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Old 9th August 2004, 10:10 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Question from a married guy

Hi, I hope I can get some helpful advice here! Thanks in advance. For my real question you can skip the first few paragraphs which are for context.

I admit it I am a horny dog. It takes many shapes, mostly fucking ladies but includes some cross dressing and a desire to suck cock sometimes. I tried once a few years ago at a ABS but got too scared.

I am working with a Dominant Mistress on the phone (not a plastic phone sex girl, a real domme). When my wife is away she dresses me up and uses a variety of dildos in my ass, etc.

I want to go and suck a cock at a gloryhole place. My dom will be on a cellphone with me (discretly in my ear, I realize guys will not be interested/into that fact).

However, I am married and believe it or not I love her VERY much. I would rather kill myself than hurt her. So I CANNOT (repeat cannot) bring home anything! For those of you who are are out there bareback/swallowing that is cool and I respect it, but I cannot.

(And finally to my point). While I would love to suck a cock and get a nice load of cum in my mouth, I won't. Is it acceptable to put a condom on the guy before I start? I guess I would have to ask him first, but that is probably not always so easy in a gloryhole place. Will this limit my options tremendously?

Thanks very much..
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Old 9th August 2004, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 1999
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Well....the medical people say to give a bj puts you at risk for HIV. How much they are not willing to say specificly. To recieve a BJ they conclude is and extremely minimal risk.

What you want to do does put you at a higher risk level.

You are also at risk for Hepitatis B which is very deadly. There are vaccinations for that. Have you had yours?? They are expensive but they prevent infection. Hep b is much more infectious than HIV. It is spread by any body fluid exchange.

You are at risk of bacterial STD's such as syphilis, gonnorreah, and clymidia. These are easy to get from getting or giving a bj. Most people do not realize that but it is quite common. If you have an oral infection of one of those, you could pass it through kissing!

The bacterial infections are why I have given up cruising all together. I was on the receiving end of a bj and contracted one of them. Thank goodness I noticed it before I spread it at home!

If you are driven to do what you do, I would use a condom even for oral. YOu might want to seek a buddy to do this with. You do lessen the risk of things but not eleminate the risk. It is difficult to find people that are willing to use a condom for oral since they dont consider the bacterial risk and the Hiv risk is low.

Just think if you were HIV infected and no one wanted to have sex with you....where would you go ???? That abs glory hole would be inviting. I would never consider getting or giving a bj in an abs without a condom.

Good luck !!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.
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Old 9th August 2004, 10:00 PM
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I'll do my best to "bottom line" this one, though I have a few things to say in addition.

You are asking if a condom for performing oral is "acceptable." Most men would say it is not; some will oblige you. What is "acceptable" is not cut and dry: there is no gay definition or mandate as to what type of behavior is allowed in any given circumstance. So the bottom line here is that if it is "acceptable" for YOUR personal level of comfort, then it is acceptable to make the attempt.

The worst that is going to happen is that you are going to have a guy remove his penis from a gloryhole and leave. There is a chance, albeit not a huge one, that if this guy happens to talk to other people in the bookstore or wherever it is that you are finding the gloryhole, he may tell them that you are putting condoms on dicks that appear through the hole. This may net you fewer visitors. Also, men leaving the opposite side of the hole on a frequent and swift basis may be enough to clue in the other guys that something isn't quite up to snuff with the cocksucker on the other end. But these are minor concerns.

Additionally, I'm simply curious -- if your dominant mistress is speaking to you via an earpiece, are you going to speak back to her at all? Or is she just going to talk the whole time? If you are speaking quietly to her, it may appear as though you're a nutjob talking to yourself. Men will give you a wide berth. But an even more important consideration -- communicating in this fashion, if caught, could very well get some guys really uptight. If anyone notices your earpiece, they could easily peg you for a vice cop, or someone doing surreptitious recording of events in a place that is not quite as "public" as it may seem to the casual observer. As an example, if you brought a camera of any sort into a bathhouse or bookstore, you'd be kicked the hell out in a flash -- and if you get someone pissed off, you could also get a solid punch in the gut.

I'd think this over carefully if I were you.

If you want an entire safe sex discussion about what is higher and lower risk, we can do that, but let's assume you know what's what. Everything GASlick said is also true, so pay heed to his admonishment.

I will SLIGHTLY disagree on one point, however. I don't think HIV + men are any more OR less likely to be in any particular location than HIV - men. The same applies for men with ANY potential STD, known to them or not. And let's not forget that LOTS of people HAVE STDs and have NO CLUE. They are able to spread STDs no matter WHERE they are. HIV+ men can simply keep their status undisclosed to a partner, a trick, a friend -- doesn't matter. HIV+ men can lie online, in person, at a bar, in a park, at the supermarket -- anywhere they meet someone. So it isn't always true that they have no one to have sex with and MUST seek out anonymous encounters. Besides, whatever the venue, there would be little to alleviate guilt through anonymity if a guy is THAT deceptive and hateful. It might be a little easier to stick his dick through a hole and say nothing in that fashion, avoiding only the physical act of lying to someone's face, but rest assured there are many low-lifes out there who will do BOTH of those things and sleep well at night.

Also, I find it JUST as likely, if not MORE likely, that bookstores and similar places for anonymous and private sex are FILLED with men just like you: married guys, straight guys with girlfriends, curious guys, bi guys, etc. Are they LESS likely to have an STD? Maybe. Maybe not.

So go ahead. Use a condom. See what happens. No one is going to be upset with you or DO anything to you because of it. They will simply walk away if this isn't their thing.

The earpiece deal -- well, I wouldn't talk if I were you. And I'd make SURE it cannot possibly be discovered.
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Old 10th August 2004, 06:36 AM
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I would agree with Scruffy on this. Be honest with them.

Does it have to be a gloryhole? You will find more people accepting the idea of a DOM telling you what to do while you sucka cock than a condom on. I have gotten sucked a few times - one time was extremely hot.

If it does not have to be a GH, consider posting a few messages. You do not have to tell them your DOM is a Dominant Mistress. They could assume something else. I would hope you are not talking to her though while sucking cock. That has always been my pet peeve - if I am suckning you, I don't want to play 20 questions.

Not as innocent as one might think
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Old 10th August 2004, 07:43 AM
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I agree with everthing that's been said thus far. The bacterial infections are quite an inconvenience for us single gay guys and can't imagine the work you'd have to do explaining it to your wife, so, bottom line, definitely use the condom.

My guess would be most guys aren't going to like that, but you will get a few who do.

I am not into using condoms for oral, but, have let a guy suck me with one before. I didn't come, but I let him work on my dick until he came.

Scruffy is right about the ear piece thing or even talking to your DOM while doing this. I would be freaked out if the guy was talking to someone while sucking me and guys in those places are already on the look out for suspicious looking cruisers out of fear of entrapment. I've had guys aske me if I was a cop before, just because I come off as stern. The ear peice could clear the whole place out ;-)

Good luck and if the glory hole doesn't work, there's a ton of sites on line like this that you can post your request.
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Old 10th August 2004, 03:09 PM
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As every person has already said upfront, there is always some risk to contracting some form of STD, including HIV, if you do nothing to protect yourself. Our point here is to not minimize or downplay the risk. Sucking the unprotected cock of any anonymous male puts you at risk ... period. If you don't know the other guy's health history, you are at risk.

Will the other guy be receptive to putting on a condom before letting you suck his cock? As a matter of gloryhole practice, probably not. But, you might find someone who will put on a condom. Are you patient and disciplined enough to find someone who will use a condom before letting you suck his cock? Just remember that you assume the burden of the risk for sucking the cock of an anonymous person.

As for using a cell phone with an earpiece to hear your Domme. It sounds like a novel approach, but has the potential to be misunderstood by others if you are discovered using one in this way. While it may be easy to conceal, the earpiece has the potential to cause others to misunderstand your intent. You are in an environment where very little if anything is ever said between a cocksucker and the man whose cock you are sucking. You are also in an environment where an cellphone earpiece might be viewed as a law enforcement attempt to entrap someone. Probably not a good idea for the more obvious reason. On a more humorous and less serious note, I'm sure your Domme would like to hear you slurping on somebody's cock through a gloryhole. This certainly raises phone sex to the next level when you are literally providing the appropriate sound effects -- slurping ... moaning ... etc.

I know that some Domme's can be very demanding these days. But, what you seem destined to do might have some unintended consequences that were never anticipated.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 12th August 2004, 07:56 AM
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There are, of course, latex-free condoms. Latex allergies can be quite serious indeed. Generally, though: if you are allergic to latex you have been made aware of this at some point in your life and would know enough to purchase the appropriate type of condom.

However, for men shoving their dicks through a gloryhole, they wouldn't necessarily have a way of knowing if a condom that was being placed on their dick was made of latex or not. So I suppose this brings up a good point: if you're going to slide a rubber on someone's dick and are in a situation where communication is very limited, consider buying a non-latex variety, though do be careful to read the package and make sure it is of the sort that still protects against HIV and other STDs (lambskins do not, for example).
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Old 13th August 2004, 10:05 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 17

Life is filled with risks. You obviously want to suck cock and swallow cum. Find a guy who is clean and does not fuck around. All this doomsday advice is bullshit. Get down and suck the cock you choose...worship it and swallow every drop of cum you get out of it.
I promise to cum in your mouth.
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Old 13th August 2004, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Life is filled with risks. You obviously want to suck cock and swallow cum. Find a guy who is clean and does not fuck around. All this doomsday advice is bullshit. Get down and suck the cock you choose...worship it and swallow every drop of cum you get out of it.
I promise to cum in your mouth.
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Old 15th August 2004, 11:30 AM
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Why don't you try to find someone who can knowingly go along with your game? Explain the sexual scenario you want to set up: the glory hole, you on your knees, his sheathed cock in your face, your Dom on the phone. Everything else written here (except that last remark about the doomsday stuff being bullshit) makes sense & pertains to your situation in some way. I just think that you'll have better luck having a conversation & then playing the fantasy out with a willing partner (co-conspirator) who knows what you are doing than you will just trusting to chance. If not, your Dom may spend an awefully long time on the phone waiting for something to happen, or you could end up with decubiti on your knees...

Try your local CFS message board.
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