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Old 14th September 2006, 03:16 PM
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BEst for erections???

Ok there guys. What is the best thing out there , without a precription, to keep the lead in you pencil? Are creams best? Cock rings? Herbs? some of the stuff you find on convience store counters? How about poppers? Let's hear it guys.
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Old 15th September 2006, 05:23 PM
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Different strokes for different folks.

Try out all the stuff you mentioned and see what works best for you.

Also... depends on what "issue" you may have. Are you just not getting as hard as you'd like? Not staying hard as long as you want? Looking for multiple erections in a few hours? There are pros and cons to just about everything...

Creams: I guess you are talking about desensitizing creams -- I've never seen any other type. They do work, a little bit, if you have premature ejaculation woes. Don't expect miracles, though. It's just a mild, topical anesthetic. Can be troublesome for some guys -- may cause too much loss of sensation and lead to Limp Dick Syndrome. Also, though unlikely, test on an inconspicuous area of sensitive skin like the inside of the wrist to make sure you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients first before applying to your dick.

Cockrings: tried and true. Can certainly help keep a hard-on, can make your penis more sensitive simply because it is harder. Decorative and fun, can be a turn-on to wear one. Downsides: too tight is not only dangerous, but can produce the opposite effect, making it tougher to get a soft dick hard if blood flow is too restricted. This is easily solved by simply making sure you use a ring that fits properly. Adjustable ones are good for guys who have never tried them before. Most dudes use them for extra, added stimulation or for fun; not a lot of guys use them strictly for erectile difficulties, though they can't hurt. Measure the circumference of your dick with a string or tape measure, then get the diameter of the resulting circle. Most non-adjustable rings are sold by diameter size: 1 1/4, 1 1/2, etc.

Poppers: eh. If you are having erectile problems, poppers may not be the best "solution," but they DO help get the blood flowing into your dick by lowering blood pressure. I'm a huge fan of poppers myself, but I am reluctant to recommend them as any sort of panacea for ED. IF (and only if) you do not have any health issues or concerns, give them a try. Men with heart troubles, blood pressure issues or who are at high risk for stroke should NOT be using poppers. The good news is they are non-addictive and generally benign for most dudes. The effects wear off swiftly, but that also means that if you are needing them to stay hard, you'll have to keep using them often during sex, which can lead to major headaches. Also, over-use of poppers can be a serious erection-killer for a lot of guys. Have met many men who go limp from too much poppers -- but have met just as many guys who swear by them. You'd have to see what works for you. Use caution and be sensible about it. Most dudes I hang with LOVE the Jungle Juice I always purchase, commenting that it blows away the other brands. I agree, but that's a personal choice. I find all other types inferior and won't buy anything else for my own use.

Stuff in convenience stores -- shit, I've never seen anything in a 7-11 that would be good for erection problems! There's ephedrine and caffeine tablets to keep you awake all night, and granted... these can be stimulating in some ways, but they don't act directly on your dick. And I personally wouldn't mix ephedrine with anything at all (hate the stuff myself).

Herbs. This is probably your best bet, dude. Yohimbe is controversial, but it WORKS. I enjoy the hell out of it. Don't have any erectile problems myself, but then again... neither do probably about half the men taking Viagra these days! Most guys use these things for recreational purposes, for having sex many times in one night or a weekend of debauchery, etc. Hope you don't mind the lengthy details I will include here, but Yohimbe requires some discussion:

First, it is unregulated. Different brands of Yohimbe may contain different inactive ingredients and/or impurities. Also, some brands do not contain much Yohimbe alkaloid, which is what you want. I tried capsules sold in Walgreen's (forget the brand name -- purple bottle): these SUCKED and do nothing. Yohimbe sold at Rite Aid under the store-brand name of Pharmassure KICK ASS. They work in less than thirty minutes and last for a couple hours. Teal-green bottle with black and gold label. About every three weeks, Rite Aid puts their Pharmassure products on sale, buy one, get one free. Check the online circular this Sunday -- I THINK it is the sale week, but sometimes they change it.

Not all states have Rite Aid. Florida does not. I drive to Georgia to get mine. Pharmassure is a joint product also sold by GNC, but I haven't been inside a GNC to check if they stock the Yohimbe. It is NOT listed for sale on their website.

However, I was recently browsing for vitamins at Wal Mart and noticed StaminaRX. I read the label and noted that it contains the same percentage of Yohimbe alkaloid as listed on my Pharmassure brand. I believe it was ten bucks. This isn't a bad price. The tablets are made to look a little like Viagra -- small and blue, but they are Yohimbe. It may be worth a try, but I haven't used it myself as yet. Still, it's the only Yohimbe product I've found so far that matches what I use, so if you don't have Rite Aid, hit Wal Mart and give it a shot.

WARNINGS are necessary here: if you medically would be denied a Viagra prescription because of health concerns, do NOT use Yohimbe.

It is seriously powerful stuff and DOES have some side effects you may not enjoy, but for me, they are inconsequential.

Yohimbe can make you sweat a bit. Palms, armpits, perhaps. Your blood pressure will drop, so do not drive until you know how it affects you. It will make you need to piss during the first hour or two, but this isn't a big deal for me. Some guys get an upset stomach, but I do not. You may feel shaky, but it's kind of a fun sensation and wears off quickly. The side effects are actually similar to those of Viagra anyway. But it does work, I'll say that much. Recently I kept a nice erection going for two solid hours while being sucked off, with one break to take a leak, was hard again in moments.

As with Viagra, sexual stimulation is required. Taking Yohimbe alone won't cause you to walk around with a boner.

IF you try it, start SLOW. Take a SMALL amount. Half a tablet. See what you think.

I have found that too much of it is NOT better. Can be over-stimulating and can make you hyped up and feel like you are speeding.

Just use caution if trying this product, please. And remember that what I enjoy personally may not be right for you. Lots of guys have objections to Yohimbe. Not me. So far, so good.

Finally, however... you can get online prescriptions for the real deal easily enough. Though Yohimbe is cool for me for weekend fun, most guys will recommend actual Viagra or Cialis. I'd agree with that. If you can get them, probably these are the best products for use today.

Even better: just see your doctor and get a physical, make sure you are in good health to take Viagra, and get a prescription legitimately. It isn't cheap, but it won't break the bank, either. And your doctor doesn't give a shit -- he probably hands out Viagra on a daily basis and the docs know a lot of guys are using it these days for recreation and/or for normal, expected loss of erectile function that comes with age. Many guys just don't get as hard when they get older as they did when they were twenty years old -- this isn't TRUE erectile dysfunction, it's just part of life.

If you have massive health issues and don't even get morning erections anymore, you MUST see a doctor about it. None of the above should be tried until you have a diagnosis. But if you just want to play around more... see what works for you, be cautious and sensible and don't over-do any one thing.

Must include the standard warning NOT to mix Viagra with poppers. We've discussed this a million times, won't get into it more than that.

Hit us back and let us know what you enjoyed.

PS: Forgot to mention -- the label on a bottle of Yohimbe tablets will probably tell you to take one or two DAILY with a meal or some such bullshit. Don't even think about it. That is a HUGE dose that is not needed. Just take one tablet or start with half a tablet first, prior to sex, just as you would take Viagra. Yohimbe is not something you want to take DAILY or as a supplement. The label says this because doing so will use up the bottle faster and cause you to buy more, just like everything these days! I can't imagine taking Yohimbe on a regular basis like that. And, like most drugs and herbs, it works faster on an empty stomach, but you'll have to see if you can tolerate that. It doesn't bother me, though.
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Old 28th September 2006, 05:42 PM
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Can you use Yohimbe w/ poppers?
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Old 29th September 2006, 11:28 PM
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Well, dude... I do.

But I can't say I "officially" recommend it.

I haven't ever tried Viagra -- would love to, for the hell of it and to compare it to Yohimbe. But Yohimbe DOES have a very similar effect in that it lowers blood pressure and results in a longer lasting, firmer erection.

I KNOW guys who ignore the poppers/Viagra warning and so far... nothing has happened to them. I think this is highly foolish behavior, though. I personally wouldn't take the risk.

Based on just what I've HEARD about Viagra, it's probably more potent than Yohimbe. But that's not to say Yohimbe and poppers are any safer.

Bottom line: at your own risk, buddy. ANYONE trying Yohimbe should go with half a tab and see what they think. Test it out alone when masturbating or something, see what results you get and how your body reacts.

I haven't experienced any frightening effects using Yohimbe and poppers -- no "black out" sensations, no dizziness, no lingering after-effects, etc.

But that's just me. Keep in mind that everyone is different.
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Old 6th October 2006, 02:09 PM
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Hey guys! Scruffycub, you give great advise and being that I have tried Yohimbe as well as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, I can say that everything you wrote is good and true advise.

There is one supplement that I have recently found which is better than Yohimbe, Cialis, Viagra and Levitra combined and that is a product called PerforMax made by a company called Nature 2 Basics Distribution Company which is in Los Angeles.

I get the pills at a local herbal shop and can witness that the effects are greater than all of the above. The effect lasts all day which is great for me and the pills have their own little "rush" that is exciting to feel.

They are kind of expensive being around 8 bucks per pill, but are totally worth it and come in a bottle of five pills. The price is about the same as Viagra and the others but as I said, the feeling is MUCH better than all of the above.

The caution you gave regarding poppers would hold true with this pill. I haven't tried poppers while taking the pill, but the sensations are similar, although better, than viagra which would lead me to think that it wouldn't be wise to mix the two.

I am not sure what the blend of herbs is in this pill as the bottle sites a proprietary blend, but that being said, I highly recommend this one!

As for poppers, you ever tried a brand called Amsterdam Poppers? This stuff is phenominal and the rush is ten times that of Jungle Juice less the headaches. It reminds me of the old poppers that one used to find twenty plus years ago. Pure headrush that serves buckets of pleasure!

Anyway, one thing that I might mention from my own experience is that as was mentioned, that one doesn't walk around with a boner from just taking any of the pills mentioned. You have to be sexually stimulated in order to get an erection.

I found out a couple years ago when I was in a situation with a guy whom I was not attracted to sexually but didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I took a viagra thinking it would help.

What I learned that night is that I could have taken an army of pills and it wouldn't have made a difference! One has to be sexually stimulated and ATTRACTED to someone or perhaps even the situation before any of the pills mentioned will make a bit of difference.
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Old 7th October 2006, 08:49 AM
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For sure -- Yohimbe, et al won't help a bit if you aren't into the guy.

In fact, I'd go as far to say that it often feels WORSE.

Have had a couple encounters where it turned out I wasn't into the dude at all, and the frustration of WANTING to get off but not having the right chemistry, coupled with the herbal enhancement... well, it wasn't all that pleasant. Not the end of the world, but when your dick wants and needs some release and you don't get it...

I will personally keep the info posted above and maybe give those recommended tablets a try sometime. But, for me... eight bucks each is pretty steep. Perhaps an experimental Christmas gift to myself!

Only caution I'd have to give... not knowing the contents of all the propriety herbs in the formula... can be a bit risky. Some folks don't agree with certain herbs, and more importantly, ANYONE taking ANY over-the-counter or prescription meds should be extremely careful when adding herbs to the mix.

Common sense, as always, should get you through. Just be careful, dudes.

I find Amsterdam to be a decent second choice after Jungle Juice. I think Amsterdam goes flat rather quickly. I had to buy it in NY when I was there the last couple months -- store stopped carrying JJ and my personal supply had run dry.

But, as always, popper choice is subjective. Everyone likes what they like. What works for me doesn't have to work for anyone else! Trial and error.

Thanks for sharing, dude.
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Old 10th October 2006, 08:34 AM
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Hey there!

You are absolutely correct to say that a proprietary mix is somewhat problematic in that it doesn't give a clue to the user of any possible drug interactions.

Oftentimes, people are not aware that herbal supplements are indeed POWERFUL chemical substances. The general population thinks that if one can buy it over the counter that these substances aren't any big deal. I respect the fact that you advise caution to those who read this.

This sane approach is much appreciated and helps those who read to engage their minds with critical thinking and to evaluate the possible risks.

I found out a few years back a little known fact: I was taking L-Arginine as part of a body building effort. I was unaware that there was a reaction to Viagra until the night that I mixed the two.

I survived the night, but let me tell you that had I not had a strong heart and overall constitution, I would have passed that night. So, as one who has accidentally come close to the brink of death I truly appreciate the sane advise and educational approach that you are sharing here in this thread.
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Old 11th October 2006, 04:20 PM
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Thanks very much for your kind words, Randy.

CFS has always been a community effort. I post often, but there's lots of guys here who provide great information. Seems like each of us, in fact, has an area of personal expertise that comes in quite handy. I've learned much from the members here, and hope that some folks have learned a few things from me, too.

I recently started weightlifting myself; this is week eight for me. Enjoying it very much. Still in a learning curve, though. Didn't try L-Arginine, but am taking other supplements. From what I've read, these are all safe and have no interactions with OTC or prescription meds: creatine, glutamine, proteins, etc. Should I consider adding anything new to my daily supplements, I will be sure to make careful study of the product before taking it.

Thanks for sharing your story -- and very glad to hear that you are OK.
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Old 20th October 2006, 03:42 AM
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It really isn't true that all people have to be sexually aroused for Cialis or Viagra to work. I was getting dreesed after a workout today, and had taken half a generic viagra I get from an online store. I was not at all horny, jacking off three times the night before. But a freind said he took on of the pills I gave him and didn't do anything. Since they were a new generic company from what I had gotten earlier, I decided to test them. So I took a half without being in a secual mood at all.

I showered off and felt like I was busting wood--from soaping up and rinsing off. And while I was dressing--no one in the dressing room--I busted full wood without even wanting and without touching myself, nor being sexually aroused.

Fuck. I was chucling to myself that, "yeah, it's working." Felt funny to bust full wood for, uh, no reason. I rember that shit when I was about 18. Seemed like it would always happen just as the fucking bell would ring and had to get up to move to the next class.

I don't know about the "herbal" stuff, but cock rings work great. Then Viagra, and then Cialis. If you break teh pills in half, they seem to work in about 15 minutes. After I take viagra, I usually get a full wood in about 30 minutes without even touching myself. Fucker won't go down for about 15 minutes. Afte that, I *usually* need a little stimulation, either visual or manual, before I get full hard again.

Another trick is wait a day or two between rubbing one out before you want to get a hard on. They will come faster and harder then too. It helps to be suxually turned on--duh.
Will meet with discreet men w/large erections, true 7"+ & hard. Will sit down on your hard-on while you stroke me, or get on my hands and knees, reach back and massage your balls while your cock's up my asspipe. Like prostate massages and sucking. I always have enema before playing. Very clean only. No kissing or hugging, etc. Just sex.

If your cock is big and hard, I'm truly interested.

Northern California, Coos Bay, Ashland, Medford in Oregon, and other places.
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Old 30th October 2006, 12:03 AM
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Rite Aid Yohimbe

Hey ScruffyCub

Rite Aid had a sale this weekend and they have a lot of different products – I just wanted to make sure I bought the right one to try –

I got Pharmassure Standardized Yohimbe that has 112.5 mg –

They had a TON of different products – a lot of them under names like Performance Enhancer, etc – but this sounded like the one you describe.

I thought before I open it (and then can’t return it) I would check and make sure I got the correct product –

Don’t expect everything to work like when I was 13 but would be nice to give it a little boost!

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Old 3rd November 2006, 04:22 PM
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FYI, Jonn3 emailed me the above question.

Didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring him.

He got the right stuff. It can be tough to locate in Rite Aid. Some stores have varying layouts. Newer and remodeled locations have all the aisles set up in diagonal formation. These stores place the Pharmassure Yohimbe in the vitamin aisle, with Pharmassure flaking two sides of the shelf, on each end. Yohimbe is with the HERBS, the smaller section, alphabetized, so it is always down low near the floor somewhere. Generally they only stock a few bottles at a time, which sell quickly during the buy one, get one free sale every third or fourth week.

Older Rite Aid stores that do not have the diagonal layout often stock the herbs along a back wall somewhere. Also alphabetical, so generally on a lower shelf.
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Old 25th November 2006, 10:43 PM
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Try a lot of porn,just kidding.
Less stress and better health is always good though.
Check out my profile (website) for more fun
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Old 27th November 2006, 02:31 PM
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Yeah, but...

Okay, this has been an interesting post for me, maybe y'all have some answers for me. I'm 39 years old, and have never had any trouble getting erect and staying erect until the past couple of years. My boyfriend and I have sex, and no problem -- he turns me on so much that I get hard doing anything with him. The problem is this: he gets really, really turned on watching me suck another guys cock. That's great, but so far every single time the other guy shows up, my cock goes limp and stays that way until he leaves. So, the other day I went online, ordered some viagra, and when it arrived, took 50mg. I was looking forward to not being embarrassed the next time someone came over for sex, but nope... may as well have taken an aspirin for all the good it did.

Yeah, my cock gets hard again as soon as I'm with my boyfriend, but damn it, I don't get it. The thing is, I really am turned on. I like sucking the cock, I like it when my boyfriend is turned on, and sometimes it even feels as if I'm hard, but I look down and my cock is just hanging there, on vacation.

So, did I get ripped off online? I ordered from a site recommended from this site. Any suggestions? Comments? Advice?

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Old 29th November 2006, 06:30 AM
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Can't possibly tell you if you got the real deal from your online order. Most Viagra sales online are legit.

Sounds psychological to me. Just because you take Viagra and are ALSO pleased to give your boyfriend something he enjoys doesn't mean that you will get hard.

Maybe you're feeling some sort of pressure to perform. Maybe deep inside you wish you were alone with your boyfriend. Maybe you feel that you would prefer to not be doing this. And... maybe it bugs you a bit that YOU are totally happy being alone with your boyfriend but HE wants another guy in the picture.

Truth be told, dude... that would bug the shit out of me.

This is coming from a guy who has been in that situation, doing stuff because I thought it would thrill other guys but ultimately finding that I just wasn't into it for myself.

Best you can do... enjoy the sex you have with your boyfriend with no one else there. If you feel you want to give him that something extra with another guy's dick in your mouth -- that's YOUR choice to make. Learn to accept the fact that you might not get hard. TELL your boyfriend AND the other guy that you are into it, but that you don't get hard from this activity.

Once it's out in the open, perhaps your dick will respond if the pressure's off.

Realize it is frustrating to be pleasing others and not getting off yourself, but ultimately, it comes down to a choice that only you can make. Do you want to keep doing this and are you TRULY OK with it, or would you rather NOT engage in this sharing?

If you think you really do NOT enjoy it at all -- time for a talk with your boyfriend. But if you're cool with it, just do your best to have fun even if you aren't hard. Probably you will GET hard if you are relaxed and into it.

Viagra and other ED drugs only work if you are stimulated and INTO the sex you are having, though they DO make it easier to get it up with LESS overall stimulation.

Really think this has far more to do with how you feel INSIDE than the efficacy of the drug.

Best of luck to you, dude.
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