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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Legal Issues for Cruisers   Paying off a Bet - Legal or Not?

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Old 30th July 2010, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 1999
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Paying off a Bet - Legal or Not?

OK, here's the deal. I was contacted by a group of guys who are straight. They have a card club and one of their member has lost a lot. So instead of making him pay - because someone said, "What would you do for $xxx?" and someone else said, "Suck a dick," he now has to suck a dick in order to satisfy the debt. So the deal is, I'm supposed to go to a place they have arranged (not public - a house) and this guy will be waiting for me and suck my dick. His first time. I will report back to them that he did it and then he won't have to pay the $$$. But he will be consenting to it. However, from my standpoint, is this having sex with a guy who is being coerced to do it or because it is for money, is it some sort of prostitution? Would you do it? Would you recommend doing it?

Thanks in advance for any responses.
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Old 13th September 2010, 01:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 31

Have you done it yet? Sounds like a fun way to get a dick to suck. Have at I say!
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Old 13th September 2010, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Feb 1999
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Didn't Do It

My big concern was whether or not this guy would either get to the moment, or even in the moment, and change his mind and be upset.. or afterwards would be having regrets and would talk to someone who would tell him that he was sexually assaulted and whether or not anything came of it, there would be an investigation and accusations. So I decided not to go for it.

I hear that it did happen; they found someone else and he got the oral and contacted them. They said the guy that did it was very upset afterwards.

I'm glad I didn't have any part of it. I really don't believe in people doing things sexually that they don't want to do.
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Old 20th September 2010, 12:43 PM
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 31

Nobody was forced to do anything. The guy that made the bet and lost and was offered a way out of the debt by sucking a cock is an adult. He could have said 'no way' and even disassociated himself from the group because of it which means he would'nt have to hold up his end of the bet.
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