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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Probability of non-std infection by giving deep throat BJ

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Old 30th May 2006, 06:48 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Question Probability of non-std infection by giving deep throat BJ

The question is current for me. Would it be more than likely that giving a bj could result in a sore throat that is not considered a STD. Not being a doctor, the scientific words for this are unknown to me, but I would like to get an answer, if possible.

My friend got carried away by horniness and gobbled down a big cock in an adult theater. Now he has a moderately sore throat only two days after sucking this cock without protection.

A few years ago he got a urinary infection from a guy who sucked his cock, so would it be the same risk with the tables turned?

We read the posts about HIV and gonnaria and did not see anything on non-stds, but it does seem logical that a penis could have viruses or bacteria to cause this problem.

Does anyone have an answer? We know that if the sore throat persists he has to go to the clinic, but is hoping to avoid that path.

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Old 31st May 2006, 03:26 PM
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We can speculate on this for days and not be able to provide a definitive answer. Sorry.

You guys seem to be going on the assumption that this is NOT an STD. That cannot be determined. In fact, even in the ABSENCE of any symptoms, one can have an STD and not know it. The sore throat may be the result of an infection that is a genuine STD or maybe not.

I'm gonna do something I shouldn't do and say that the odds are in his favor that he does not have an STD, provided that you guys do, indeed, understand that he should go get checked out.

Even if the sore throat goes away, that STILL does not mean he wasn't infected with something. Many STD symptoms DO go away, then reappear. The pattern is wildly different for various STDs. Only one sure way to know: go get a culture done and put an end to the guessing-game.

I'm aware of your general question, however: can a penis transmit a "common" bacteria that can cause a simple sore throat without an actual STD present.

In a nutshell -- sure. Bacteria that can cause a sore throat can be found ANYWHERE. If the guy didn't wash his hands after taking a dump and then touched his dick -- there you go. Or if he flushed a public toilet. Or touched a wall. Or tied his shoe. Doesn't have to be an INTERNAL infection that was spread -- could "just" be a mild, bacterial bug that will clear up shortly.

My gay cousin recently joked about having a sore throat from "sucking too many dicks."

And, finally... sometimes just giving a LOT of deep throat will slightly damage delicate tissue in the throat and mouth. It may not even be bacterial in nature. Could just be banged up a bit.

Watch and see what happens, but don't just wait around forever. I'd have to recommend a culture and some tests if the guy is really nervous, but I'm laying odds this is nothing to worry about.

Good luck.
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Old 2nd June 2006, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119

It's possible that your friend might have acquired a moderately sore throat from other bacteria such as would be present for a yeast infection. But, without seeking expert medical attention from competent medical folks, the source of your friend's throat infection cannot be determined.

If your friend's sore throat remains moderately sore or becomes more remarkably sore 3 to 5 days after initial contact, he needs to seek medical care which would involve a throat culture to determine the source of the inflammation.

I would also be concerned if your friend had a slightly elevated body temperature indicating an infection of some sort.
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