In high school back in the 80s my buddy and I got drunk at my house cause the folks were out of town.
Somehow we got to comparing dick size (which was OK, because what was more straight than a little competition?). In triumph that I had the larger hard-on, I gave his dick a slap with mine. This led to a cock sword-fight, which we thought was pretty funny. We got it to the next level by deciding to wield each other's cocks in another round. So I'm holding the base of his slightly curved black dick and he held my long white cock at the stem. Whap! Whap! Any success a swordsman might have just meant he'd hurt himself. Which we also thought was hilarious. But now we were where I had always dreamed about: face-to-face, lean teen bodies against each other holding our cocks... Then he made the first real move to take it to the next level. At the conclusion of some fierce dick slapping he pushed into me and fell on top on me onto my bed. He gave a couple of pelvic thrusts and I reached down and grabbed his ass, gave his neck a kiss and mumbled something like "I can pretend you're a girl..." (See I'm still straight, just drunk...) He laughed. "No, no, I can pretend you're the girl!"
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