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CRUISING for SEX - Asians and sex clubs

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3rd January 2001 07:43 PM

Niguel Dude
Cruiser posted January 03, 2001 08:21 PM
OK, White .. er, ALL Non-Asian guys...look at this way..
Scenario: You're on vacation or business in Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong, know ASIA and you want to enjoy an evening at a local bath house..You're at the door of the club, yen, yuan, dong in hand (no pun intended) ready to fork over your cash and go and have some carnal fun. But the Asian guy at the entrance tells you "So velly sowwy, sir, we don't allow any white people in here...we don't like your hairy bodies and big cut dicks"...
How would you feel? OK, now imagine how an Asian at a LA Bath/Club feels when you deny HIM admission because of YOUR prejudices

********LOL**** that wasn't a gigle either.

3rd January 2001 08:09 PM

Guys, I am appauled at what I'm reading! This is exactly what I was talking about when people bashed me and accused me of being a mainstream gay who has settle for the republican ways. My response to these people, "How could you expect the right wing conservatives and Christians to stop discriminating against you, when you are constantly discriminating within your own community!" This whole post totally proves my point! I have never seen so much racism and downright out rudeness in my life. For a city that tries to be politically correct, this really makes me wonder. It saids: Welcome to the city of ME, ME,ME and I am always right and no one matters but ME.
Peter, go with your own instincts, screw what everyone saids. Let into your club who you want to let into your club. If you want to cater to asians, dykes, drag queens, extraterrestrials, whatever go for it. Do what you feel is right. The hell with these one sided, racist queens who if you are not one of them , then you don't belong! This is exactly the reason I am proud to say, I VOTED FOR BUSH and will always stand behind The Log Cabin Republicans!

3rd January 2001 08:11 PM

I remember the days when Barney's Beanery had a sign hanging over the bar which read "No Fags Allowed". Not only did they have the sign, they enforced the rule. The gay community was outraged and demanded that the sign come down and that Barney's not discriminate against gays.
It is sad to hear so many gays openly advocate the same type of discrimination that many of us fought so long and hard to overcome.
It's bad enough that we have to fight the likes of Jerry Falwell, Dr. Laura and those of their ilk. That we have to struggle against the racist attitudes of our own is unconscionable.

3rd January 2001 08:20 PM

OK, now it's my turn. I do not get into watersports, leather, trolls. Should they be banned from a club? No. I just prefer to go to a club where they don't. My bf is asian (I am white). I love asians, hispanics, whites... That is why I love the Zone. Before the fire and after. The kind of guys I prefer were always there. Maybe the reason some people don't like asians is because they are or were attracted to them but are so over weight or just plain gross they could never get any, so they go to places like slammers that have other leather fatties like them to hook up with. You also hear about how the Hollywood Spa is full of attitude. Just a bunch of gym bodies and no action. Gee, everytime I've been there I have never had that problem. Maybe it is because I am one of them and I take care of my body and have high standards for who I hook up with. If you have a problem with asian, I don't care, go someplace else, because it is probably not just asians. As far as one race hanging out in groups and giggling, it isn't just asians, it is every ethnic group. Usually younger guys who haven't been to a sex club before or aren't quite out yet and are just inexperienced. So to end, the more asians the better. I am glad the Zone finally re-opened. I always had a great time every day of the week. I was real tired of Basic Plumbing, and always look forward to the Zone.

3rd January 2001 08:24 PM

peter....i adore asian bottoms........ill b going there soon.......if any of u asian bottoms read this...please send me a message.......asians r gr8 kissers and very good at being oral and submissive...keep them going there peter....ray

3rd January 2001 08:35 PM

I've seen discriminate hispanic group post last month here in this room ( Spearmint Rhino topic) , This month i see Asians group , What 's wrong with these people ? Have you discriminated by straight people beacause you are a Fag ,a pussy boy, cocksucker??? have you been to Asia ? do you use Asian products ,drive Asian car , Asian appliances ..... ?
I think their economy is better then here in the U.S . wake up people build your knowledge and stop thinking having a dick in your mouth in 24 hrs a day .

[This message has been edited by discovery_landcruiser (edited January 04, 2001).]

3rd January 2001 09:48 PM

Well now, have I got something to say about this subject. I own a very popular bar here in the LA area. We enforce a very strict policy of no FAGS in our bar. It's just good business sense. Decent people are turned off and bothered by those type of people. They prance around in womens clothes all the time. They are loud and try to pretend like they are girls. They wear lipstick and that awful perfume or something. Besides that they are sick people, all they think about is sex with other men and preying on our children. My customers are trying to relax and have a beer while these fags gather in the corner and chit chat about what little boy they are going to molest next. They are not normal people, just a bunch of freaks of nature. If I had it my way these fags would not be allowed in any public place in the city of LA. Don't decent people have a right to go where they want and not have to look at these sick, drag queen fags all the time?

Get the point?! You fucking jerks!

3rd January 2001 10:31 PM

Any club that embraces Asians has my business! The best this white guy has ever had has been with Asian guys.

3rd January 2001 11:28 PM

Geez you guys, seperate racism from sexual preference. I don't go to sex clubs that have lots of Asians or blacks 'cause I'm into white guys, NOT BECAUSE I'M A RACIST. Peter, you can let anyone you want into your club! I'll take my cock where it'll get hard. Sorry if it's not at your club, but I'll get by, and you'll not have to leave anyone in the vestibule without a membership.
ps, guys, get over the dramatics it's about an ERECTION not EXCLUSION

3rd January 2001 11:38 PM

Hey, there are some of us who are not sexually compatible with others. Some of us are bottoms and I find with most of the Asian men I've run into, they are bottoms as well. I have nothing against Asian men in particular, becuase some of them topped me and it was incredible. I had some really great Asian tops that were fantastic, but they are a minority and they are ultra-picky too. I don't like going to a cruising area and listening to the giggling, queeny behavior that I've noticed too. If they can't speak English either, that is a big turn off for me. I'm part Latin and SORRY but I don't speak Spanish and THE LAW DOESN"T Say I have to either. My father was never taught Spanish, so that is the way it is sometimes folks. It's very rude and inconsiderate to speak in a language that is foreign to others around people who speak a majority language. Most of them who speak in another language know English just as well, but most of the time they are criticizing people. This is the reason some of us prefer to find places where this type of behavior will not be done due to knowing what type of people frequent the place. I tell people, if you are into the queeny, talking, twinks, this is your place. I've also known that most of these queeny, twinks are bottoms and I just leave because they scare away some of the men who want action. They will follow a man you are interested in and they don't care if he isn't interested in them, they will start harassing him until he leaves. If you want to act like a little queen, go to a bar, or dance club where they put up with this childish behavior!
Thanks for listening.

This is the tallbottom signing off.

3rd January 2001 11:44 PM

This is a really great post.

1. I now know why my membership was refused renewal a few years ago at the Zone. I had a hunch that it was because I was Asian, and now I know that it's true.
2. I was also refused membership at the Vortex years ago and was told by a friend it was their policy not to allow Asians and old men memberships. I now know that that is also true.

So a few years ago I decided that I would no longer shop at any gay businesses; I haven’t been shopping at SportsClub LA or been to Rage/Mickey’s/etc. since 1995. Who wants to be around people who give you dirty looks – people who think you’re automatically cruising them because they’re white, or non-Asian. Many gay men shave their bodies, wear clothes two sizes too small, bleach their hair and ghettoized themselves – talking, acting and doing the typical gay things with others who could’ve been their mirror image. These are also the same gay men who think that’s what everyone wants – and what I’m attracted to. Fortunately, I prefer the company of gay and straight friends who accept me for who I am – just a regular guy who doesn’t giggle at sex clubs, wear prada, cologne or smell like garlic. Are these critics the same types who hang out together at Starbucks giggling and smoking together, discussing about the upcoming weekend at the newest clubs? Are these critics the same who wear too much Hugo Boss cologne, eat at a certain Koo Koo Roo and compare each others’ bodies through small-sized A&F gear?

I’ve been around the country in recent years – NY, Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, DC, SF, Austin and Houston – and did not once feel the blatant racial discrimination that I have felt in L.A. Just because I’m talking to you doesn’t mean I’m sexually interested in you. It’s called being nice – and as soon as the many narcissists in this city figure it out, the nicer it’ll be. You’d be surprised when I tell my straight friends about all the racism in the gay community and their shock and disbelief.

Back to the Zone – I’ve had great times there and met many great sexual encounters. (I also saw groups of giggling gay boys -- Asians, Whites, Latinos, Blacks. They all bugged me. After all, the whole art of cruising isn't the chit chat or the giggling). Anyway, since the Zone's a private club, it can do whatever it wants with its membership policies. Just be clear about it so that no one else will be confused about it as I was years ago. You all can then march in your yearly pride shows, but make sure that your signs clearly state Gay White Rights.

3rd January 2001 11:51 PM

Okay I get it now, so Zone=Asians? Do they have their own banner in that parade? Is it in English?

4th January 2001 12:30 AM

It boils down to this ,we all say and dont want discrimination to take place. The fact is that it DOES clearly. These other clubs that are favored weed out & discriminate daily and we all patronize them(is this right?)of course not!Gay men are also size queens so this might also be an other reason asins are left out. When I cruise on line I notice that many asians are used to this discrimination and most will flat out ask "are u into asians?" I personally am not always turned on by asian men because I like my men very masculine and muscular .There have been a few that I have found that are and thats cool and a "turn on".Generally speaking though most are petite and women should be petite not men.different strokes for different folks if I dont care for a petite man someone else will,is the way i look at it

4th January 2001 01:43 AM

Okay. This is my take. I'm Asian and i love sex. It's a sex club, your not forced to have sex with a me. I admit there are Guys you have to beat off with a stick. And there not all asian. In these day and age i would think that you have the common sense to say "no" or walk away. And if a club was to discrimate against asians, my question is how do you patrol that? Everyone with slanted eyes can't get in? Is there a type of Asians you don't like. Did i get my membership because i'm un-asian looking...Stocky with a go-T, hairy? I think i got my membership because i had the money.

Peter Deep. Anything posted here is personal opinion. Some people love asians some don't like them at all. It's all Personal Preference and comfort level. I may not know alot about business. But i do know about justice and reputation. If any club,bar,resturant,or cafe ever discrimates anyone it doesn't stay up long. People are what make businesses run, and without us (as people in general) there is no business.

I don't have a solution and i doubt there is a solution. But let me ask everyone. What if you are asian and reading this, how would you feel? (that is the Million dollor question

4th January 2001 02:54 AM

I had promised myself I was just going to observe, but...

I am really glad I started this discussion, and have gone from being absolutely ashamed of being gay to elated and back more than once.

Justaguy78, the problem here, and it may be specific to the gay sex business, is that the reality of the situation is the opposite of your statement that "If any club,bar,resturant,or cafe ever discrimates anyone it doesn't stay up long." The businesses that practiced discrimination were (or are, you pick) actually being rewarded, and the ones that don't are being punished. As Good1 states in his post, he'll take his cock where it'll get hard and that he is NOT a racist. I don't believe he is a racist, he simply has physical preferences just like anyone else. However, in this so-called enlightened new century, Good1 will reward the business that he knows to discriminate against some gay men with his patronage, and without a second thought. The fact that they discriminate at the door is perceived by him as a benefit. And the fact that they use the discrimination to harm their competition matters little to him either. He should perhaps realize that if all the clubs were open, he may have more places to go. Instead, he's letting greedy men take his money and narrow his cruising space at the same time. The Zone was never known as an "Asian" destination when we and The MeatRack were the only games in town (to speak of). Then other clubs opened and started this whole thing. In sending all the Asians at their door to The Zone, it was an attempt to bring down what was, at the time, the busiest and best known club of all. Probably no one knows of the countless times that the other club owners sent the police or fire dept. to The Zone in attempts to harrass us. Did you know that Vortex was SO illegal (occupancy of about 12) that I could have done the same thing to them and closed them down in the first week? But I never once stooped that low. And it goes so much lower than that, including numerous threatening messages from the club owners themselves on my home phone about how "the new guys in town" were gonna bury me and put me out of business by whatever means necessary. But I digress...

I posed some questions when I started the discussion. The gist of them was whether or not barring a certain race was discriminatory in the case of a sex club, and, if it was, was it justified. And, if you knew a gay business to discriminate, would you still patronize it. Sometimes the discussion slipped into ridiculous comments about penis size and such, but for the most part people were split in their opinions and kept to the subject. And then there were those who approached it so simply that now, to their mind, The Zone is only an Asian club (which it is not, probably 20% of our membership is Asian.) There are those who abhor that a gay business would even think about discriminating, and I applaud their values. And there are those who can't even deal with that 20%. To them it's all or nothing. I can't tell you how many times I have seen seemingly intelligent gay men come into The Zone and, seeing three or four Asian men out of dozens of men, have remarked that The Zone allows "snipers" or some other racist remark. To them the three or four faces translates into "the place is full of them!" You've seen what some men have posted here. I'll be the first to admit that on some nights at some times there is a larger percentage, but it's nowhere near a majority ever (not that I'm tallying, but I know my club). Yet, it causes quite a reaction in many people. I wanted to understand where that was coming from. Now I know, and I am ashamed.

When I read some of the posts here and realized that, in my business, I have to deal with gay people who will reward bigotry and hatred if it gets them laid, I became so repulsed that I became sick to my stomach and frightened all at the same time. I really didn't know what to think before the discussion. I had an open mind about it, but now I truly know where my opinion lies. I obviously am in the wrong line of work. Anyone out there want to buy a sex club?

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