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Old 18th June 2004, 04:23 AM
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cum reaction

wondered if anyone experiences some reactions to certain guys cum. I have some guys that I swallow that consistently appear to cause an intestinal reaction, like lactose intolerance.

I assume is some type of allergic or other type of reaction. It never lasts too long, just happens after swallowing, sometimes almost immediately, on a empty or full stomach.

Not sure of the medical term to describe the reaction.
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Old 18th June 2004, 04:04 PM
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It's been a hell of a long time since I've eaten any cum, and while it has never upset my stomach, it does make me feel as if I want to gag and puke. This feeling used to last for about a half an hour after the fact. I tend to think it was just a psychological reaction on my part. Gagging initially is fairly common, but having that feeling last for thirty minutes seemed more like a mental thing to me.

Just for the sake of curiosity, you say you don't know what medical term would be appropriate, but why not just describe what you feel? I'd be interested to know, though I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you. You mentioned lactose intolerance, but that doesn't help: lactose intolerance takes many forms. Some folks get sick to their stomach, some get diarrhea, some get cramps, some fart, some have poor stools -- or any combination of the above.

About once every couple of months, I feel kind of crappy after drinking my morning coffee. Usually a couple of Tums tablets takes care of it, but when this happens I tend to avoid coffee for the next few days and switch to juice instead. It seems pretty random and I'm not all that concerned about it. My coffee still sucks half the time anyway!

Are you perhaps ingesting some air while you are sucking dick? Any commonalities among the guys you are blowing who make you feel lousy? Are you more into them and consequently suck with more gusto than you might when you're with someone else?

Obviously, if you want an easy fix for this, just tell the guys that cum upsets your stomach and you'd hope they don't mind if you spit it out (nothing personal, dude). Or try keeping a few Tums in your pocket. Even if the Tums actually do nothing, maybe just the psychological aspect of it will help, although now that I've said that, I've pretty much ruined any chance of a placebo effect here, haven't I? Oops...

Or just deal with it if you really want to eat cum and/or the guys in question would somehow disapprove. No need to get into the politics of safe sex here or the fact that some cocksuckers can't bear the thought of spitting out cum: we all know this stuff already.

Allergic reactions... that's something for the good Doc, I think. I've met several guys who have made claim to semen causing red spots on their skin. These are quite temporary and harmless. Food allergies transferred via semen... damn, you got me there. All the talk of certain foods and beverages being used to "flavor" cum... I think there's a little bit of truth to that. But I'm kind of dubious as to whether food allergies would be at issue here. You know how some people are SEVERELY allergic to peanuts, and food products containing peanuts always have a warning on the label? Hell, even products which do NOT contain peanuts but are manufactured in plants where peanuts are used in OTHER products contain a warning label. Well, I have NEVER heard of anyone with a peanut allergy being rushed to the emergency room from having sex with a person who has recently ingested peanuts. "I swallowed the dude's cum, doctor, and then the asshole tells me he had a Snickers bar for lunch!"

Maybe the Mythbusters can tackle this. I'd say Jamie's best suited to be the dominant "oral top." Adam should be the one to suck him off.
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Old 18th June 2004, 04:25 PM
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re: cum reaction

thanks for the response

my specific reaction is to a few guys loose stool or diarrhea, no cramps or pain, like their cum is an immediate laxative, of course it could be in combination with other things I have eaten.
This one guy that gives me the reaction is also a big load guy, so the volume could play into the reaction. I have been doing him a few times a year for a few years.
yeah I don't want to start a debate about swallowing, but just thought I would mention my specific cum reaction and see if any guys or women had something similar

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Old 19th June 2004, 12:32 AM
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That's interesting, I wonder if there is some physical ailments that come with swallowing cum ;-)

I'm with Scruffy as I kind of gag on it...I prefer it on me instead of in me. The taste really gets to me for some reason. I have buddies though that just can't get enough, and I'm thankful for them as I like to give it.
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Old 19th June 2004, 07:09 AM
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That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard of. Do you get this belly ache will everyone's semen, or just this guys? I have never encountered cum food allergies in any text book, although there are indeed women who will develop an allergic reaction to their partner's semen, with hives, rashes, and infertility. It's pretty rare, and I'm sure most OB-GYNs have never encountered it, but it does happen. The "lactose intolerence" (fructose is actually the primary sugar in semen) symptoms as I've said, are new to me.

As for Scruffy's gagging, well, to be gross, a healthy wad of cum in your mouth isn't very different (as far as your mouth is concerned), with a big wad of snot or a soft luggie. The thought alone of that will make most people gag bigtime. I dare say, the main reason most guys swallow is they don't care for the physical sensation of the stuff blobbing up in the front of their throats.

Two other minor points. There is always the semen aspiration pneumonia that comes up in the ER whenever a flaming queen comes in with pneumonia on X-ray. I know, not very professional, but even easy going Dr D has it cross his mind at times. Inhaling particle of food causes pneumonias in drunks and debilitated individuals. The bronchial tree normally is sterile, as is lung tissue. (As are most of your urethras and bladders, urine and semen) The mouth isn't, nor is the tip of your penis (and definitely not your foreskin, but we aren't going there at this time) Hence the snotty comments.

And I have a very dear friend who is deathly allergic to the antiotic erythromycin. I once prescribed a similar drug to her husband. He did well, but did I catch hell for it later! So the peanut allergy scenario, while pretty bizaare, is not impossible.

Dr Danny
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Old 19th June 2004, 07:19 AM
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re: cum reaction

thanks for the response

it never is a stomach ache or cramp, just some minor stomach/intestine uncomfortableness, the type that is telling you make sure the commode is close by, like those morning after the too much beers and wings.

so don't know if it is a allergy, or just that some of these guys' cum acts like some type of fast activing laxative.
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Old 19th June 2004, 10:02 PM
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Sometimes, when we can't figure out the source of a specific problem, or in cases where a disease or condition is not curable, the next best course of action is to treat the symptoms.

To that end, (and YOUR end, specifically), you may wish to stock up on Immodium.

This isn't meant to be sarcastically obvious. Some folks aren't all that familiar with Immodium. For some reason, my family will still drink a half a bottle of Pepto Bismol when in need rather than take a tiny Immodium tablet.

This stuff works wonders for those times, as you describe, when you feel that it is necessary to have immediate access to an available restroom. Admittedly, it may not work as quickly as you'd like, but you can take it ahead of time if you happen to know in advance what sexual escapades you might be getting into.

I have something going on wherein I have trouble digesting certain leafy, green vegetables. No, I haven't investigated it all that much. I suppose I should, but I find I have no trouble at all if I take an Immodium tablet before eating a salad!

And while I know I really shouldn't, I've taken Immodium now and then when I am in a situation where I know I won't be able to find a suitable facility should it be necessary. For example, when I hiked into the Grand Canyon. Ten miles in searing heat, down switchbacks and across the valley floor... I felt I was better off safe than sorry. Probably we've all experienced traveler's diarrhea, which doesn't just happen in other countries. Too much diner food on the highways, differences in local water supplies... it happens. I'd been at a particularly nasty Denny's in New Mexico and downed about six cups of awful coffee about two days prior to the Canyon hike, so...

Just use common sense. Start with a low amount, half a tab or just one, as recommended on the package. Some people react differently. A friend of mine gets constipated if she takes more than a half a tab -- and this is not the result you want. They don't seem to bother me, though.

Generic brands work just as well and are half the price (or less) of name brand Immodium. Target, K-Mart, Wal Mart, any pharmacy, any grocery store, those little stands by the side of the road -- it isn't hard to find.
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