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Old 23rd August 2010, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by holsteiner View Post
On Nut is the station: Tesco/Lotus downstairs bathroom is the crusing spot.
Actually the upstairs one right at the back opposite the last Dept Store entrance also rocks...
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Old 25th August 2010, 07:20 AM
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IMMIG'N. BUREAU - Chaeng Watthana.

-- Today, (25th.), I was at the IMMIG'N. BUREAU on Chaeng Watthana for the usual reasons.
- I couldn't help but notice the numbers of attractive young men walking-about; from their uniforms I'd guess that they're O&M., (Ops. & Maint'ce.), personnel.
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Old 25th August 2010, 07:33 AM
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THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan.

-- Today, (25th.), after time spent in the IMMIG'N. BUREAU I went to THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan, a place not visited by me for many months.
- ETA.: approx. 10.oo.hrs..
As that was approx. half-an-hr. before its OPENING TIME I enjoyed a coffee in McDONALDS; I asked for a cup of coffee - none of this frothy & latte stuff for me, and was amused to see that it was billed as 'Long black.'! Well dahlings, and just between us girls, it's been a long, long time since I've enjoyed a long black!

-- Being in no hurry I crossed-over the rd. to GRAND MALL, wch. OPENS at 10.oo.hrs..
- I checked-out both hawng nahms: for the GF. cubicles only tiny spy-holes in the partitions; upstairs, nr. to the Food Court, all holes have been CLOSED by cement.

-- Back in THE MALL it wasn't until around 12.nn. that I entered what has been reported as the cruisiest HN. there: 6fl. near to MANGPONG, wch. wasn't all that busy.
- I ret'd. around 17.oo.hrs.; the 6fl. HN. was almost empty, v. few users.
- Maybe it was just one of those days? Or, as my Enthusiastic & American Friend would say: 'It's a crap shoot.'.
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Old 25th August 2010, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today, (25th.), I was at the IMMIG'N. BUREAU on Chaeng Watthana for the usual reasons.
- I couldn't help but notice the numbers of attractive young men walking-about; from their uniforms I'd guess that they're O&M., (Ops. & Maint'ce.), personnel.
Has anyone cruised Chaeng Wattana Mall (I believe it's also owned by Central World)? I've been there several times--but could not cruise because I was with someone. It's a huge new mall -- maybe about 10 floors.
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Old 28th August 2010, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by holsteiner View Post
On Nut is back operating: new shiny floor but no action tonight... .

-- Khun Holsteiner, yr. hint has been accepted!
- Y'day., (27th.), I visited TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50., (as it prefers to style itself.), at BTS. ON NUT, (E9.);
- ETA. approx. 15.30.hrs.;
- The gd.-fl. hawng nahm has had its walls & floor re-tiled with glazed & lt. stone-colored tiles, (similar to the floor-tiles in the upstairs HN.); sitting in one of the cubicles it's possible to see, to a degree, what one's neighbor might be doing. There are a couple of v. small spy-holes in the partition between #5. & #6. cubicles;
- There are no partitions between the urinals;
- When I arr'd. there were a couple of youngish looking men displaying themselves discreetly.

-- To pass the time I took a leisurely & a seven mins'. walk along S'vit. rd. to the AMWAY SHOPPING PRECINCT;
- The Sec. Gd. had stationed himself whence he could look and see whom was entering & leaving the HNs..

-- Back in TL. I re-visited the HNs. twice again before and after refreshing myself at DUNKIN' DONUTS - NTR.;
- Quite an amt. of eye-candy seen, possibly just 'Walking & looking.'?
- I left around 17.30.hrs..
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Old 29th August 2010, 06:45 AM
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-- Today, (29th.), a'noon. I took the #522. 'bus. from VICTORY MON'T. to its 2nd. stop at THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan.;
- ETA./ETD.: 15.30./18.00.hrs.;
- Plenty of young eye-candy to be seen, wch. raised my hopes;
- However, the 6fl. hawng nahm, nr. MANPONG, was far from busy every time that I visited, even when the cinemas emptied-out at the ends of their perfs.. Possibly the busiest person there was the janitrice?
- So I left feeling that it was a rather wasted a'noon. in a way. Although I suppose that even NEGATIVE info. can be useful?
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Old 2nd September 2010, 01:07 AM
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Posts: 29

I wonder where the cruisers from Big C Ratchadamri have relocated....lots of dicks left hanging!! Seems On Nut is not that much more busy...any new spots raising their heads.... Point and I will follow...
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Old 2nd September 2010, 08:07 PM
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-- Y'day., (02nd.), I dropped-in to ROBINSON'S - Charoen Krung., to so some shopping;
- But firstly I went upstairs to the hawng nahm;
- Seeing that only one cubicle was occupied I chose an adjacent one. A younger man than the avg. user of that place, I guestimated;
- After a short while we make contact a la Senator Larry. Craig, (Rep. ID.),. He soon knelt-down and thrust his knees beneath the partition: uncut & of short/avg. length but thick; were I wearing grungier clothes then I'd have essayed to smoke it; but, as it was, I contented myself with some manual pleasuring. Then it was my turn to kneel-down ... ;
- Having completed my shopping, PLUS some 'Walking & looking.', (no-one worth a second glance, IMHO., mostly v. mature & Ch. looking men or obviously under-age school-children.), I ret'd. to the HN., where all of the cubicles were taken. Loitering I noticed that the occupants of #2. & #4. were taking quick looks over the partitions at whomever was in #3..
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Old 10th September 2010, 07:00 AM
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Secon sq.

-- Y'day., (09th.), a'noon. - on an authorised Leave of Absence from tee rak - I decided to visit SECON SQUARE, wch. I haven't visited for many a month.
-- Having detrained at BTS. Ekkami, (E6.), and after a small excursion, (qv.), I walked some distance to the necessary 'bus.-stop on S'vit. soi 71. to await a #133.. Having waited in vain for some 20 mins. I took a taxi.; the driver - surely another descendent of Nimshi - wasted little time, thus the fare was somewhat about 80.Bh..
- I was dropped-off at the main ent'ce, and walked through ROBINSON'S DEPT. STORE to the independent outlets towards the back. A MORE direct ent'ce. is the one nearer to Soi 49. where a branch of K'Korn. Bank is sit'd..
- I soon located FABRIC HOUSE, the single flight of escalators in front of it and the passage beyond wch. led to the Level 1 hawng nahms. As far as I saw there are holes of varying sizes in all of the cubicles' partitions.
- For L2. & for L3. I saw no holes.
- However, on L4. in the partition between the first two HNs. on one's RHS. on entering is a large GH. - capable of taking most Thai members! However, the powers-that-be have seen fit not to block it with cement but have placed a sheet of clear plastic on either side: thus it's a case of 'You cannot touch but you can look.'! I was fascinated!

-- Despite the presence of much eye-candy in gen'l. throughout the mall there was all too little traffic in the HN.. But possibly things would be different during the week-ends?

-- I didn't see any Sec. Gds. checking-out the HN., but janitrices were busy.

-- I took a return & #133. 'bus.: fare & journey-time were 07.Bh. & 50 mins. to just short of BTS. Phra Khanong, (E8.),.
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Old 10th September 2010, 07:20 AM
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-- Y'day., (09th.), having de-trained at BTS. Ekkami, (E6.), and before proceeding to SECON SQ., I looked-in at the nearby MAJOR CINEPLEX - a short distance back towards Cen't. BKK..
- Hawng nahms on the GF., 2nd. & 4th.;
- I reckoned that the one on the 4f. is the most out-of-the-way being in the BLU-O's. karaoke space, and thus possibly the safest for those who feel that unsatisfied need.
-- I saw neither Sec. Gds. nor janitrices; but that does not mean to say ... !
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Old 11th September 2010, 02:21 AM
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BIG C - S. Kwai ...

-- Today, (11th.), my Enthusiastic & American Friend looked-in at BIG C - S. Kwai on his way home - that would be at around 15.oo.hrs. local time;
- He reported little or no activity in both hawng nahms at that time; those who were availing of the facilities made no attempts to make or to return eye-contact.
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Old 11th September 2010, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today, (11th.), my Enthusiastic & American Friend looked-in at BIG C - S. Kwai on his way home - that would be at around 15.oo.hrs. local time;
- He reported little or no activity in both hawng nahms at that time; those who were availing of the facilities made no attempts to make or to return eye-contact.
Actually there are 3 hawng nahms in there--the more unknown (but large) one is up in the grocery store. Take escalator up, and continue directly forward (stay along wall on your left). Maybe there are even more in there--I never explored more.
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Old 12th September 2010, 07:53 PM
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Siam & chamchuri squares ...

-- Y'day., (12th.), a'noon. tee-rak & I went walking & looking in SIAM SQ., (BTS. SIAM.), where there was plenty of student & of legal age eye-candy.
- We went-in to SWENSON'S and were looked-after by a tallish & possibly worth knowing better waiter; a solo & follow-up visit will be arranged ;-) Tee-rak chose a banana-split, (just between us girls I think that he's weird - he has this strange fascination with bananas!),.

-- Then, in the evening, we went to C'CHURI. SQ., (MRT. Sam Yan.), and supped in OLDIE's CAFE., I believe that Khun Yannawa has made a note of it in one of these threads?
- We were the only customers there;
- I thought that the svce. could have been better; tee-rak thought that it was expensive - above JEFFER's prices rather than YUM SAAP's, shall we write.
- I gather that one of the waiters there had worked before for JEFFER and that he had left not of his own free-will? Possessive Tee-rak, who is heung mak mak , mentioned that possibly he has sticky fingers - but then he's not as guileless and/or out-of-this-world as he might appear.
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Old 15th September 2010, 07:02 AM
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TESCO-LOTUS - S'vit. soi 50. ...

-- Today, (14th.), a'noon. - having looked-at some Water Purifiers in HOME PRO., (BTS. Plhoen Chit, [E2.],), I went-on to LOTUS-TESCO - Sukhumvit 50., (BTS.On Nut, [E9.],), to check-out their prices, wch. I found to be lower.
- ETA. at L-T. was just before 16.oo.hrs.;
- Neither hawng nahm was busy. On my entering the GF. HN. a beautiful piece of youngish eye-candy - tall, slim, chocolate skin, oval face with alert & bright looking eyes - was stepping-out of one of the cubicles; I had to rush into another one to allow the BP. to fall
- I noticed a couple of familiar & Thai faces wch. I'd seen quite often before in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA;
-- In the partition between cubicles #7. & 8. of the GF. HN. are two small peep holes about 4'.06". above floor level - possibly a bit too high to be of much good?
-- Janitrices keeping 'selves. quite busy.
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Old 16th September 2010, 08:52 PM
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-- Y'day., (16th.), I took a #1. 'bus. from CHINATOWN to WAT PO;
- I walked-around the gen'l. area and admired the new OPEN-style park that's between the backside of the GRAND PALACE and the CHAO PHRAYA RIVER;

-- I walked leisurely to SARAN ROM PARK;
- ETA.: approx. 18.30.hrs., at wch. time it was starting to become dark;
- Plenty of people - MORE under 29s. males, student-looking types & others, than I'd seen in many a previous visit there - jogging, exercising, performing aerobics and so on;
- In the hawng nahm again MORE men than usual; a certain amt. of discreet shewing was taking place;
- I sat-down on one of the benches provided for that purpose, (from wch., with a careful choice of bench and if one possesses sharp eye-sight, one can keep watch on the comings & goings to & from the HN.),. Not too many others walked by, I suspect because most of the small paths leading-off the surrounding running track are under repair, as is one of the small bridges leading to the little island where there's a Khymer-style memorial to some drowned members of the Royal Family;
- One man, possibly mid-forties?, walked-by and asked me if I'd like a massage & sex; an offer that I was able to decline as I would be on my way to have supper with a gp. of Thai friends, (amongst whom, as I found-out after arr'l., would be 4 educated & well-spoken Katoeys.), later on.
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