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Old 27th November 2006, 02:36 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 3
Tired of losing parts of my body to fellatio

No, not THAT part.

My boyfriend is really, really (really) into getting his cock sucked. He can cum six times in a couple of hours, and he loves getting it sucked for a very long time. Okay, great, I'm having a good time too. It's been an interesting process from "I'm not really into that" to becoming an enthusiastic deep-throating cocksucker. At least with HIS cock.

But -- I'm tired of the effect it's having on my body. He prefers to have me kneeling in front of him, but then things begin going numb. Recently, and much to my distress, body parts are taking awhile to come back to full feeling. My right thigh was numb for the better part of a week after one long session.

This weekend was the worst -- I was wearing boots and kneepads. shifting position when I could, but when I got up I'd developed "drop foot" in my left foot. It happens when the nerve is compressed. Place your foot flat in the floor and tap it as if to a rousing square dance. See how easy that is? "Drop foot" means those muscles aren't working. The muscles are numb and two days later I'm still stumping around with my left foot thudding to the ground. I can't lift it to walk heel-toe, I keep tripping, and I really HATE knowing that I've once again hurt my body in the pursuit of sexual pleasure. I think this will recover, but damn it, if I've permanently crippled myself just to suck some cock, I'll be pissed off for the next twenty years.

Is there some way I can kneel for long periods without compressing nerves? I'm sure this will heal, but this can't be a good thing to do to my body on a regular basis.

Yeah, I know, I could also look for a different way of sucking cock, but that's going to mean looking for a different boyfriend. We do try different positions, but somehow I always end up back there. Damn it.
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Old 27th November 2006, 05:59 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 16
Weak in the knees...

If you've ever been to Blow Buddies in San Francisco, you will know that they have a platform where guys who want sucked walk up some stairs to glory holes that are at just the right height for men to stand while they suck. This is perfect for marathon sessions. If you don't have a landing in your house where you can duplicate this, try furniture or something to raise him up to mouth level. Alternatively, I suppose you could try sitting on a low stool. You could also sit on some stairs while he stands a step or two below- don't let him fall!

If none of these options works, send your boyfriend over to my house...
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Old 29th November 2006, 06:50 AM
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Well, dude... I'M just like your boyfriend, except that I tend to hold off on cumming for many hours instead of cumming multiple times in a few hours.

I also like a guy to kneel down between my legs, and most certainly DO find this to be a problem for a LOT of dudes who cannot handle that kind of marathon stint.

I met this fucking HOT, gorgeous trucker dude a couple weeks ago. Just my type. Liked him a whole lot. There were other problems which made me realize that it was going to be a one-time deal with him (we just didn't click on some levels), but MOSTLY it was the fact that he could only suck dick for a few minutes on his knees and had a seriously hard time standing up after that -- and he's a year younger than me. He sort of rushed me to cum in fifteen minutes and this is not what I wanted.

Have gotten to the point of making sure I ASK dudes if they have strong knees, and have also made a habit of requesting at LEAST a half-hour minimum, but longer is better when I can get it.

So... here's what has worked for guys I hang out with:

1) As posted above, swap positions. He can stand while you sit. Now, it is almost as tough for me to stand for a long period of time when getting sucked off -- my legs get shaky. But I can do it for a while and let the guy relax his own legs.

I met with a dude in a hotel a few times. He got a room with a table that was the perfect position for him to sit on the edge of the bed with me leaning on the table. As it turned out, this was HOT AS HELL and took pressure off my legs. We kept that position for about three hours, no problem, with a short break in the middle.

2) TAKE A BREAK. Take several. I ALWAYS tell guys (and my regular buddies know) that they can have breaks when they need it. Most just tell me: "How about a break now, dude?" Sure, no problem. I LOVE getting hard all over again after a break. Most guys can go half an hour, take a ten minute break, then go another half hour. Usually during this time we smoke, talk, or I am the very grateful and lucky recipient of a nice foot massage or back rub -- or I will be glad to do the same for HIM.

3) Which leads to... ASK HIM to give you a massage in the parts of your body that get stiff. I have NO problem rubbing a guy's neck or shoulders or whatever he wants, considering all he's been doing for ME. He can lay down and relax and I'll help him out. Hopefully YOUR guy will be eager to do the same for you.

4) Alternate positions while on the floor, between his knees.

My one buddy, who can suck dick even longer than I can take it, will just shift around. He'll kneel directly in front of me, which is what I like best, but he will also sit cross-legged for a while or lean over on his side, extend his legs out, and kind of come at my dick from an angle. He will use his arms for leverage to take the weight off his knees, which I enjoy because it changes the angle of his head.

5) You mentioned knee pads, which are good idea, but it seems they don't work all that well for you. Try out various pillows as well or instead of the knee pads. Softer pillows probably won't work, so try using some with more substance.

6) DO discuss this with him. I personally MUCH prefer a guy in that exact position. I'm not fond of laying down and getting sucked -- the angle is "off" for me. But I will certainly do whatever I can to make sure the guy blowing me is happy and comfortable, even if it means that I am not as comfortable as I might like.

7) See if he's into fucking your mouth. For me, fucking a guy's mouth provides a GREAT angle, very similar to sitting back with him between my legs. HE can sit leaning against the side of the bed on the floor, stretch out his legs and I can stand over him. In fact, sometimes this is even hotter than kicking back in my favorite chair, but admittedly... it depends on the guy and if he's good at getting his face fucked.

It's all about communication and some amount of compromise. If he's not willing to do ANYTHING to help you out... sadly... I'd agree and say it's time for you to move along, but that would be a last resort. If he cares about you he will most certainly be willing to explore some options.

I often meet with a buddy and go to his place. He's got a trailer in his yard and we mess around in there. There's a small sofa across from the breakfast table. Leaning on the table, as I did with the dude in the hotel, with him sitting on the sofa, works GREAT. Met with him on Monday night and had a HOT time. He's ten years older than me, and while he CAN kneel down for a while, I know it is easier for him to sit and relax. No problem. It's worth the compromise.
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Old 3rd December 2006, 03:05 PM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 98

This IS a good post. SO for ease of cock. I like short long cock men. Thats short men with a big cock. I am tall and just sit on the floor between their legs preferably with a wall behind. Men may have to squat a bit but they seem to think it worth the bother. I am comfortable naked on the floor with a wall behind my head being pounded into. If I was or they were short, I would sit on a pillow.
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Old 10th December 2006, 05:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Thumbs up THANKS! I

Thank you guys, I appreciate the time you took to give such helpful advice. Besides, it was hot as hell to read it, and I'm looking forward to putting all into practice, as soon as possible.

We do the face fucking thing pretty often, and that is best for me -- I sit on a cushion, leaning against the wall, he grabs my head and starts fucking my throat deep, hard and (as my throat relaxes) really starts pounding. It's actually how I learned to deepthroat -- it was either swallow the cock or choke, and it's impressive what the body can do when it doesn't really have a choice.

The kneeling position is pretty fucking hot to look at, it's great for me to have his cock at mouth level, and I know he likes it best when I'm down with my head between his legs, working his cock. It also gives me a chance to swallow the whole cock, hold it in my throat, and let him thrust more deeply. Knowing that I can pull back when I need to breathe makes it easier to do that for him.

So, I've talked with him about breaks -- we're going to set an alarm of some kind that will force us to get up and turn it off. Both of us get so into it that it's easy to forget that moving, stretching and changing position is important.

I've printed out ScruffyCub's advice, and have started working my way through it -- although it's not exactly "work."

Scruffy, I think my guy could take some tips from you. Damn, you sound hot AND considerate. What a concept. If you're ever in Denver, I owe you at least one.
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Old 19th December 2006, 01:59 PM
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Would I be able to officially become a member of the Mile High Club if you give me a quickie in Denver?

Or do I have to actually be flying?

Glad to help, buddy.

You're partner is lucky to have you. I could use an enthusiastic cocksucking buddy myself right about now! YOU are lucky to have a partner that is willing to make things more pleasant for you, too.

Best wishes -- happy holidays.

PS: Don't set the alarm too loud. Wouldn't want an unfortunate "nipping accident" should you get startled!
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