Recently while I was at a gay card shop buying birthday cards I noticed they had magazines over in the corner. Being the kind of guy that likes to see nude men in print or in the flesh I decided to look through a few. Most were the standard hairless muscled up young guy photos that magazine publishers think all gay men want to see.
Then I picked up a magazine that was filled with page after page of guys that had sliced thier penis right down the middle. Instead of one whole penis they had two half penises. None of the photos showed the actual act of slicing, no blood was visible. What exactly was I seeing? Why would anyone want to slice thier dick down the middle? I'm sure there's a name for this practice. Were the photos faked? It looked pretty real to me. I'd do a google on it if I knew what it's called. Not that I'm interested in carving on my dick, I'd just like to know why anyone would do it, what are the benefits, if any.
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