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Old 15th October 2005, 02:19 PM
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Ordering online antibiotics?

Can anyone out there ever ordered online antibiotics for STD's? If so, what was your experience? I'm looking for doxycycline or tetracycline. From Georgia, no anonymous testing.
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Old 16th October 2005, 07:08 AM
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Some info ...

Gator --

Been there, done that, and for the same reason. In my county (Hillsborough County, FL (Tampa) there is no such thing as anonymous testing for syphillis or gonorrhea. Which means that if you come back positive they send a health worker TO YOUR HOUSE to interview you (they can't do it over the phone), and then your spouse and anyone else that you may have had sex with. And they all get an in-home blood draw. It's just lovely. And it's the law. It was also damn-near a divorce.

So, an option available to you is to assume that you ARE infected and take the meds. You do the research, but I have ordered both Doxycycline and Arithromycin from Pharmacymex and had great results. They are LIGHTNING fast on delivery, and the product is legit and not out of date. Oh, and it worked.

Good luck. BTW, just 'cause the symptoms go away (they will), doesn't mean that you aren't still infected. For that matter, you might not even HAVE symptoms ... just do what you have to do to get well and keep the rest of us well! It's worth it. You'll sleep better. Also, Don't contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains ... take EVERY FREAKIN' PILL.

P.S. -- Even my "case worker" (a nice old guy, actually) couldn't figure why we have anonymous HIV testing (which is potentially deadly and has no "cure") and yet no anonymous syph/gonorrhea testing (which is easily treated and gone in a week). Go figure.
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Old 18th January 2006, 05:57 PM
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Thank you bayshorebottom for the information. I ordered tetracycline from Pharmacymex on the 10th & got it on the 14th. Can't attest to the success of treatment yet, but found dosage info on webmd. Thanks to our guvment and the cdc for scaring lots of us into not getting tested. As a former Kaiser member, I'd asked for a full screen of STDs as a routine checkup. The forms I had to sign were unbelievable and it was though I was the only person who'd ever asked for the tests. I became intimidated & never took them. I guess I'll never know if I had the clap or not, but after a month of taking this stuff, I'll be able to sleep better at night.
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Old 19th January 2006, 09:52 AM
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I received my meds from London. They came up in a web search. It took about 4 weeks, but got Erythromyacin 400 mg. Took it for 7 days. I wouldn't take antibiotics for a month, it can cause other problems I think. Hope everyone is free of the drip.
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Old 20th January 2006, 03:31 AM
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You guys understand that improper use of an antibiotic can create an immunity in your body, so when you really do need it, it won't work?

Fricking find a doctor who will provide annoymous testing -- they're out there!
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Old 24th January 2006, 12:55 PM
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Angry anonymous testing

Just spent a couple of hours Googling for "anonymous testing syphilis gonorrhea" and got nothing. Lots of references to anonymous HIV testing and "confidential" STD testing with ubiquitous reference to "reportable diseases" (i.e., confidential means they know your name but promise not to tell but the sex cops _will_ come looking for you). As far I can see, all states REQUIRE doctors to report all instances of syphilis and gonorrhea to health officials. ACLU has an extensive piece on why coercive notification won't work ( ) but that's of little comfort when the sex police are going to knock on your door anyway.

Does anybody know _how_ to find a doctor that won't throw you under the bus and report you to the local Health Department?
MWM, 53yo, 5' 9", 190, br, bl, moderately hairy, clean cut business type, 6"c
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Old 25th January 2006, 10:17 AM
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Guys, this really goes against my better instincts, but...

You go to public health. You give them a false name (John Smith is a good one). You give them the address of your health club. Your phone has been disconnected because you are behind in the rent. You get tested, you get your meds on the spot.

As for mail order: A patient friend of mine, decided he needed xanax, but not from me. He got something from Mexico, mail order. Plus a 10 day hospitalization for acute psychosis. God only knows what he injested. He was lucky, he didn't fry too many brain cells.

And I am in complete agreement re the Sex Police. I understand the idea behind it, but it is still a stupid policy.

Dr Danny
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Old 25th January 2006, 10:46 AM
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Dr. Danny - thanks

The false ID is exactly the route I would take, if it worked. However, every doctor I've been to in the last 5 years required positive ID (i.e., drivers license) before he would treat me. I assumed it was now common practice (and probably necessary in today's litigious environment).

I don't need treatment now but given the risks we all take (and there are risks, no matter how careful we think we are being) I expect I will need help some day. I'm hoping there is an anonymous solution available if I ever need it.

I have to wonder how many guys just never get treated and continue to spread STDs because of their fear of embarrassment by the sex police, the very opposite of the politicians’ misguided intent.
MWM, 53yo, 5' 9", 190, br, bl, moderately hairy, clean cut business type, 6"c
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Old 25th January 2006, 07:56 PM
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Again, Public Health. As for ID, you lost your driver's licence because of a DUI. You just had sex with a prostitute. And most important, YOU PAY CASH. Once you eliminate the insurance nazis, no one is going to check. Believe me.

As for testing, its true. My doctor is a saint, and in a VERY emotional encounter several years ago kicked my butt, screaming, out of my closet. It was rough, really, really rough. I'm an MD dammit, and he had me blubbering in a whimpering pool of goo before he was done with me. Once the preliminaries were out of the way, my testing was done. And I could have lost everything, reputation, my practice, staff, friends, family, well, you get the idea. He did some pretty "unethical" things to protect me, but he was on my side from the word go. Are all MDs like that? Hardly. But they do exist, and you really don't know until the chips are down. But he protected me, and I learned a hell of a lot from him. Like being named John Smith, paying cash for lab tests, etc. But smart me was never tested for HIV before D moved heaven and earth to protect me, physically and emotionally. I order those tests all the time and don't blink. But when it's YOU at the other end of the needle, well, I know, it's different. So yeah, the loss of confidentiality definitely works against the public's interest. And proof positive of that is the explosive growth of HIV in China, Russia, and India.

Enough of my rambling... Talk to your doctor. You just might find out that he or she is also a saint

Dr Danny
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Old 26th January 2006, 08:47 AM
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Dr. Danny

Dr. Danny ... I'd like for you to weigh-in on the real risk of taking a full course of the appropriate antibiotics rather than getting tested for syph/chlamydia/whatever. I know that taking antibiotics needlessly can make you resistant and contribute to resistant strains, but I see doctors prescribing antibiotics for the common cold just to placate the patient (I didn't say that it was good medicine, I just said that they do it ... and you know that they do as well).

Seems like the risks of taking a full course of antibiotics needlessly would outweigh the risk of not getting tested (duh), or the risk of divorce when the sex-nazis come knocking.

Not that I would recommend taking a course of Doxycycline every two months, but ... if a guy really thought he had syph ...

BTW, the clinic told me that STD-testing was confidential, that only my doctor would get the results. That was a lie. My doc and the health department got the results on the same day.
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