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Old 19th November 2005, 07:01 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Soi Twilight Update

Twilight Bar has a new owner and a new name, Hot Male 2005. Quite like this bar, it has some good looking boys and not to many of those effeminate ones it had of recent. I was there a couple of nights last week, has a good show including jack off show, first one to cum gets the collection from the customers.

Boys Bangkok recently move into it’s plush new premises across the Soi, lots of boys in this big new bar. Been in twice since it has moved, large bar but not to many customers, could it be because the price of drinks has gone up to pay for the move, now 220 baht per drink, Loy Krathong night it was 270 baht per drink.

Screw Boy Bar, could somebody tell me what’s happened to this bar, on my last visit could count the customers on one hand and still have fingers to spare, I’ve seen more life in a morgue, really gone down hill, this bar used to be so active and full.

X-Man, upstairs where X-treme used to be, has quantity, but not quality I’m afraid.

Fresh Boyz, again quantity but not quality.

Fresh Beach Boyz, nice new bar where Newman used to be, plenty of handsome boys with a good show.

Bonny Massage, called in here a couple of weeks ago, mid-week about 8-30, had the grand selection of one boy to choose from. The boy, massaged me with his briefs on, after about 20 minutes he asked how much I would tip him to take them off, I said 1,000 Baht. He asked for 1,500, I said never mind just massage. A few minutes later he asked for 1,400, again I said 1,000 Baht, we settled on 1,100. It was 8-30 when I went in this place, I was back in the Soi by 9.25, not very impressed.

Future Boy, still one of my favorite bars, plenty of boys and good shows.

Dream Boys, again plenty of boys and good shows.
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Old 19th November 2005, 07:28 PM
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I am so interested to read about your Bonny Massage experience. I had the exact same thing happen to me there recently. The boy whom I chose (I had it good, i guess...there were a grand total of 4 boys to choose from) kept both his shorts and his briefs on the entire time. He was not interested at all in taking care of me in any way, shape or form and told me that the "minimum" for him to get naked would be 2,000 baht. I ended the massage after about 30 minutes of this shit and complained to the "manager"....who said "That so nice...come again tomorrow"...and walked away from the counter.

So, I've been on an "Anywhere but Bonny" campaign with anyone who will listen to me ever since.

Do yourselves a favour: DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS DUMP!!!!!
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Old 19th November 2005, 08:40 PM
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Better go to Albury or Hero

The boys there would not dare to do this.
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Old 20th November 2005, 01:41 PM
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On this lat trip I did not go to any massage houses other than to get a massage at Babylon and one in the Sauna in Chiang Mai. They were both non-sexual and pretty good.

When I did go to a massage place on my prior trip, I went to Arena and the massage was very nice. I told the guy no sex but erotic is ok. I did not want to cum but I do enjoy the feel of a mans body on my body and I got just what I wanted
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Old 20th November 2005, 03:28 PM
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Screw Boys......??

Dear mksth2001

Screw Boy Bar, could somebody tell me what’s happened to this bar, on my last visit could count the customers on one hand and still have fingers to spare, I’ve seen more life in a morgue, really gone down hill, this bar used to be so active and full.

I love this bar and would always spare some time patronising it whenever i am in BKK because it is probably the most "sleazy" on the Soi Twilight strip compared to the more commercial ones there.

They r "dead" now because they lost their "sleaziness" appeal or lack of quality boys or the boys do "less" nowadays? Can u elaborate more?
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Old 20th November 2005, 08:59 PM
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Every time I seem to go in Screw Boy the bar has changed around. I remember when the boys would sit behind the bar jacking off, that’s all gone. I remember when the boys would be dancing round the poles, banging those big hard cocks on it, that’s all gone, the place used to be packed. On my recent visits there has been no customers and very few boys, who just stand on the stage and look bored to death.
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Old 20th November 2005, 09:01 PM
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the bar itself is about to be all gone too - rumour has it that it will close at the end of this month and be re-deeloped as a lady bar

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Old 20th November 2005, 10:09 PM
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That could expline why it is being run down, in it's present state it won't be missed, but it will be ashame, it's one of the first bars I remember going in in Thailand.
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Old 23rd November 2005, 03:17 AM
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Tuesday Nov 21 Dream Boys had to cover up and no special show.Mamasan told me due to police activity.

BTW Jupiter only charged 200bht per drink when I attended on Sunday
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Old 23rd November 2005, 10:52 PM
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Several of the bars are now charging 220 baht a drink on normal nights. When you have a boy with you and you buy him a drink, at 220 baht your bill soon mounts up, 440 baht a round. If you fancy one of the waiters, their bar fine is 500 baht, so for a couple of beers you end with with a bill of 1,380 baht.

Maybe should think about going to Foodland for the beer and Robinsons Silom for the boys. I've notice some quite cute boys hanging around Robinsons, both inside and outside, and if there's not going to be any sleaze in the bars, well, that's what I go for and that's why I pay 220 baht a drink, for a bit of sleaze.
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Old 25th November 2005, 03:07 AM
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Re Bonny massage.It was originally opened as strictly massage a la Sanctuary (although nowhere near luxurious).It never has been on the radar really as a sex massage venue although no doubt some have luck.Originally it was managed by a guy from Babylon massage and a couple of masseurs followed him over.It is a bit of a cock tease of a place as it is right smack dab in the middle of go-go bar land and one would think it was like Albury or Hero.

It's a venue that seems to have lost the plot.
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Old 25th November 2005, 03:17 AM
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Goodbye to SLEAZE and Hello to INFLATED PRICES?

From the looks of the reports by
mksth2001 and wowpow.... it looks like the end of sleaze in BKK go go bars r near and the era of inflated drink prices and off fees continues to be the norm..... Has the quality of "services of the boys or the shows" improve as well?

Thank goodness there is still GC and NB.
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Old 25th November 2005, 05:35 AM
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Re Bonny Massage, why would someone open a straight massage in the middle of a gay sex Sio. It's like you say, seems they lost the plot abit, can't see it surviving unless it makes some big changes.

I don't think it's goodbye to sleaze, although you might have to look a bot harder to find it. I have noticed just recently that a lot of the shows are now featuring quite a few of those dance routines again.

There are quite a few changes happening in Soi Twilight at the moment, bars moving about, refurbishment etc. it seems that the prices are going up to pay for it, I think they will be here to stay.
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Old 25th November 2005, 07:16 AM
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Originally posted by mksth2001
Re Bonny Massage ... can't see it surviving unless it makes some big changes
thay have been open for how many years already- 2? 3? I don't think survival is the issue - there is one born every minute in that soi so they don't need repeat trade!

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Old 25th November 2005, 05:41 PM
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Soi Twilight update

have just returned from Thailand.
Unfortunately, I too used Bonny Massage. Guy (no choice) did at least take his briefs off halfway through and let me handle the goods and suck him. He also wanked me off. Maybe I was lucky but I woun't use them again. Went to GC the next day and it was like chalk and cheese, I selected a nice lad and I made a good choice. I will use GC in future.

Went to Night Boys on Suriwongse. It's down an alley which may explain why it is able to put on the full works. Had some nice lookng boys. As it was my last night and short of ready cash, my cc in the hotel safe, I was unable to off a boy. Both the captain and boy were willing to make a deal as it was by now time to close and take what I had. Instead, I made a deal with the captain for the two boys who had put on the show to come to the hotel the next day to repeat their show. He asked how much I would pay the lads, i said Bt1500 each, he checked with them and everything was agreed and no off fee was charged. I suppose the lads gave him a cut. They arrived the next afternoon at 2pm, on time and repeated their show, had a drink and chat with me and left giving me time to pack and get to the airport. For what I paid (no off fee or Bt200 drinks) I think it was good value. Wish I had discovered them at the beginning instead of the end of my trip.

At the risk of giving certain members an apoplectic fit, went to NB. Within two minuted had four out of the six boys around me, their briefs down, my pants undone and their hands all over me. How I wish I had been born with an extra pair of hands.
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