A buddy of mine was told by his doctor that he has a yeast infection. "Buddy" had shown me his dick about a week ago and he had a dime size red spot on it. He said it didn't hurt or itch, it was just red. I don't have sex with Buddy so I wasn't concerned about catching it at the time.
Buddy's doctor said yeast infections can just happen, you don't always "catch" it from somebody. But as Buddy was telling me who sucked his dick about a month ago I realized it was the same guy that sucked my dick 3 days ago. Small world. Now I'm freakin out. Not only did the guy suck me but we kissed too! I did a search on yeast infections but did't find out much. Most of the information was about women's drippin stinkin pussys. Men get yeast infections too but mostly uncut guys (I'm cut) and in the mouth, I guess from eatin those drippin, stinkin pussys. Y'all tell me what you know about yeast infections.
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