-- Today, (25th.), I was at the IMMIG'N. BUREAU on Chaeng Watthana for the usual reasons.
- I couldn't help but notice the numbers of attractive young men walking-about; from their uniforms I'd guess that they're O&M., (Ops. & Maint'ce.), personnel.
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-- Today, (25th.), after time spent in the IMMIG'N. BUREAU I went to THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan, a place not visited by me for many months.
- ETA.: approx. 10.oo.hrs.. As that was approx. half-an-hr. before its OPENING TIME I enjoyed a coffee in McDONALDS; I asked for a cup of coffee - none of this frothy & latte stuff for me, and was amused to see that it was billed as 'Long black.'! Well dahlings, and just between us girls, it's been a long, long time since I've enjoyed a long black! ![]() -- Being in no hurry I crossed-over the rd. to GRAND MALL, wch. OPENS at 10.oo.hrs.. - I checked-out both hawng nahms: for the GF. cubicles only tiny spy-holes in the partitions; upstairs, nr. to the Food Court, all holes have been CLOSED by cement. -- Back in THE MALL it wasn't until around 12.nn. that I entered what has been reported as the cruisiest HN. there: 6fl. near to MANGPONG, wch. wasn't all that busy. - I ret'd. around 17.oo.hrs.; the 6fl. HN. was almost empty, v. few users. - Maybe it was just one of those days? Or, as my Enthusiastic & American Friend would say: 'It's a crap shoot.'. ![]()
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-- Khun Holsteiner, yr. hint has been accepted! - Y'day., (27th.), I visited TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50., (as it prefers to style itself.), at BTS. ON NUT, (E9.); - ETA. approx. 15.30.hrs.; - The gd.-fl. hawng nahm has had its walls & floor re-tiled with glazed & lt. stone-colored tiles, (similar to the floor-tiles in the upstairs HN.); sitting in one of the cubicles it's possible to see, to a degree, what one's neighbor might be doing. There are a couple of v. small spy-holes in the partition between #5. & #6. cubicles; - There are no partitions between the urinals; - When I arr'd. there were a couple of youngish looking men displaying themselves discreetly. -- To pass the time I took a leisurely & a seven mins'. walk along S'vit. rd. to the AMWAY SHOPPING PRECINCT; - The Sec. Gd. had stationed himself whence he could look and see whom was entering & leaving the HNs.. -- Back in TL. I re-visited the HNs. twice again before and after refreshing myself at DUNKIN' DONUTS - NTR.; - Quite an amt. of eye-candy seen, possibly just 'Walking & looking.'? - I left around 17.30.hrs..
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-- Today, (29th.), a'noon. I took the #522. 'bus. from VICTORY MON'T. to its 2nd. stop at THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan.;
- ETA./ETD.: 15.30./18.00.hrs.; - Plenty of young eye-candy to be seen, wch. raised my hopes; ![]() - However, the 6fl. hawng nahm, nr. MANPONG, was far from busy every time that I visited, even when the cinemas emptied-out at the ends of their perfs.. Possibly the busiest person there was the janitrice? - So I left feeling that it was a rather wasted a'noon. in a way. Although I suppose that even NEGATIVE info. can be useful? ![]()
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-- Y'day., (02nd.), I dropped-in to ROBINSON'S - Charoen Krung., to so some shopping;
- But firstly I went upstairs to the hawng nahm; - Seeing that only one cubicle was occupied I chose an adjacent one. A younger man than the avg. user of that place, I guestimated; - After a short while we make contact a la Senator Larry. Craig, (Rep. ID.),. He soon knelt-down and thrust his knees beneath the partition: uncut & of short/avg. length but thick; were I wearing grungier clothes then I'd have essayed to smoke it; but, as it was, I contented myself with some manual pleasuring. Then it was my turn to kneel-down ... ; - Having completed my shopping, PLUS some 'Walking & looking.', (no-one worth a second glance, IMHO., mostly v. mature & Ch. looking men or obviously under-age school-children.), I ret'd. to the HN., where all of the cubicles were taken. Loitering I noticed that the occupants of #2. & #4. were taking quick looks over the partitions at whomever was in #3..
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-- Y'day., (09th.), a'noon. - on an authorised Leave of Absence from tee rak - I decided to visit SECON SQUARE, wch. I haven't visited for many a month.
-- Having detrained at BTS. Ekkami, (E6.), and after a small excursion, (qv.), I walked some distance to the necessary 'bus.-stop on S'vit. soi 71. to await a #133.. Having waited in vain for some 20 mins. I took a taxi.; the driver - surely another descendent of Nimshi - wasted little time, thus the fare was somewhat about 80.Bh.. - I was dropped-off at the main ent'ce, and walked through ROBINSON'S DEPT. STORE to the independent outlets towards the back. A MORE direct ent'ce. is the one nearer to Soi 49. where a branch of K'Korn. Bank is sit'd.. - I soon located FABRIC HOUSE, the single flight of escalators in front of it and the passage beyond wch. led to the Level 1 hawng nahms. As far as I saw there are holes of varying sizes in all of the cubicles' partitions. - For L2. & for L3. I saw no holes. - However, on L4. in the partition between the first two HNs. on one's RHS. on entering is a large GH. - capable of taking most Thai members! However, the powers-that-be have seen fit not to block it with cement but have placed a sheet of clear plastic on either side: thus it's a case of 'You cannot touch but you can look.'! I was fascinated! ![]() -- Despite the presence of much eye-candy in gen'l. throughout the mall there was all too little traffic in the HN.. But possibly things would be different during the week-ends? -- I didn't see any Sec. Gds. checking-out the HN., but janitrices were busy. -- I took a return & #133. 'bus.: fare & journey-time were 07.Bh. & 50 mins. to just short of BTS. Phra Khanong, (E8.),.
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-- Y'day., (09th.), having de-trained at BTS. Ekkami, (E6.), and before proceeding to SECON SQ., I looked-in at the nearby MAJOR CINEPLEX - a short distance back towards Cen't. BKK..
- Hawng nahms on the GF., 2nd. & 4th.; - I reckoned that the one on the 4f. is the most out-of-the-way being in the BLU-O's. karaoke space, and thus possibly the safest for those who feel that unsatisfied need. ![]() -- I saw neither Sec. Gds. nor janitrices; but that does not mean to say ... !
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-- Today, (11th.), my Enthusiastic & American Friend looked-in at BIG C - S. Kwai on his way home - that would be at around 15.oo.hrs. local time;
- He reported little or no activity in both hawng nahms at that time; those who were availing of the facilities made no attempts to make or to return eye-contact. ![]()
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-- Y'day., (12th.), a'noon. tee-rak & I went walking & looking in SIAM SQ., (BTS. SIAM.), where there was plenty of student & of legal age eye-candy.
- We went-in to SWENSON'S and were looked-after by a tallish & possibly worth knowing better waiter; a solo & follow-up visit will be arranged ;-) Tee-rak chose a banana-split, (just between us girls I think that he's weird - he has this strange fascination with bananas!),. -- Then, in the evening, we went to C'CHURI. SQ., (MRT. Sam Yan.), and supped in OLDIE's CAFE., I believe that Khun Yannawa has made a note of it in one of these threads? - We were the only customers there; - I thought that the svce. could have been better; tee-rak thought that it was expensive - above JEFFER's prices rather than YUM SAAP's, shall we write. - I gather that one of the waiters there had worked before for JEFFER and that he had left not of his own free-will? Possessive Tee-rak, who is heung mak mak , mentioned that possibly he has sticky fingers - but then he's not as guileless and/or out-of-this-world as he might appear.
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-- Today, (14th.), a'noon. - having looked-at some Water Purifiers in HOME PRO., (BTS. Plhoen Chit, [E2.],), I went-on to LOTUS-TESCO - Sukhumvit 50., (BTS.On Nut, [E9.],), to check-out their prices, wch. I found to be lower.
- ETA. at L-T. was just before 16.oo.hrs.; - Neither hawng nahm was busy. On my entering the GF. HN. a beautiful piece of youngish eye-candy - tall, slim, chocolate skin, oval face with alert & bright looking eyes - was stepping-out of one of the cubicles; I had to rush into another one to allow the BP. to fall ![]() - I noticed a couple of familiar & Thai faces wch. I'd seen quite often before in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA; -- In the partition between cubicles #7. & 8. of the GF. HN. are two small peep holes about 4'.06". above floor level - possibly a bit too high to be of much good? -- Janitrices keeping 'selves. quite busy.
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-- Y'day., (16th.), I took a #1. 'bus. from CHINATOWN to WAT PO;
- I walked-around the gen'l. area and admired the new OPEN-style park that's between the backside of the GRAND PALACE and the CHAO PHRAYA RIVER; -- I walked leisurely to SARAN ROM PARK; - ETA.: approx. 18.30.hrs., at wch. time it was starting to become dark; - Plenty of people - MORE under 29s. males, student-looking types & others, than I'd seen in many a previous visit there - jogging, exercising, performing aerobics and so on; - In the hawng nahm again MORE men than usual; a certain amt. of discreet shewing was taking place; - I sat-down on one of the benches provided for that purpose, (from wch., with a careful choice of bench and if one possesses sharp eye-sight, one can keep watch on the comings & goings to & from the HN.),. Not too many others walked by, I suspect because most of the small paths leading-off the surrounding running track are under repair, as is one of the small bridges leading to the little island where there's a Khymer-style memorial to some drowned members of the Royal Family; - One man, possibly mid-forties?, walked-by and asked me if I'd like a massage & sex; an offer that I was able to decline as I would be on my way to have supper with a gp. of Thai friends, (amongst whom, as I found-out after arr'l., would be 4 educated & well-spoken Katoeys.), later on.
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View topic - Where to find "game" straight guys during afternoon? | This thread | Refback | 2nd January 2012 09:31 PM | |
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Sunee Plaza visit - GayThailand.com Forum - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 22nd January 2010 11:19 AM | |
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