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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Looking For Phuket Info

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Old 14th December 2005, 06:29 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136
Looking For Phuket Info

Hey guys. Someone recently asked about why I don't have any info on my website for Phuket. I haven't been there in a few years and don't really have any current info to put up there.

I can check the sites like and, etc. But what I'd really like to put up are personal experiences with local and/or out-of-the-way places in Phuket. Maybe a cruisy beach or waterfall. Something like that. Mainly info that is good for a long time.

I don't update so often, so things like maps of parks or beaches or cruisy toilets are what I like to put on my site. And also helpful phone numbers (Tourist Police, Hospitals, 24 Hour Food Delivery, etc).

If you've got any special bars or clubs or cruisy spots or maps of places that you can't find anywhere else, that would be cool, too. You can send it directly to my address in my profile. I'm on Gmail now, so feel free to send any other samples that you want to send!

Anyway, just an idea.
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Old 2nd January 2006, 11:56 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1
phuket info

I hope people reply and we get some Phuket info up here.
I live in Patong and have only been here a couple of months. I'm really not interested in the ladyboy scene, young boys, and/or paying for sex. I also am not into going to the seedy feel of the Paradise complex in Patong. I'd like to be cruising outdoors, or in hotels, etc. I hope some people post info. I'm into over 30 farangs, especially on vacation or business trips.

What I know:
The beach in Patong seems to have a concentration of gay men in the section near where Bangla road ends. There is always a volleyball game of young boys there but the people lying around are mostly older farangs. In general Patong Beach has a lot of gay men but there doesn't seem to be much crusing at night as there is nowhere to go really.

As for the rest of the island: I don't know of any ostensilby gay bars but there are gay friendly bar/club/restaruants like Lim's in Patong. Lim's is expensive and alot of the people who hang out there are into themselves and so it has an exclusive feel. I've never seen any action in the stalls at Central and I go there alot. The set up is good in most cases. However, there is the seemingly ever present female cleaning staff. Also, I have no info on what the Thai authorities would do if they caught anyone.

I'm sure they are plenty of hotels, hiking trails and waterfalls that would make great cruising places just not sure if there are enough people around who are interested. So many people who come here are into the young Thai boys and they are easy pickin's in the Paradise complex. Not sharing that interest, I'm getting very frustrated here on Phuket.
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