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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Whats wrong w/ABS guy?

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Old 28th August 2010, 08:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3

You wanna suck my cock in an abs booth....tonight only....must luv to suck cock, balls and ass. suck me off...average cock, big balls big cumloads if you are a naaaaaaasty cocksucker
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Old 28th August 2010, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3

Need southeast houston nasty abs cocksucker to suck cock, balls and ass.....maybe let me sit on your face..cum in your throat and make you like it
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Old 1st September 2010, 11:23 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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If you want to try and take the things to a different level, come up with a truthful story next time around.

Tell him that you are getting busy and that you still want to meet up with him regularly but that you may not be able to frequent the ABS as often as before. If he wants to play, he'll have to text you. Add that loads of people come to the ABS and that this is not that discrete anymore, so you would rather meet in private for that reason, too.

Sure, he may run for the hills. And he may never call you. But his choices are limited. If he does not get in touch, he'll be there where you can find him, and since he has a had a number of good hookups with you, he'll come back to you again.

Play the "discretion" card and never mention that it would be nice to be recognized elsewhere...

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Old 23rd October 2010, 07:28 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by Goodcocksucker View Post
How about when you've been playing in the booths, having a great time knowing that 'absolutely no one knows you here' and you step out of your fantasy playground (booth) and you look (run) smack dab into someone that you know (that is probably there for the same reason) that would be the very last person in the world that you would want to know that you go to ABS's for the booth action!!??
This has never happened to me, mainly because I don't play too close to home. I have seen familiar faces IN the ABS but they are the regulars and they are there for the same reason. I'd probably be a tad embarrassed if I ran into someone I knew on the street passing by as I was exiting the place though.
I happen to work a block or so down the street from two well known ABS'S, but for the stated reason above, I don't go to them.
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Old 3rd November 2010, 11:39 PM
Specific200's Avatar
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Same here. I'm not there to meet and greet. 90% of it is NOT haivng any type of connection, except the root.
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Old 16th June 2021, 07:50 AM
buttpiratesc's Avatar
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I have hooked up at cruising spots in the woods. Many times, it is the same guys. We have sucked and fucked each other dozens of times. We might chat a little as we play, but I don't ask their names, and they don't ask mine. One day, I was shopping with my wife in Target and I saw a guy in there with his girl (wife/gf). I remembered he was really pushy at the cruising spot, so I made sure to stay out of sight of him. The last thing I needed was for him to wave at me, look at me, or acknowledge that he somehow knew me because my wife would be asking me "How do you know that guy?" If you want to hook up with ABS guy, ask him if he wants to hook up elsewhere. If he says no, then leave it alone!
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Old 17th June 2021, 03:51 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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It is weird when you run into a guy in a different context -

Only happened to me once and we looked at each other and both gave a partial nod of the head acknowledging each other - and nothing was said (thankfully).
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