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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Georgia - Atlanta   Belvedere Theater

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Old 29th April 2008, 01:24 PM
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Belvedere Theater

According to the Sex listings, it appears Belvedere is closed for good. Unfortunately, all it took to close this place down was a thug with a bullet, intent on robbing the owner of the place. Having been there before, she couldn't have had a lot of money in the first place, but I suppose even 10 bucks would have been worth it for this killer. A killer did what the neighborhood tried to do for years and even the DeKalb county police couldn't do.

Now we are left with Buford Hwy cinemas, a place that always gets mixed reviews, mostly bad. If it is true that Belvedere has closed for good, it would be nice if someone could step in and keep it running.

The good news out of all of this is at least according to the AJC, they caught the individual who shot and killed the owner's son. The killer had gotten out of Federal prison back in January. For the full story on his arrest, check out the story here:

Over the years, I had mostly great experiences at the Belvedere, even back in the day when it was a 'family' type place to go. Whenever I was in the area on business, I made sure to stop by and most every time I can say I had an excellent time, sometimes more fun than others. This place will truly be missed and the Atlanta area has now lost another place for us to meet.

I'm sure the neighbors are happy, and most likely so are the DeKalb police. I know a lot of us will miss the place.
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Old 29th April 2008, 08:18 PM
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I have gone to Belvedere for many years and I hate this incident happened. I have no idea if she is going reopen the theatre or simply call it quits. The lease was getting short from what I heard anyway.

As for the Buford I was there a couple of weeks ago. The old guy at the front kept coming around with his flashlight every 5 minutes. There was action between his rounds but def Buford is not friendly. The owner of Belvedere treated us all with respect.

So now I'm having to hunt for new places to go for entertainment.
46 yo gwm, I like my sex but also into running, college football games.
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Old 6th May 2008, 08:42 PM
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I'm not sure if the Belvedere has reopened. However, Wed at 5:00pm WSBTV-2 is having segment where they say they went in undercover into Belvedere and they show at least one person being arrested. The news snippet gives no indication of when this story originated so I don't know if it was before the shooting or this past weekend.

I didn't see any stories in the AJC concerning any raids/arrests in area theatres this past weekend.

But it should be interesting.
46 yo gwm, I like my sex but also into running, college football games.
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Old 6th May 2008, 09:03 PM
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Sounds like the police must have told WSB something was going down.
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Old 7th May 2008, 07:35 AM
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Is it Sweeps time?

Like clockwork, the reporters of the major news stations are always looking for something 'newsworthy' whenever it's time for sweeps. Of course, 'sex sells' and nothing sells more than people being upset that there is an adult entertainment business in their area.

I can hardly wait to see the report on the news tonight, although I will have to temper my enthusiasm as the wife will be watching news with me as usual. I don't know why people just can't leave things alone sometimes.

To go into a business, any business, with a hidden camera is wrong, but it is entertainment.
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Old 7th May 2008, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by studN2blow View Post
Sounds like the police must have told WSB something was going down.
Actually from my observations, it could just as easily have been the other way: the media alerting the police. I've seen them do it countless times around the country in order to add some 'validity' to a story. Shame on the media for this and shame on the cops for wasting my tax dollars. Why doesn't the media do an expose on how they always report 'salacious' stories during certain times of the year, when they're seeking better ratings? Talk about a story of abuse of power!!!
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Old 7th May 2008, 07:24 PM
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From the broadcast (and the transcripts at, it appears the news media did indeed ask the police for help in getting this story. They used one of their camera guys to go inside and film some of the things going on. Whether he will be used to testify I don't know. According to the reporter, the neighborhood called them in February asking for their (WSBTV) assistance in the story. So the distinct impression is this was a news media raid moreso than Dekalb Police. The police were simply there for the easy arrest(s).

We'll have to wait and see whether this becomes common or the police leave us alone for another couple of years until WSB needs a news story.
46 yo gwm, I like my sex but also into running, college football games.
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Old 7th May 2008, 10:51 PM
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Frankly, I was glad to see the men hauled off to jail on TV tonight were NOT meek and compliant about it all. From their words, it was clear they didn't believe their actions to be wrong and weren't going to meekly take this kind of crap. Bravo! I hope at least some of them will hire themselves some good lawyers and fight these charges.
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Old 8th May 2008, 09:11 AM
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I can't remember how long this place has been in existence, and I know they have said how long, but I know I've visited this place for what seems like forever. I remember when it was packed; of course those days are long gone.

I'm saddened that the neighbors don't like this place. I'm even more saddened that the new media chose 'senior citizens' who have lived in this area for 50 years, as the poster children to speak out about this place. It is even more sad that the media and the neighbors have chosen this time to come down on this place after the owner lost her own son who was attempting to protect her from the gun of a thief. However, this is the real problem, not the theater.

If these people have truly lived in this neighborhood as long as they have, they know the area has changed for the worse, not because of the theater but because of the crime in the area. The theater doesn't bring the crime into the area, heck, when I've visited, I've seen tags on nice cars from all over the Atlanta area and surprisingly few from DeKalb. The criminal element isn't inside the building, they are outside, living in the area, preying on those who wish to contribute to their own community.

Those who visit the theater aren't the criminals they are being made out to be. This news story will do one of two things. We all now know the place is back open but we also know that vice has said they will frequent the place again. Funny thing is, if you go inside, you accept the fact that you may be propositioned; it comes with the territory. If you don't like the advance, say so and you will be left alone. Is it a public place? Heck, if I were the lady, I would charge a daily 'membership' fee of $12.00 and require everyone to be a member, making it a private place, then vice couldn't touch the place and arrest people for public indecency.

This community needs to concern itself with more pressing issues and leave those alone who are trying to make a go at it.
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Old 8th May 2008, 11:36 AM
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Pass the word. This is a time to use some caution when cruising for sex!
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Old 30th May 2008, 01:39 AM
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I think our Cruisemaster needs to step up and open a sec club here! He's managed ot arrange for me to have some HOT damn sex around the whole damn country, go buy the Belvedere Keith!
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Old 30th May 2008, 09:10 AM
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The problem with Belvedere is that if the current ownership changes or it is sold for any reason it cannot be used to show adult movies because it is within 1000 (yds or ft - I forget which) of a church, school or whatever else Dekalb County forbids. The current ownership has been able to exist only because they have argued in court they should be grandfathered in as they were there before the county ordinance went into effect. That issue is before a Dekalb court but has yet to be ruled on.

Thus, a new location would have to be found for any adult theatre, sex club or other venue should Belvedere change owners or close.
46 yo gwm, I like my sex but also into running, college football games.
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Old 5th June 2008, 12:01 PM
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Is it closed or not?

I happened to be in the neighborhood last Friday afternoon and said what the heck, let's check this place out.

I was disappointed to find it closed about 1pm on Friday, what used to be a good day to go in and have some fun. There wasn't a car in the parking lot to be found from the entrance between the two buildings all the way down past the theater; it was a ghost town.

I cruised on through the parking lot and drove home with memories of how it used to be and how things have really changed.

I don't know if this place is temporarily or permanently closed or not; unfortunately it looks like a criminal with a gun along with an untimely news story by WSB may have done what DeKalb county couldn't do for years.
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Old 8th June 2008, 10:22 AM
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Other options.

I know they are not as close but as times change so do places. Theres a lot to be said for the gay campgrounds. We have had some great times at several and met some nice guys in the process.
Plays well with others!
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