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CRUISING for SEX - Asians and sex clubs

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3rd January 2001 10:58 AM


3rd January 2001 01:46 PM

I agree with calboy. I am appalled by what I am reading, and the attitudes that are being expressed. If someone is doing something offensive, or not following posted rules, then they should be excluded. However, a person's ethnicity should not be the gating factor in admission to a club. As in any bath house/sex club, if you do not like someone, then just say no, and find someone who appeals to you. But don't exclude them because their lifestyle/look does not jive with yours...

3rd January 2001 01:54 PM

hey HUNGINPB.... whats wrong with hairy backs and asses?? you can have the smooth ones!

3rd January 2001 02:07 PM

I have to put my 2 cents in. I am not a racist, I maintain relationships with all types of people, however,
when I want to get off and have sex, I want a particular type of guy. I will patronize clubs that cater to my sexual preference and avoid clubs that are filled with guys I find unappealing. I suspect that a majority of guys prefer non-asians.
(Note to the asian community, stop giggling, gawking, staring, and for God's sake get rid of the garlic stank.)

3rd January 2001 02:24 PM

Discriminating against one particular race is just flat-out wrong in 2001. And you can't generalize about an entire group of people just because a select group of people within that group have a habit that another race might not like. I'm sure we've all seen giggly white guys, voyeuristic black guys, "thumb-dicked" Latinos...what have you in the clubs too. So, can't turn an Asian away who pays his money to attend that club.
That is like going back to the South in the 50's with the "Service for Whites Only" signs in the diner window.

And besides....

THIS White guy just loves Asians...they're smooth, they're hairless, they're intelligent and they're fun...

3rd January 2001 02:37 PM

My experience has been different from others. Here in the desert I don't see many Asians, but at the gravel pit there have been a couple. They didn't smell and were better behaved than the young 20 something that came in one night. At a book store in San Bernardino my favorite guy is Asian (haven't seen him for a while) he gives the best blow jobs around!
I like small hard dicks. I like smooth trim bodies. Asians are a favorite of mine.
During my visits for S.E. Asia I was told that I didn't smell good. I had to stop eating beef for a while. I did and my partners were happy which meant them kept me happy:-)
It seem that what people really don't like is some of the behavior (I haven't seen it). Maybe there is a way to get the message out that when you are at a club, certain behavior is expected?? The garlic smell I have experienced has been from Koreans. Maybe they could be persuaded to skip the cabbage for a day?
Any why I don't think its a good idea to put all Asians in the same bucket any more than you can do the same for all Americans.

3rd January 2001 02:44 PM

Just wanted to say I agree with calboy and bilatinguy. And as for Mr. Load, you've got bigger problems than hating asians.

3rd January 2001 03:02 PM

God I hate this fucking racist town...Chicago, in the fucking midwest is less racist than this and in New York this wouldn't even be a conversation. What is it about Los Angeles that makes people in general and the gay scene in particular so ignorant and prejudiced? It's the only thing I've NOT liked about this place since moving here two years ago and it's bad enough to make me want to leave. answer to your questions...I would actively boycott any establishment that had a policy of discrimination against any group on the basis of race, gender, religion, age or sexual orientation. To do so would be discrimination. People might be able to justify it to themselves or others for a variety of reasons, but this just makes them hypocritical sellouts. That is, unless these pussy white boys also believe that businesses should be able to bar admittance to gay men as well. Then at least they'd just be sellouts.

Maybe those of you who think this is okay need a little reminder of reality. YOU are a member of a group that is actively discriminated against. If you didn't have the priviledge of living in a liberal area, you'd have the experience of people being kicked out of clubs, fired from their jobs, harrassed, beat up and humiliated...simply for being gay. Ever heard of Cracker Barrel? Or the U.S. Military? To advocate this practice against any other group is hypocrisy, pure and simple. Not to mention that gay men have the luxury of being able to "pass" as straight as the need have NO idea what it is like to be discriminated against daily just by someone looking at you.

Y'all need to get out of the sex clubs and read a little history. If it wasn't for the civil rights movement you'd still be kickin it in back rooms...if you don't think that racial prejudice is related to gay prejudice, check out bell hooks' essay "Feminism: a transformational politic." It's all related, boys.

Peter...don't be so polite. Name names. Which establishments are discriminating? Who is the racist winning awards? Open minds want to know...

And finally, for all the people using the tired "well don't call me a racist just because I'm not sexually attracted to them" line. Fine. If you're not sexually attracted to someone then don't have sex with them. But don't trample on someone else's right to go to the same club you do to because of your own selfish need to have only people YOU find attractive around you. Other people may find your over developed, steroid laden, tweaking, shaved ass unattractive. That doesn't mean they should crusade to have you 86ed.

3rd January 2001 03:24 PM

I think its great that you take an active role in your investment and that you care enough to bring up the subject and ask the tabu questions!!

First of all the issue seems to be race rather than actions. All the reasons for banning Asians from the "Zone" seem to be based from a race perspective rather than actions.

I am Asian and not of the stero type, Iam 29, 6'2" genetically well proportioned and I have hairy legs and my pubic hair is not bushy and theres nothing str8 on me, not even my pubic hair and I have a 7 1/2" penis.
The problems (aka Asians) everyone is speaking of stems most of the time but not always from the Asians that are F.O.B (Fresh off the boat). Usually but not always they are the ones who hang out in
packs,gawk, giggle and get in the way when your trying to have fun and the worst part about it is that if your asian yourself and you are hooking up with a non asian trick/date they assume that the guy is a rice queen and feel that they have a chance and end up stalking you and your trick which usually scares them off and ends up ruining the fun for everyone involved, they are also the ones who smell of garlic since many asian cultures use alot of garlic in their native cuisine and the ones who are F.O.B eat their ethnic food regularly, that would exclude the Japanese who don't use garlic for the most part (or perhaps they had just had dinner at Kookooroos or Baja Fresh)

Pedropan and CALBOY had the right sentiment, have a sign with rules reguarding such negative behavior such as stalking an unwilling victim, loitering in a GH booth, being excesssively rude or aggressive. These rules should apply to everyone and if someone weither asian, black, white,or latin
should break them they should be expelled from the club and have their membership revoked. That should be the criteria not race. I do agree with some of the negative comments about my relative (j/k) because I to find alot of the negative sterotypical asian traits very annoying and try to stay away from them, since it can be the cause of a very frustrating and anticlimactic experience. It does seem more acceptable/tolerated when a non asian
exhibits these traits/actions. Bottom line is you choose and have the right to hook up with any willing person you want, if your not into a person just ignore or if their agressive and stalking you just speak up and tell them to get lost this works on everyone not just asians. Again this should be about a persons actions or behavior not a race issue. Bann the actions or behavior, lets not make this and ugly race issue even though I do agree with some of the reactions and sentiments from some of the negative posts.

[This message has been edited by alwayshard&horny (edited January 03, 2001).]

3rd January 2001 03:29 PM


3rd January 2001 03:30 PM

Asians all smell of garlic.....hmmmm.
Don't know about that. But what I do know is that I can smell - all the way from Toronto - the rotten stink of prejudice in this particular thread.

3rd January 2001 03:58 PM

Hey Hollywoodboys, for the most part you're dead-on. I find it interesting though that you start you're comments with the same sort of sweeping generalization which is the basis of the discrimination which you denounce. I haven't spent enough time in Chicago to say where the city might fall on the scale, but to say that "in New York this wouldn't even be a conversation" strikes me along the lines of "Los Angeles = Racist" which is same kind of thinking that produces "Asians = Undesirable". And correct me if I'm wrong but are you talking about the same New York that invented the velvet rope? You know the one behind which club patrons have to stand before they are admitted on the basis of HOW THEY LOOK? Having friends who work as doormen at a couple of these clubs I know for a fact that they are instructed to limit the number or asian, black and Puerto Rican faces admitted. Maybe they might not have this conversation, but it doesn't mean Los Angeles is the sole site of discrimination. It's not that I don't agree with your position, I just wanted to point out how pervasive and often overlooked is the kind of flawed logic and generalizing that contributes to discrimination.

3rd January 2001 06:44 PM

Why is it that it is always "white folks"
that post shit like this. Just once I would like a man of color to post something like
"Looking for masculine man of color, white queens please don't apply". That would rule out 70% of the gay community. It still amazes me when I see topics like this. It's no wonder there are so many lost souls in this shallow community. Guys its time to grow up!!!

3rd January 2001 07:16 PM

Wow, this is an interesting and frightening discussion. I didn't realize there were so many out and out racists in the community.

I don't have much to add other than to respond to the individual who said he used to work at the Vortex and they didn't discriminate against Asians. Either you are fooling yourself or you just weren't aware of the unwritten policy. An Asian friend of mine was told that no more memberships were being sold, immediately after standing in line behind a Caucausian who was sold a membership. When he protested, he was told, "Sorry, we've reached our limit, and we're able to do so because we're a private club." He wasn't directly told he was being excluded because he was Asian, but he didn't have to be. Other Asian friends have report similar stories.

Oh--and this friend is no nelly queen either. Mid-30's at the time, 40" chest, 30" waist, about 5'10" and very hunky. Not that the doorman would know, but my friend certainly doesn't have a "thumb-sized penis" either. It was after hearing this that I destroyed my Vortex membership. I was very happy when they were forced out of business.

Peterdeep--please name names. I want to know which other clubs I should avoid patronizing for this behavior.

3rd January 2001 07:21 PM

OK, White .. er, ALL Non-Asian guys...look at this way..
Scenario: You're on vacation or business in Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong, know ASIA and you want to enjoy an evening at a local bath house..You're at the door of the club, yen, yuan, dong in hand (no pun intended) ready to fork over your cash and go and have some carnal fun. But the Asian guy at the entrance tells you "So velly sowwy, sir, we don't allow any white people in here...we don't like your hairy bodies and big cut dicks"...
How would you feel? OK, now imagine how an Asian at a LA Bath/Club feels when you deny HIM admission because of YOUR prejudices

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