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Old 13th February 2005, 01:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 8
Question What was this guy thinking

I had an interesting experience at the bathhouse tonight. I fucked a 20 something in the steamroom, and when I had cum and started to pull out he grabbed my dick causing the condom to pull off of my dick and stay in his ass. He then proceeded to shove the condom up his ass, and I assume turn it around and empty it before pulling it out a few seconds later. While I'm not worried about myself I find his behavior disturbing.

I realize he is a cum hound, I heard him tell a guy in an orgy room a little later, "bareback only" when he was rubbering up. I'm not sure why he went ahead and sat on my dick after I held him back while I rubbered up, he and the later guy did not fuck. I probably would not have had sex with him if I had known his fetish in advance, I'm neg and I always play safe, turning guys down when they will only fuck bareback.
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Old 13th February 2005, 12:56 PM
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It doesn't really matter what the guy was thinking: YOU did the right thing by playing safe.

I find his behavior disturbing as well -- but I cannot fathom why anyone would do such a thing. We could postulate that he's a "bug chaser," but that, thankfully, is a very rare phenomenon (though it most certainly is a real issue). Probably a bug chaser would want to seek out infected partners rather than take a random shot at infection.

I've heard of guys who are into drinking cum from used condoms, so maybe there's some sort of fetish involved here. Maybe this guy likes to pour cum up his ass. Who knows?

Your guess is as good as mine as to why he told someone else "bareback only" and yet he let you fuck him with a condom.

The good news is that you DID use a condom -- and your story provides further incentive to everyone out there to use condoms by virtue of the fact that YOU NEVER KNOW just WHO you are hooking up with and WHAT they do with other partners.
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Old 13th February 2005, 07:15 PM
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These are the kind of things you can expect to run into when going to an ABS and randomly selecting a guy to fuck with.
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Old 14th February 2005, 11:33 AM
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Read P1 New York Times, today
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