the fare and started walking towards the back of the bus to find a seat. It wasn't too full, but there were several people. I saw two empty seats together and took the one by the window. The driver had the A/C on full blast and the bus was quite cool. I had packed a jacket because the news said there were chances of rain so I pulled it out and put it on. As I got settled in I noticed a very hot man sitting across from me. He had short black hair, a nicely trimmed goatee, a T-shirt and faded blue jeans with a few holes in them. He wasn't a big guy, but filled out the T-shirt very nicely. I saw that his arms were very hairy and as I looked closer he had chest hair coming out over the top of his T. I thought I was going to shoot a load right there. I love men with facial and or body hair and expecially when it's flowing over the top of a T. One of the holes in him jeans was on his thigh and through the hole I saw a hairy leg. I had been staring for a while and he must have felt it because when I looked back at his face, I noticed he was looking at me. When our eyes met, he flashed a nod and a smile. I'm sure I blushed, smiled back and quickly looked out my window. I tried very hard not to keep looking at him, but is was very hard. I finally turned sideways with my back to the window because it was getting so cold, and to look at him without looking to obvious. Along the way I had been drinking my sports drink and enjoying the view. I realized I had to take a piss so bad I knew I was not going to make it to my stop. I look to the back of the bus and it was one that did not have a bathroom. Damn, what was I going to do, I really had to go bad. I look around and most people were either sleeping or reading and not realy paying any attention to anyone else. I faced forward, took my jacket off and layed it across my lap with my arms and hands underneth. I grabbed the empty sports drink bottle and thought, I can piss in this with no problem. So I leaned off the edge of the seat just a little, unbuttoned the middle buttons of my 501's, took the lid off, stuck my dick into the wide mouth and let that golden neture flow. It felt so good and the relief was wonderful. I had to go so much that I overfilled the bottle just a little bit. I knew I had, because I felt the warmth run down my hand a little. I'm sure I had a huge relief on my face and when I glanced over at the hunk across from me, he was staring right at me with a huge shit eating grin on his face. This time I kept his stare and smiled back. He slid to the inside seat, leaned over my direction and said "feel better?" I didn't know what to say, but managed to get out, oh yeah, much better. He asked if he could sit next to me and I got another instant hard on. I said sure. He moved over to the seat next to me, introuced himself and stuck his hand out. I told him my name, pulled my hand out and shook his hand. OH SHIT, that was the hand I had overflowed my piss on! When we relesed the hand grip, he looked down at his hand and said is this for me. I was dumb founded and had no idea what to say. He lifted his hand to his mouth and licked at it. In my head I'm thinking, this shit only happens in porn movies, not real life! We talked for a few minutes and it took all I could do to consetrate on what he was saying and ignore my hard on and thought of fucking this hot stud. Thank god for the jacket still on my lap. All of a sudden he looked at me and said, may I, and he reached under my jacket and grabbed the still warm bottle of piss from my other hand. He brought it out, rubbing his hairy arm and hand along my stiff dick and placed the bottle between his legs. Only then did I notice a good sized hole very close to his crotch and what looked to be a very big growing bulge. We made a few more stops and more people got off. By now there were just a few passangers spread all over the bus, but most of them were towards the front. He grabbed the bottle and took a big long drink, put the lid back on and set it between us. It was very clear that this was turning him on as his dick was really pushing aginst his jeans looking for more room. As he streached his legs and tried to reajust himself, he pushed one of his hair nuts out the hole near his crotch, and gave me a wink. I think the two of us were so hard we both could have shot a load in our jeans. The rest of the way to my stop we talked about were the other lived, what we liked to do, both for fun but quickly changed to sexually. We were both getting off at the last stop and had finally gotten there. I was thinking why aren't we the only two on this bus and why aren't we going to Texas. I would have loved to be on the bus nest to him for that long jouney. We got to the stop, he stuffed his nut back into his jeans, both of us rearragned and got ready to get off the bus. Standing outside the bus, he reached into his back pocket and got his billfold out. He open it and handed me a card with his name, address and phone number. I looked around and saw my Mom's car sitting in the parking lot behind me, and he needed to cacth the shuttle. We shoot hands and as he started walking away he raised the half full bottle and said thanks for the drink, call me. To answer the questions I know you guys are thinking, yes, I have called him and yes, we have gotten together, and yes, I do have more piss stories to share.
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RobertsT85: Thanks for propping up this sagging thread with that great tale of lust, piss and male body hair. Every gay gay needs a little "fantasy come true" in his life now and then. I am also delighted that you connected with the hirsute hunk after the bus experience.
Had I been there with all that going on, I would have had a major "jack attack" and would have had found release either on the bus or in the men's room at the bus stop where you got off, with or without mom waiting in the car. I kind of like the stories where guys get the urge on the subway and take care of it, too! Keep those stories coming. MScotsman: Yes, it's still kind of slow getting around this site, I agree, but at least it's better than it was a week ago.
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Just got back from a night of drinking with a hot straight buddy and headed right for the head! SH*T! I shoulda taken a piss right off my balcony just so I could report it here! Okay, I'll be more mindful the next time, unless I'm totally loaded
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Love to suck and rim.
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