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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Babylon weekday afternoons are fun!

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Old 25th September 2005, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 26
Babylon weekday afternoons are fun!

I'm sure the old hands know this, but I was advised to visit Babylon in the early or mid afternoon during the week when there are a lot of people play hooky from work. They want to get off and get out Oh boy did that turn out to be true!

So don't spend those hot afternoons in the internet cafe
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Old 25th September 2005, 05:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 139

I have always enjoyed Babylon on weekday afternoons, and also weekends before about 2pm. I can usually meet someone right away, often someone who can't stay long (they are less picky and want to mess around immediately) which is good for me so I can play with someone else later.
In good shape, tight hole, love to deep throat and get fucked by one or more. Come and get it, studs!
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Old 27th September 2005, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 22

Have to agree with these posts - I've always had my best times mid to late afternoon. Seems that later in the evening only the "picky" ones are left.

Also, the very best times I've had there have been when I've been back to UK for a month on holiday, and had NO sex at all. The first night back is always a "blast" at Babylon. Does one's body emit signals that it needs sex, I wonder?
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Old 28th September 2005, 06:45 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

I can vouch for Babylon early also.All players are a bit more hungry except those in residence.Word from Sauna managers in Australia is that Gaydar and are affecting numbers at venues some nights.I guess the same goes for Bkk where over 200 are logged into Gaydar sometimes including some familiar faces from Babylon.It only takes a small percentage to decide to stay home for there to be less buzz at the steam.

Having cruised on the net I recommend "in the flesh" more but cyber can be a good option for unearthing original talent.
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Old 6th October 2005, 02:19 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Was in babylon last Wednesday 28 September afternoon at about 15.00. At that time only the "front side" of the cruising area is open, with a steamroom downstairs and a darkroom upstairs (close to the lockers).
Went downstairs to the steamroom and lurked around towelless in the first (pitch-) dark alcove left of the door. One guy sitting on the floor sucking all and anything. Let my dick in his mouth and felt his face. Felt so creamy already, so kneeled down to give him a deep kiss and lick his face. Yum, loaded with cum. Did not want to come yet though. Walked around the steamroom back to the door. Around the door area more light shines through the glass and one guy grabbed my still hard dick. Let him play a bit, its a party isn't it?
Went upstairs to the darkroom. Left my towel around my neck as soon as I entered the dark alley to the backroom. Naked bodies all around, had to push myself between two busy bodies to get in the room.
Cool action, really. Most people standing, grabbing around whatever comes to hand. Surprising amount of daylight coming thru the openings. Also here one guy sitting on the floor servicing dicks. One guy in such a need that he starts rapidly jerking himself off next to me. I work myself in front of him and whisper that he should shoot his load over my hard dick. He comes big time and I massage my dick and balls with his spunk. Now it is time for the sucker. He willingly takes my dick and licks the shaft and balls off. I fill his mouth with a nice load and head back to my office. Indeed, duty calls.
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Old 6th October 2005, 10:48 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Sitting on the floor ?

Bkk9_99 Quotes ,

One guy sitting on the floor sucking all and anything.


Do you know this guy's age ( roughly ) and ethnicity ?

I don't go to BABYLON , so I don't know , but you cannot find any good looking young Thai guys sitting on a floor to suck and grab EVERY DICK in local saunas .

We know what sort of person hiding in the dark and deep spot and grab and suck everything .

And I usually keep myself away from those areas in sauna .
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Old 7th October 2005, 01:49 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

Ninja, you mentioned that you keep yourself away from the dark areas in a sauna. I haven't been to a sauna as I always want to see who I am feasting on and also where's my meat going to. Does 39 and farose that you always mentioned have areas that is not dark. I am quite confused about these places as I always imagine you guys having sex in steam room and dark areas where you get to see noone except grope each other and putting dicks in your mouth.
Got to get it clear before I venture into one. Thanks.
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Old 7th October 2005, 07:45 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

The early afternoon orgy at Babylon has all types of interesting guys and sometimes not so interesting.It is quite a surprise packet.You just follow whoever you see going in.

Whether you are prim and picky,not too fussy or "all in" Babylon has something for everyone.
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Old 7th October 2005, 09:54 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 23
Thumbs up

I have been to most of the saunas in Bkk over the years, but I always return to Babylon. This is the place you can meet all kinds of guys, mostly without attitude. That they also have swimmingpool, bars and excellent food makes me vote for B. as the best sauna in Bkk, and surely one of the best in the world
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Old 8th October 2005, 04:51 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Faranginbkk quotes ,

This is the place you can meet all kinds of guys, mostly without attitude. That they also have swimmingpool, bars and excellent food makes me vote for B.

I know many Thai local sauna regulars who never step in Babylon for some reasons .

When I am rejeceted by a young good looking guy ,
I must think that's his preference over guys when they have sex .
That's not ATTITUDE , since young guys like me ( ) don't have sex with every singlr guy we see in saunas .

To have a good meal , I take my special person to a nice restaurant , not to a sauna .
Talking about a swimming pool , THE MALL's swimming pools are much nicer .
Surely you can see fit and much younger crowds there .


Those young and good looking Thai guys are showing their beautiful assets in brighter spots even in very dark local saunas to attract the equals .
So , if you are confident , present yourself somewhere like in the lookout of 39 sauna bf sunset .

You cannot tell who are hiding in the darkest spots , uless you are the first one ( and brave one ) .
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Old 8th October 2005, 07:49 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Isn't it great Bkk has something for everyone.From Babylon to Farose and Heaven in between.

btw What has happened to Sauna Mania?I thought it was going to be the next big thing.
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Old 9th October 2005, 01:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 71

I've been to various sauans in Bangkok, including Farose, Heaven and Babylon, but it's only in Babylon that it's possible to find or see muscular guys. In Farose, most guys are very young, skinny, in my view, not really attractive. If you're after young and 'handsome', then go for those local saunas. But if u're into muscles, then Babylon is the only choice. Most guys from Calif Fitness go to Babylon. Funny enough, muscled sticky rice from Taiwan, HK and Sg also prefer Babylon. They rarely venture into those far-away saunas that the long-term residents in Bkk are so captivated by.
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Old 9th October 2005, 11:19 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Question Muscled guys or musculer guys ?

Gweilo quotes ,

only in Babylon that it's possible to find or see muscular guys


last night , in THE DOOR sauna , I found a quite few muscled guys .Many of them liked to show their muscled naked bodies in the bright VDO room .
Of copurse I scored some of them .
I am not into muscled guys , but
Eevn if I find only one muscled guy in FAR-AWAY local sauna ,
he follows me . I don't know WHY .

Talking about Non-Thai Asian customers , I hear Mandarin Chinese every time I visit FAROSE .
And also you see some Asian tourists in GSM sauna ( Probably Malaysians stay in GSM guest house )
And you can see some muscled guys in their spacious gym .

By the way , I saw no farang customer in THE DOOR yesterday .
If you never go , you will never see them , right ?
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Old 10th October 2005, 01:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 83

I think I am in love with NINJA. He's so knowledgeble when it comes to where all the pigs hang out. I 'll be coming to BKK in DECEMBER, and hope to run into NINJA and all the hot sticky rice. I have no interest in meeting FARANG, since I have had enough of those in the US. Now I need to be with all my bros . I prefer to go to those local saunas. Can anyone tell me where all the hot 30 something Thais hang out? I have no interest in those pretty young things.
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Old 11th October 2005, 03:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 71

In my three visits to Farose, I saw probably no more than 6 gymfit guys altogether (though, none was really muscular), who (with one exception) were either into skinny guys or into just any Asian guy (regardless of the bodyshape). In my one visit to GSM, there was one guy with muscular physique looking for 'god knows what' and countless old chubbies. Heaven: in many visits, saw a few muscular guys there, most of whom, however, were sticky (and, funny enough, not that choosy when it came to pairing with other Asians). The point of my rambling is that the caucasians are statistically more likely to meet muscular guys (Asians and Caucasians) in Babylon than in any other sauna in Bangkok. If u're into skinny, young boys, then it doesn't really matter where you go. They are everywhere and very easy to get.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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