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Old 12th January 2005, 02:05 PM
mine's double-wide
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pics of tricks

This may sound odd but I'd like to take some pics of guys cocks that I trick with. I almost always have my camera with me and always have my camera phone around.

What would you say if a trick wanted a pic of just your cock? No face shots. I haven't ask anyone yet because I'm afraid they will think I'm some kind of nut. If someone ask me I woundn't mind at all, actually I'd be kinda flattered.

Any pics I took would just be for my collection of dicks. I wouldn't post them all over the place claiming that each cock was mine.

Am I too depraved to be roaming the streets unsupervised?
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Old 12th January 2005, 02:49 PM
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No, you are not depraved. Depraved would be requiring each trick to allow you to immortalize their cock via a plaster mold.

Personally, I wouldn't trust a guy taking pics to just get my cock. I don't mind pics of myself out in cyberspace, per se, I just want to be the one controlling what gets posted, passed around, etc. And I wouldn't ever worry some guy was gonna claim my cock as his own. Frankly, anybody that does has some serious self-image issues. And when it comes time for the unveiling, he's gonna be shown for the liar he is.

Other threads here have discussed camera phones, flash photography thru gloryholes, etc. and the general concensus ran against any candid photography. The fear was that someone such as yourself photographing people would be gathering evidence or planning in some way to "out" the players.

If you attempt this, I would suggest you consider your surroundings. Private room at a bathhouse, sure. Walking the halls of the same bathhouse-no. Your house, yes. At the local ABS -no. And ask before producing any equipment capable of capturing images. Only after you get a "yes", produce the camera and shoot away.
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Old 12th January 2005, 03:02 PM
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Oh, damn, GWT. I read the message, posted my answer and then looked to see who posted it. I wrote it thinking it was someone who was new to the site. Sorry about that.

I have had guys ask me if they could take my picture as a memento. Those I allowed to take my pic are guys I have had an ongoing relationship with. Plus we reviewed the images together and they always allowed me to clear their camera before parting. I felt very comfortable with this because I got some hot images in return.

A little advice, it is very easy to retrieve "deleted" images from most media, including camera phones. In fact there was a big stink a few months ago concerning technicians at some wireless store who had retrieved "deleted" images of women from the women's phones. The women had taken some explicit images for their lovers, and had "deleted" the images. Of course the technicians being techno savvy, had been able to retrieve the images easily. The images got passed around, posted, etc. and it got back to the ladies. (The technicians got a raise and more than one person got a rise----no that's not true, but I just couldn't help myself there)
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Old 12th January 2005, 03:06 PM
mine's double-wide
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No, I would never take candid shots, ever. I would only do it in a relatively private place with permission. Even though the devilish side of me thinks it would be fun to go into a crowded adult theater or ABS and let a flash go off. I'm sure there would be pandamonium.
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Old 12th January 2005, 03:10 PM
mine's double-wide
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Well I must have been posting my reply above as you were doing your second reply, so we're even.
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Old 13th January 2005, 01:16 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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As long as you have asked the guy, as you said you would, and he gives you his permission -- why not?

I'd feel flattered, too.

I'd also require that the guy SHOW me the images he has snapped and allow me to decide if he can retain said images or if they need to be deleted should other parts of me be shown that I do not wish to be shown.

But that would pretty much be something any polite photographer would do.

And frankly, I've sent out so many pics of my dick, my face and BOTH my dick and face together in one shot that it's really too late for me to personally worry about my pic getting out there.

We don't need to discuss the ramifications of taking candid photos; we've been there before and all seem to agree this is NOT a good idea.

Over the years, many guys have sent me their pics online, naturally. I have saved many of them, but not all. The men I enjoyed spending time with earn 700K worth of space on my hard drive. Most of these pics are just "normal" face shots, voluntarily sent as part of the hookup process. I don't DO anything with these pics -- they are for ME and me alone. Now and then I'll browse them as thumbnails and recall a fun encounter I had with a dude who is now long gone. No harm in that. I NEVER, EVER share anyone's photo with anyone else.

I HAVE had OTHER guys start talking to me about tricks THEY have had, and suddenly they send me the guy's photo in my email and ask me to give my opinion of their conquest.

I don't get this. I find it odd, as if they are seeking the approval of a stranger regarding another stranger -- and it's also damn rude and disrespectful.

This is not something that happens often, though. Most guys seem to respect the privacy of other men.

The one and only dude I hooked up with from CFS was a photographer. He wanted pics of me and my dick. I let him take a bunch using my own cheap-ass digital cam. The pics came out looking mostly awful because the cam was a piece of crap, but it was fun and very erotic to have him snapping photos of my hard cock. There were several face shots as well. Since it was my own cam, I just took it home and made my own decisions on the photos. I had taken a few images of him, too. I sent him ALL the photos via email. Neither of us were concerned about it.

We had discussed taking some REAL pictures using his professional camera and actual film... but never got around to it before he moved to another city. Bummer.
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Old 14th January 2005, 07:03 AM
Join Date: May 2002
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I've had at least three guys ask me to take pictures (using their camara) of my dick in their ass or mouth. I had no problems, as I was controlling the camera. I would be a little more careful if they were taking the pictures. But still, if it was a guy I knew and trusted, I would let him take a cock shot.

There was a thread several months ago from someone who let his friend use a camera phone to take some shots, then the guy refused to delete them. The poster was scared of where they might end up, so you do need to use care in agreeing. The photog was supposedly a trusted freind but turned out to be a prick. I don't remember how that thread ended. Anybody?
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Old 18th January 2005, 05:30 AM
tearoomatt's Avatar
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I have a trick who wants to take Polaroids of me sucking his big 10-incher.

I think it would so hot ( minus the FLASH! ), but I would rather have him shooting his spunk down my throat rather than j/o to the pix alone
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