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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Damn Book Stores. . .

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Old 28th June 2006, 11:32 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 8
Damn Book Stores. . .

. . .Or should I say those who run them? I headed over to Roselle's ABS earlier today. It's the only place close enough which is 18 and over. I'm 20, but I can still pass to be 16.

I enter and everyone behind the counter stops me as though I have weapons or something. I've been there 4 times and each time it's the same routine. They ask for my ID, ask me to take it out, identify myself. Then they proceed to ask me a series of questions. It's like going through customs.

So they believe me after a few mins of talking amongst themselves, but they continue to watch me like a hawk. It was pissing me off, every time I would look up their eyes were locked on me. I came here to watch some vids in the back, any maybe give a helping hand to a guy or two. However, I had NO space b/c they continued to follow me. I leave and here I am at my own home wanting to have just a few cocks down my throat.
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Old 29th June 2006, 04:40 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 12

yeah, that does suck for you. and from your pics i don't think you look that young and thier reaction does seem to be an overreaction.

but, with all the news stories on every network, every week about internet predators that are trying to sleep with kids, i'm sure that the owners of roselle don't even want the hint of maybe that there might even be the possiblity of men having sex with underage boys in thier place. and if you were some underage guy with a fake id, just imagine the lawsuits, the news coverage, the arrests, the protesters, and having thier business shut down.

i love roselle and always have been treated well be the guys there. it really sucks that you aren't having a good time there. and ir really, really sucks that it's just because of the way you look.

i have to say, if it was me, i don't know how i would react in thier shoes. i like to think i'd be cool. but i don't have to worry about keeping a business open and food on my familys table.
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Old 29th June 2006, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 2

I have to agree with Mick on this.

It's awful for you. Really a kick in the nuts. Plus it's bad for the guys that go there to get some play since the place it short one young dude.

But, from their point of view it's a big chance to take.

Sorry, man.
Always hard & horny. Into ALL types.
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Old 29th June 2006, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 8

Fully understandable about the lawsuits or even the thought of having underage kids in there. It's just something I have to go thru for looking so young. I've had the day to think about it, and I will not be going in any ABS for quite a while. I thought of how awkward it is for the other people in the store. They look at me and probably think of their kids. I'm not there to ruin anyone's evening. I enjoy looking at the new titles, once and a while the arcade, and that's it. I've never hooked up in a booth, although that would be extremely hot.

So guys, anytime you come across a younger guy @ a store just remember we're new at this. We're experiencing it for our first time. So if we get scared off, that'll reduce cruising in the future.
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Old 29th June 2006, 11:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 22

You should just come to my house instead, I promise not to card you.
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Old 1st July 2006, 09:03 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
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message to damm bookstores

come hang at the bijou, no hassle ever lots of cock to suck, holes in the t room, outdoor patio and upstairs maze and playroom, check it out bookstores can be too tense
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