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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Looking for leather gear

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Old 14th June 2005, 10:32 PM
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Looking for leather gear

I'm changing my image again and I am looking for leather gear so that I can have my next birthday photos taken in tiny shiny black shorts or underwear...heheh. As I plan to post them at my websites and profiles on varius other sites, I have been looking for short, black leather shorts and briefs, in particular.

I was wondering where I could get them in Thailand. There are leather shops in Malaysia but not one seems to sell shorts. Long pants, vests, jackets, even cockrings are all available in Penang but not shorts. I wonder why.

I seem to remember having read on a Thai board (I forget which now) that it is possible to get such stuff here, especially at the shop which provides costumes for the dancers but can't remember where the shop was. I saw one in Phuket but they didn't seem to have what I wanted so I didn't buy anything.

I'd be grateful if anyone could tell me where to get my naughty black leather shorts so that when I come in October, I can finally get a few pairs of each (plus maybe anything else which might catch my eye) for my best moments caught on film.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 14th June 2005, 10:40 PM
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Never saw that stuff in BKK. Why not have them made by a tailor?
Surely if you can find a discreet one - making shorts and underwear is easy to do- especially if its a taylor also doing shoes and boots meaning he has the machine's to stitch leather.

You can also always order mailorder- I am sure lots of companies can just send there stuff by DHL to u
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Old 15th June 2005, 01:05 AM
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Thanks for the suggestion

It's not a question of discretion. The cost of buying a large enough piece of good quality leather and having it tailored is much more than buying the ready made stuff. At least it is in Penang. And as for buying thru the mail, I don't like the idea because I can't actually see if it'll fit until it arrives...and then I can't change it if it doesn't quite fit me properly.

Wasn't thee some mention of a shop in Pattaya or Phuket mentioned in one of the older threads here?

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 15th June 2005, 02:45 AM
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leather wear

Tao, I think you can definitely find them at Chatuchak market if you are in Bangkok. I've seen them selling leather stuff at Chatuchak but can't remember which section.
Along the road that leads to Superboy bar in Phuket,there's 2 leather shops but don't think I see them selling shorts but they do make to order. Tell them what you have in mind, they'll be too happy to please you!!
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Old 15th June 2005, 07:10 AM
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dreaded ned lists a place called Boutique Sexy in Pattaya:

Boutique Sexy
179/133 M 5, Naklua Rd, North Pattaya
Phone: (0) 3842 - 1493
For the erotic look and feel of leather against your skin Boutique Sexy offers whips, masks, corsets, chaps, body harnesses, play sets and more to fulfill yur fantasies. Visit them opposite the Woodland Resort Hotel in North Pattaya

don't know if they are still open but they may have or be able to do shorts!

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Old 15th June 2005, 12:28 PM
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Thanks for the info, guys

I did see something like leather stuff in the Phuket shop when I passed by last holiday there but like you said, I didn't see any shorts. Maybe I'll see if I can get it tailored by them if I spend a few extra days on Phuket next time.

As I'll be more likely to head for Bangkok next, I'll certainly see about Chatuchak market. I never noticed anything like leather stuff last time I was there in 2003 but who knows this time? As for the Pattaya shop, I'm afraid I'll have to give it a miss. Pattaya is not one of those places in which I'd be caught dead. I have been given me a very, very bad impression of it by my experiences on that other board and I refuse to risk running into one of them and having my whole holiday ruined!


I'll post my new image pictures here as soon as I can get a pair of naughty leather shorts...cuz I'm so incredibly vain, never mind even if I am not the best looking old fart around!
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 15th June 2005, 09:42 PM
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clearly remember some cloth shops near telephone at the beginning of the soi. Will check it out for you also
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Old 15th June 2005, 09:51 PM
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Thanks, Josh. I really appreciate your efforts.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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