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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Ignor This At Your Peril

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Old 3rd July 2005, 01:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 40
Thumbs up Ignor This At Your Peril/See Latest Ages of Consent Around the World


Stupid 'OLD' me always looking for the different and unusual not having to rely on picking up some one unless I consider something a bit more special and out of the ordinary owing to I have at home here already?

Sitting in one of the Host Bars in Sunee, after a wonderful dinner, who stops and uses the loo but a very stunning half Thai half German young man, my friend and I blinked as he was so different and good looking wearing very good cloths nothing like the norm for the Area?

I say hello would you like a drink he says yes, after some small talk I say where you living he says Sattahip with his uncle and he needs some money to get there, I say ok he says whats my phone number he will see me again, I say whats his, he does not know so he puts mine in to his phone on he goes.

The following day he calls every 3 hours from about 3pm so after another dinner I am in a bar for night cap he rings says ill meet him, as I have my guy in bed at home I say to mama sam can I have a room in the biggest ------ Inn, Hotel in Sunee this particular outside bar runs, ok no problem I say to the young man have you got ID he says yes date ending in 30 so he is 18 ok........

After the most amazing hour or so of wonderful excitement we clean up agree to go to the beach the next day I leave on leaving see the Owner of the Hotel who I have known for over 10 years he says be careful this guy is dangerous, ok seems good up to now and then he drives off.

I then turn to go home to be accosted by a 6ft tall Thai man about 35 whom I have seen before I have been warned about him being something to do with the Police, with a black top coat with small Police motiv on it, under a black T shirt with large light writing, he says I have been informed you have been with a minor, no I said he is 18 to my shock he say not until january you will have to come down the Police station with me ???

Well can you imagine the things going on in my head after coming on a regular basis to Thailand since 1976 and warning people of the perils that can arise from no where, I try to reason with the man but he insists I go with him to the police station then I say what will it cost I take a large amount from my pocket he just says no thank you I will have to phone the boys mother so he makes a phone call NO MOTHER WANTS THE LAW TO TAKE ITS COURSE I say how much is that well to cut a long story short I end up paying a small fortune to him and he says that is the end of it but if it went to the police station it would be double...............

Well since then I went to the bar who owns the Hotel thinking may be they set me up but NO they were horrified so as I had the young guys phone number the Bar Owner rings to be told he does not know me but it was the so called policeman,.......

It would now seem this was all a scam the young man was in on it and I was the fool who paid the price, I thought I would let you know you could be next and any ideas taking into consideration the shock and Horror you go through, until it happens you dont know the thoughts of TV, pictures, prison, exc wow

So be warned if you see him short hair very unusual, Looks like a Russian guy take him at your peril....

Im now trying to save 1000 bht a day less spending to the norm till I recoup the full amount even though it will take a very long time, this is how I am dealing with being such a fool I know I should have known better and always try to off a boy from a bar for safety sake but it took nearly 30 years to get me and it could have been worse.

Remember any date on ID before 29 is ok after take care...


I have since been informed another guy over a year ago was stung for 1 million baht by the same couple so be very carefull[b]
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Old 3rd July 2005, 08:59 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 8
Arrow What would I do?

That is not an easy question. No one would know until they are in the situation you were in. I know it must have been horrible and one of your worst experiences. I hope that you are getting back some of your peace of mind.

One thing I always do is to check the ID and make absolutly sure that they are of age. The hotels I stay at in most cities also check and no one under the age of 18 is allowed in. But, perhaps the best thing to do is to only go with guys from a bar you trust the owner and the mamasan. I off very few new boys in Pattaya but when I do, I do so from a bar and only after talking to the manager of a bar that I know. For them, they are always honest and up front with me as they know I am a good customer and they do not want to loose my business. Plus, if you tip them well, which I do, the incentative for them to always help you as opposed to just making an off fee is greatly enhanced.

I have heard your story from several others and it seems to be a theme here. Always be leery of who you meet and where you meet them. Thank you for posting your experience as I hope many will learn from it and not repeat the same mistake.
. . . Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne and Strawberries in one hand, Diet Coke and Godiva Chocolate in the other, a personal bottle of Eros and a good Cuban cigar in the your pockets (both partially used), a wallet empty of currency but noticeably used from the rainbow colors of bills from a multitude of countries and cards charged to the max from the joys of life, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!
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Old 5th July 2005, 12:36 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239


I'm sure that the story printed above is 100% true. And, I can add yet another one....something that happened to a friend of mine recently in Sunee Plaza:

My friend met a ladyboy and chatted with her before offering to buy her a drink. After one drink, they decided to head back to his hotel for some relaxation and fun. As they walked out of the bar, they were met by a "policeman" who insisted that he be able to search my friend. Unbeknownst to my friend, the ladyboy had slipped a small plastic bag with several pills in it into my friend's pocket. The "policeman" told my friend that he'd have to come down to the police station. My friend (who's NEVER done drugs) tried to talk his way out of it. To make a long story short, he ended up paying this "policeman" tens of thousands of baht to just go away. It was only then that he realized that his ladyboy "friend" had disappeared. The next night he actually SAW the ladyboy and the "policeman" together chatting on the soi. very VERY cautious in Pattaya. There's a LOT of "stuff" going down there these days.
Cruise on....
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Old 8th July 2005, 12:57 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 40
Ages of consent around the World

Click below into your address box and see the latest ages of Consent around the world you be amazed.

But remember even though 15 is the legal age in Thailand if you pay the guy any money including buying a drink this is Prostitution Illegal in Thailand[/url]
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