A buddy of mine was told by his doctor that he has a yeast infection. "Buddy" had shown me his dick about a week ago and he had a dime size red spot on it. He said it didn't hurt or itch, it was just red. I don't have sex with Buddy so I wasn't concerned about catching it at the time.
Buddy's doctor said yeast infections can just happen, you don't always "catch" it from somebody. But as Buddy was telling me who sucked his dick about a month ago I realized it was the same guy that sucked my dick 3 days ago. Small world. Now I'm freakin out. Not only did the guy suck me but we kissed too! I did a search on yeast infections but did't find out much. Most of the information was about women's drippin stinkin pussys. Men get yeast infections too but mostly uncut guys (I'm cut) and in the mouth, I guess from eatin those drippin, stinkin pussys. Y'all tell me what you know about yeast infections.
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A small red blemish on any part of your body could be a symptom of a yeast infection. There are creams available by prescription to cure it. There are many different kinds of yeast. The organism that caused your buddy's infection is not the same as one that could cause a vaginal yeast infection. Thus, don't accuse him of going straight on you.
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When women get yeast infections, the doc prescribes meds for both her and her sexual partner. If he only treats the woman, she will continue to have yeast infections.
Personally, I've received a yeast infection from a woman. It made my dick itch. My crotch also took on a different odor when I was sweaty. Antifungal cream cleared it up. GWT, your dick extra itchy, or you notice a change in odor, you probably have it. You could also have it and be asymptomatic. As for yeast infections in mouths, I have no clue.
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While OTC remedies work well for women and sell millions upon millions of units -- they are not made for men. If a dude has a yeast infection, a prescription is required. Generally it is more or less "deep" in the guy's urethra and requires a bit more of a struggle to clear it up, though it is not serious at all (generally speaking). It's not like you can go buy some Lotrimin and squeeze it into your cum-hole. A trip to the doc is required here if you suspect anything.
With no visible symptoms at present, odds are good you are in the clear, but do keep watch on it for a while. Yeast infections (also generally speaking) develop swiftly, though a few weeks of down time may be in order. Oral yeast infections vary, too. Mouth, throat -- the usual difficulties clearing them up. Also prescription required -- lozenges, usually, or mouthwash, or both. Male to male yeast infections OUTSIDE of anal sex are not as common as female to male, but certainly not impossible by any stretch of imagination. Buddy's problem doesn't not mean for sure that you will have the same experience. The dude from three months ago is probably all cleared up by the time you got to him anyway. It would be hard to live with an active yeast infection for that long and NOT take action to get rid of it. Yeast infections recur more easily after the first infection, but this is not a hard and fast rule. You CAN get it ONCE and maybe never again. Or you may get it often. Personally, I'm thinking you will be just fine. And I had to laugh my ass off at "drippin' stinkin' pussies." Priceless, dude.
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Damn I'm glad you didn't drop out of site for months on end. I knew if anyone knew anything about medical problems it would be you Scruff. I went to the doctor for an unrelated issue and ask about yeast infections while I was there. I'm fine.
"drippin' stinkin' pussies."? Can you think of a better way to describe them? Yeast infected or not.
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Very glad to hear you don't have any yeastie-nasties. Didn't think so, but it's best to be sure.
Just keep in mind for the future that while a yeast infection certainly stinks, it is easily treatable and of little concern to men. Just means you have to knock off the sex for a short time so you don't share it with others. Nope, not gonna leave CFS. Just needed a short break. Had a rough spot come up and wasn't in the mood for catty sarcasms from a VERY FEW select individuals. MOST of you guys ROCK. Will be offline for a few days as I travel to NY for Christmas, though. Leaving tomorrow, gonna just take it slow and check out some favorite cruise spots along the way. I hope to have many great encounters while I'm gone. Yet I'm torn -- gonna miss my new local buddies, one especially. Hope he's around for me when I get back -- too hot of a mouth to forget! But I LOVE the bookstore scene, so that will surely take my mind off it. Quick funny: when I "experimented" with women WAY back when I was a more youthful cub, it was the "drippin, stinkin' pussies" that just confirmed for me that DICK is where it's at. Don't get me wrong -- women do not KISS like men, do not TASTE like men, do not FEEL like men, SMELL like them -- duh. Yet... I could MAKE myself deal with all of that. Even the boobs weren't the worst thing ever (though they do nothing for me). But while pondering my sexuality, I DID think I could pull off fucking chicks if I had to. Yet when they kept wanting me to eat them out... oh, fuck. That's where I draw the line! Well, ENOUGH of that. Let's return to talking about penises. Have a great holiday, dude. PS: I'll do my best on anything medical here that I possibly can, but ALWAYS see a REAL doctor when in any doubt. I miss Doc Danny. Can NEVER replace him, but will sure at least maybe point guys in the right direction if I can.
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