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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   SAUNA MANIA introduced loin clothes

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Old 8th July 2005, 08:45 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Talking SAUNA MANIA introduced loin clothes

Dear BKK sauna lovers ,

Is THIS the trend in BKK sauna at the moment ?

Sauna Mania has " SUMO night " on every Friday of July .
They provide loin cloth or clothes ( 3 choices ) insted of bath towel .

There were so many young sexy good looking guys last night !
Their dark maze zone was hotter than FAROSE's dark rooms .
Orgy and group sex were EVERYWHERE .

Even some amateur fuxk shows through those small windows of private room ( including one act between a young farang and commercial boy )
This is not the first time I saw such amateur show here .
I don't know WHY commercial boys take their customers to this sauna and don't cover small windows . To have sex ? Or to show ?

Anyway , thanks .

By the way , they have " UNDERWEAR night " on Sat .
And " SKIN night " ( YES ! This is NAKED night ) on Sun .
But they change their schedule often , so I am not sure about next month .
I will keep you updated .
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Old 8th July 2005, 10:14 PM
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Dear Ninja,

Where is SAUNA MANIA? and how to get there? BTS? MRT?
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Old 8th July 2005, 10:40 PM
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In Silom, walking distance from Soi 4 and all the action. It's off of Convent Road. From Silom, walk up Convent (that's the road with the California Wow fitness center on the corner), up to a soi on the right that has the Eat Me restaurant in it (across from BNH Hospital). The sauna is on the same side as Eat Me just a few more doors down into the soi. Big concrete building.
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Old 9th July 2005, 02:02 AM
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thank u ICON
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Old 9th July 2005, 03:47 AM
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This semi-naked loin cloth scene has been going on in Hong Kong for a long time.If it to is your taste and you travel try CE Escalator sauna where it happens nightly and most customers are not very shy,and Game Boy on Friday and Saturday nights.Chances of action good for caucasians.
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Old 9th July 2005, 08:25 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Matter of SIZE

Brief encounter quotes ,


This semi-naked loin cloth scene has been going on in Hong Kong for a long time.If it to is your taste and you travel try CE Escalator sauna


I actually I love those thin and white loin cloth .
Not like in Singapore or Taiwan or Japan ,
the most Thai guys cover their cock with their hands ( good 4 bottom lovers , though )
If Thai guys wear loin clothes , they are VERY CARELESS and unprotected .
Almost unlimited easy access to their cocks ( U know what I mean ? )

In SAUNA MANIA , they could choose " Japanese style classical pants " ( We call FUNDOSHI ) This is a piece of long cloth and string . This covers balls and cock , but as far as I saw last night ,
NO ONE CHOSE fundoshi ( fundoshi is different from MAWASHI which sumo wrestlers wear )
It means they want to be accessed FREELY , right ?

I stick to Thai saunas ( and somtimes KL saunas )
Thai SIZE IS JUST FITs me . You can see BIT OF THIS and BIT OF THAT couldn't cover with loin clothes . U know what I mean ?
And protrusion between legs as well .
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Old 18th July 2005, 03:05 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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SKIN's Night

Dear BKK sauna lovers ,

This month , SAUNA MANIA has " Skin's night " on Sundays and also this Thursday ( public holiday )
This is of course " NAKED NIGHT " ( I guess someone asked about this b4 checking recent posts )

They start at 7PM .
Just b4 7PM , staffs ask all customers on the 3rd floor to go out to make sure no one enters with a bath towel on .
SO , even if you are in the middle of fuxk session in a private cabin , they do ask you to " GET OUT "
But you can move up to one of the roof top cabins .

After the staffs clear the 3rd floor ( where the all air-con priavate cabins and dark orgy maze are ) , now you can come to enter the 3rd floor ( Now naked floor ) only by using one entry point from the 4th floor steam sauna area ( other entry points are closed after 7PM )

At the biginning of the naked hour , many guys are shy to take off a bath towel .
But , say around 7:30PM , it's like an open sex area . Naked body , group sex and exhibisionisim EVERYWHERE .

There were so many people ! I couldn't believe their limited number of lockers could accomodate this many guys ( including extreamly yukky guys too )
I cannot concentrate on only one guy at a time !
It resulted many many group sex .

Before 7PM , there wouldn't be much hot action , so go there just after 7PM on SKIN'S NIGHT .

But unlike SKIN"S NIGHT , you don't need to wait SUMO'S NIGHT
( loin cloth night ) till 7PM .
When they open ( 3PM on Fridays ) and onward , you just have to wear SUMO costume .
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Old 30th July 2005, 08:09 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Thumbs up The BEST sauna on Fridays in BKK

The CRAZIEST orgy ( or orgies ) I've ever had !

Couldn't believe what was going on !
There were orgies and group sex everywhere on the 3rd floor .

After I had 2 long one 2 one RAP and LUK versatle sessions in private cabin ( one with a musculine macho guy , another with a dark hairy sexy hot I sarn guy ) , it was still around 5:30PM
horny guys standing in corridors of praivate cabin area , and about 5 guys in VDO corner didn't hide their hard errect penis under the loin cloth ( they looked like a white piramid )

In the dark maze , it was getting like a human snow ball .
Every one grabbed anyone's dicks .
I couldn't proceed farther inside .
I got grabbed from every direction .
And guess what ? Many of them were good looking young guys .
Should I call this the hell or heaven ?

There weren't many over sized guys that night , beside one huge big tall Thai guy ( he is a regular )
He looked like a real SUMO wrestler .
That's WHY they call Friday " SUMO " night ?

On the big bed in the dark maze , I couldn't tell how many guys were having orgy all togeather that night .
I my self don't remember ( I just remember how many guys fuxked me and how many guy I fuxked )
how many dicks I sucked . Maybe not less than 30 .
I went to toilet to wash off cums over my face , hair , legs and arms so many times .

This place closes early . So actions are very intense till around 11PM .
That night we had big problems to find a vacant private cabins after 6PM on the 3rd floor . You can only find pravate boxes with accordion curtain where you have to have sex standing .
So , horny guys who found their partners already couldn't wait till any room got vacated . Therefore they DID have sex outside !
Even around the brighter VDO corner .

That's is my impression that Friday SUMO night .

They have introduced this concept this onth ( July ) , but the crowd 's getting bigger and hotter evry week .

One of my close friends who is a regular of Babylon told me that
many of Sauna Mania Thai customers were regular faces in Babylon .
Does it mean they have LESS Thai customers there at Babylon on weekends ?

****GOOD NEWS ****

They will have those event nights for August as well !
( Surely good news to Dreamorph , I believe )
And one more extra event night ( Skin naked night ) on 11th
( Thurs)

Have fun , guys !
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Old 13th August 2005, 02:41 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Mother's day SUMO night

I expected so much , because it was a public holiday and Friday SUMO night , but it was much quieter than usual Fridays .

There were so many over-weight Asian customers .
With very few farang customers . Actualy one of them were very very old . Much older than the 2nd oldest customer that day .

I have realized that roughly 30% of Asian customers there were not THAI (simply they don't go to Babylon any more ? )
Concentaration of Thai guys or " Thainess " is far better in local saunas such as THE DOOR , THE GOOD VIEW , BAAN THAI ,and so on .
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Old 13th August 2005, 03:20 AM
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Is this the sort of place where an out-of-shape, overweight, 50's farang could have a good time? Or is it like Chakran - sticky rice.
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Old 13th August 2005, 07:49 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Talking BYO recommended

BKKgwm quotes ,

Is this the sort of place where an out-of-shape, overweight, 50's farang could have a good time?

If U bring your own , YES .
( actually MANY of farang customers DO )

Chakran is more like a place where STICKY money boys target Asian tourists , isn't it ? ( Sorry , if I am wrong )
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Old 14th August 2005, 03:38 AM
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Is this the sort of place where an out-of-shape, overweight, 50's farang could have a good time? Or is it like Chakran - sticky rice.
Never say never, but the odds are definitely not in your favor.

Anyway, though, "sticky rice" is not a term I'd apply to cute, twenty-something Thai guys who prefer to have sex with other cute, twenty-something Thai guys instead of "out-of-shape, overweight, 50's farangs".

"Sticky rice" implies a racial component, which just isn't there unless those same Thai boys you are cruising unsuccessfully are also having sex with out-of-shape, overweight, 50's Asians. I bet they're not.
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Old 14th August 2005, 05:48 AM
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And just where in my message did I say I was unsuccessful???

Never been unsuccessful at Babylon, so I was just asking whether I'm likely to have similar success at Sauna Mania.
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Old 14th August 2005, 08:09 AM
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I was referring to your comment about Chakran being "sticky". That implies that you weren't as successful there as you would have liked, doesn't it?

Anyway: no, if you're expecting Sauna Mania to be anything like Babylon in the kind of welcome you will receive, you will be disappointed.
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Old 14th August 2005, 02:58 PM
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When I went to Chakran, I did not get the feeling they were "Sticky"

but then again... I think I am experiencing Thailand in a different way then the average visitor if only because my being a gay black bottom from the USA makes me a rare find. And I am LOVING it!
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