A friend was musing that over the past ten years or so the scene, especially in Pattaya, has not grown in numbers of farang visitors. If anything Boystown is often populated by 80% go go boys and few customers. Not many Thais are interested in being there, as the whole gay Thai scene has dramatically exploded with around 20 saunas in Bangkok and a thriving Thai-Thai local gay set up.
Is it my age, as the same foreign visitors (who fly in each year or live in the East) are not being replaced with new visitors to Pattaya? I recently went to Hong Kong (Rainbow and CE saunas) and received an exhausting welcome by locals, which was quite ego boosting.
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Don't know about Pattaya but in November Bangkok and particularly Babylon were overun by farangs mainly from France and Germany who were young and attractive.Median age 30 I would say and very fashionable.The go-go bars I went to seemed to be populated with young to relatively young Asian guys with only a few of the older gents.Women in small numbers also.
Agree Hong Kong is very welcoming especially Central Escalator and Game Boy.Only criticism is that Monday to Friday they only jump between 5pm and maybe 8pm (rarely new customers after that time) and generally no more than 15-20 cruisers including some Caucasians.But standard is always good.Weekends both venues are busier.
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A short response to those who praise HK gay scene (and might affect some guys' decision to skip Bkk in favour of HK): out of maybe 10-15 saunas in HK, only in two white guys might get sex (Central Escalator and GameBoy). Both places attract very few people (not more than 10) even at the peak hours and the local guys tend to be OLD, FAT, or grossly out of shape. If there's any muscular (or remotely fit) Asian there, it's becuase he's a traveller and had no idea how pathetic HK saunas are. So if watching old fat farangs having sex with old fat Asians makes you horny, then HK sauans are definitely worthy your effort. If fat Asians hitting on you boost your ego, then by all means skip Bkk (where fat Asians are rare) and head to HK, Asia world's city!
Note on Central Escalator: in a well established HK tradition of racial prejudice, the owner of that establishment charges different prices based on your ethnicity. Take your guess who pays more. Game Boy is owned by a group of Chinese sticky rice, who would rather die than being seen with any white guy in public, not to mention having sex.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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I strongly disagree with the above re type of Hong Kong customer at Game Boy and C.E.The standard is very high,rarely do you see fat H.K. guys.I have been entertained by six 20-somethings over the last two trips and was very pleased.Could've had more.C.E. especially is mouth-watering in choice and some farangs (often expats in finance or travellers) are also attractive.Sunday afternoons are very busy with good selection.
C.E openly state entry price on H.k Gay resource page and other outlets: http://sqzm14.ust.hk/hkgay/Saunas_an...g_Kong_Island/ After first visit all nationalities are given a coupon with a discount price named on the ticket.With only 15-20 people most week nights I doubt extreme preferential pricing occurs.If you take ad from 'Spartacus' admission is half price. If travelling around don't by-pass C.E.Naked zone (small towel) every night.Not Bangkok by a long shot but good.
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It's hard to argue with two good experiences. Having been to both CE and GB countless times (as there are really no other places to go to), I can testify to have seen muscular guys there on not more than 5 occasions in 5 years. Each time, these were travellers, not residents of HK. Our standards of hunky-ness might be different, hence different perceptions.
You are charged over HK$120 for a visit to CE, while HK local customers are charged below 100 (sometimes as little as 60-70 consistently, not only with promotional leaflets). The pricing seems extremely flexible in favour of the Chinese clientele. CE is the most expensive sauna in the city for foreigners (and possibly the smallest too). The reason why it attracts Caucasian travellers is because it's advertised in Spartacus (with a photo of the owner, which surprsingly doesn't scare off potential customers, which says volumes about their standards). My best friend in HK, who's not too choosy about Caucasian guys, stopped going to CE and GB because of the pathetic quality of white guys there. So, you must have been extremely lucky, or you're simply a very 'equal opportunities' guy.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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In reply to Gweilo.
1. I have been to H.K saunas many times.I quote the last two as they are most recent. 2. You state that only guys who need fat asians to boost their ego are happy with H.K saunas which is an insult to the guy who started the thread and myself.You don't know us. 3.Not only do Asians receive a discount,I received it 4 nights in a row. 4.If it is so bad one wonders why you go so many times. 5.Gweilo quote:"Game Boy is owned by a group of Chinese sticky rice, who would rather die than being seen with any white guy in public, not to mention having sex." What has this to do with the price of fish? No one goes to cruise the owners and they are welcome to their taste.The staff have always been most professional there. With the viscious, bitchy attacks on management of both venues one detects some underlying bitterness.Hong Kong is not disappointing sexually only financially.Avoid it if on budget or expecting large numbers at Saunas. I have other friends who rate it highly and it has been praised previously on C.F.S. (I am a long time member).One point that is agreed on is that the other venues are difficult but if I can drop my usual modesty I am admitting to success at WE club and Jungle Boys. Love those Hongkys at C.E! ps apologies to moderators and others for hijacking the topic and turning it to C.F.S. h.K.
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Brief Encounter Quotes ,
*** 4.If it is so bad one wonders why you go so many times. *** Some people were sent from their mother contry as a convict to their colony , so they have no choice to go other countries . They are stuked in ASIA , and they call Asian gay guys who happen to llike other Asian guys " STICKY RICE " ( which is VERY natural ) And they cannot find any other fun but namecalling ordinary local Asian guys . ![]()
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It's funny. For most white guys living in HK, HK is not disappointing financially, but sexually.
And to satisfy your curiousity: CE and GB are the ONLY places where white guys are 'welcome'. I stopped visiting CE after realising their racist pricing policy and visit GB once in two months or so for 20-30 minutes (as long as it takes to get bored of sitting in the sauna room).
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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