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Old 12th December 2005, 09:27 PM
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How Do You Signal for Sex at a Parking Lot?

There is a threat on how to signal in a bathroom and a steamroom for sex, but how do you signal for sex at a parking lot.

I saw a note about a hook-up using the "usual signals" while parked. Could anyone tell me what they are?

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Old 13th December 2005, 07:53 AM
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parking lot

usually, you would use your brake lights. or, if the vehicle pulls up in back of you, apply the brake lights, or turn on the inside dome light- or he'll flash his headlights at you..
always ready to get on my knees
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Old 13th December 2005, 01:46 PM
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[L]oadeater explained how to do it discreetly.

However, if you want to be indiscreet and outrageous, jump out of your car naked and run around the parking lot.
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Old 17th December 2005, 12:13 AM
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you forgot about the part about yelling loadly TAKE ME....TAKE ME
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Old 18th December 2005, 08:50 AM
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When you get there, you'll learn quickly what to do by observing everyone else:

1. Be sure to keep your high beams on at all times.
2. Drive through the lot less than one mile and hour so that when you drive behind a guy that's parked, he feels like he's getting blocked in.
3. With the high beams on, pull in ever so slowly next to the guy so he feels like he's being interrogated, and then park as close as you can next to him so he can't open his door. Then sit and stare at him as long as you can until he leaves.
4. Drive in and out of the parking lot AT LEAST ten times every five minutes.
5. While in the parking lot, be sure to change spaces three or four times every two minutes.

Okay, so I'm having a little fun here. Good luck to you though. I'd reccommend cruising a lot that actually has a secluded place to walk into for some fun, or you'll just be hit with all the nonsense I described above.
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Old 18th December 2005, 09:49 AM
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I HATE the high-beam dudes.

In fact, I always wonder if they are cops in unmarked vehicles. Nothing can make me leave faster than those fucking high-beam dudes!

Knock it off, assholes!

(Thanks for bringing that up -- it needed to be said.)
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Old 22nd September 2021, 04:29 AM
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I look for guys in big rigs mostly. I see if there is someone sitting in the cab of the truck. If they are staying, many times they have their interior lights on. Quite often, the guy will be sitting in the driver seat without a shirt. If I can, I park in front of them so I can tap my brake lights three times. I try this a few times, then I get out of the car, stretch, and casually put my hand on my crotch. I will walk around the car checking the tires, etc, casually grabbing my crotch. I keep looking into the cab to see if there is a reaction. Sometimes the guy will roll down his window or blink his lights. If that happens, I casually walk up to the cab and ask for the time to get a convo started. Sometimes I ask if I can climb up onto the step to see what a big rig looks like inside. This is usually when I see the guy has his cock out, or better yet, he hasn't got any pants on. At this point, ask if you can get in, and go for it.

I was on I-26 the other day and I was passing a big rig. The guy had a tiny blue light on in his cab. It was dark, so the light really stood out. I pulled in front, tapped my brakes three times, and luckily, a rest area was coming up. I pulled in, and he followed. I got out and he blinked his lights. I went up to the truck, and we ended up sucking and fucking each other.

The blue light is a signal in most cases that the guy is gay and he is horny. Sometimes, however, it is in support of law enforcement, so don't get your signals mixed up.
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Old 22nd September 2021, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by buttpiratesc View Post
Sometimes I ask if I can climb up onto the step to see what a big rig looks like inside. This is usually when I see the guy has his cock out, or better yet, he hasn't got any pants on.

Now that is a signal even I would be able to figure out!
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Old 23rd September 2021, 04:07 AM
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I am thinking of getting a single led and putting it on a 9 volt battery so that I can go to rest areas at night and hang the light out the window. On one rest area on I-26, the truckers will overflow into the regular parking areas. It seems this is where the guys like to park who are looking for action. I want to see how the buttpiratesc "blue light special" works when I use it!
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Old 23rd September 2021, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by buttpiratesc View Post
I want to see how the buttpiratesc "blue light special" works when I use it!
I have looked at the your profile picture of your dick - that is a lot better than a K-Mart Blue Light Special!
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Old 29th September 2021, 04:31 AM
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Thanks jonn. When I was in high school, I worked at K-Mart and I ran the blue light specials. Those were the days! I would love to be able to set up a "blue light special" at a cruising spot to attract guys to play with!!
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Old 30th September 2021, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by buttpiratesc View Post
I would love to be able to set up a "blue light special" at a cruising spot to attract guys to play with!!

The "blue light special" in the "red light district!"
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Old 3rd October 2021, 06:25 AM
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That is pretty much what I am talking about. I wonder how many guys would take advantage of my special?
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Old 20th October 2021, 12:52 AM
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Blue light

AM2A016 Accessory Pack For Mini Maglite AA Flashlights comes with Blue & Red lenses

Originally Posted by buttpiratesc View Post
I am thinking of getting a single led and putting it on a 9 volt battery so that I can go to rest areas at night and hang the light out the window. On one rest area on I-26, the truckers will overflow into the regular parking areas. It seems this is where the guys like to park who are looking for action. I want to see how the buttpiratesc "blue light special" works when I use it!
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Old 20th October 2021, 05:04 AM
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Nice to know!!
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