OMG no reports since 3 August!!!
Sunday 23 Sep visited On Nut LT to test theory that there are more cruisers in the middle of the day than in the later afternoons... ?because the boys have to get home to look after families/mother/aged father etc... Remember sample is N=1 LOL but that never stopped anyone from spruiking their opinion here. Theory confirmed. Arrived at about 1230hrs and made 2 discrete visits. The downstairs loo had about 3 cruisers some in advance stage of ErFtn. One with a nice bright lollipop pink head... Oh I do love those suckers. Unfortunately i did not get to see the self-saucing sausage do its thing but these days am quite content just to be a JAFO! Upstairs is discounted these days to some extent because of the constant open door and the dazzling bright lights. ![]()
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-- Sunday, 30 sep., I looked-in briefly at TESCO-LOTUS - S'vit. 50., (BTS. On Nut - E9.), (this would be about 12.15.hrs.), and noticed a man wearing a green & TESCO. tee-shirt with some circular & pin-on badge over his LEFT & breast pocket banging OPEN all the cubicles' doors, #5-8., and then standing staring very hard at a couple of Thais, (one youngish & plump and the other lean, elderly & bald headed), standing at adjacent pissoirs.
- No place for me! - So I washed my hands, during wch. the a/m. TESCO man came-around, banged OPEN the other cubicles' doors, and then started writing in a thick & pocket-sized pocket book, all the while smiling at me - not the usual Thai smile but rather that of a man who has noted-down some unwelcome info. on others wch. puts him in some pos'n. of knowledge/power over them. -- Afterwards I took a 'bus. directly to IMPERIAL WORLD - Sam Rong., wch. took MORE than an hour but cost just 08.Bh.. - In IMP'L. WORLD the b'ment. hawng nahm at the back of the store, (ie.: farthest away from S'vit. rd., and wch. used to be 'busy.'), has been re-furbished since my last visit: - The flooring is dull black & non-reflective tiling; while for the cubicles the partitions are made of some tough hardboard, or similar, with a dull brown surface.
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TESCO-LOTUS - S'vit. 50.- Weird story about writer : can only mean 1 of 3 things :
- survey if customers are satisfied with the facilities? - writing the next 50 shades of grey but than the gay version - reporter comparing dick sizes local/farang for a headline story in local newspaper next time perhaps the voyeur with the iphone cam posting everything on gaytube?
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arrived back in steamy BKK last week and found it very crowded (around same time last yr sicty near deserted due to flood-threats).
BigC Rajprasong-food court: was appoached by at least 2 very friendly young men, trying up some conversation. New tactics or just chance? Foodcourt TescoLotus KLONG Toey-around 18.00-my meal was just being prepared and 2 real stunning .arms across, construction workers passed by-wearing comp. shirts and very worn and stained from paint jeans. They sat on a bench and started looking around-caught my eye. Alas-they were waiting for some game to clear and then started shooting. Would have been good bait for a latintop from Catalunya. Ram IV-bus stop near Silom-that HTL is fenced off and under renovation. Not a single soul that looked like the usual types over there to be seen.
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-- Y'day., sunday 28 oct., I took a #522. 'bus. from Vict'y. Monum't. out to THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan for just 17.Bh. , (distance as the crow flies approx. 7.5M., so not too far out.),;
- ETA.: 15., (approx.)-18.15.hrs.; - I ascended to the floor where there are the cinemas' box-office and where there was a small & pop-type concert being held - thus a goodly number of young people, none of whom seemed to be cruising; - The larger hawng nah nr. to the MANGPORN DVD. SHOP wasn't busy; the one on the same floor but at the other side of the bldg. had all of its cubicles occupied; as far as I could judge, while waiting, a refuge for those using their cell-'phones. Eventually a cubicle became available; as far as I could see no contacts being estab'd. a la Sen. Larry Craig; possibly the continuing presence of a stern faced janitress proved to be discouraging? - On the next & higher fl. a youngish man was shewing himself at the pissoirs and indicated that he would like me to join him elsewhere. Well - we must have checked-out some half-a-dozen HN., all of whom had a janitress in eachone - so nothing doing. - Possibly either a new maint'ce. contract & company or the j'tresses. have been instructed to be on the job? - However - after a refreshing coffee & a do'nut. - I found an out-of-the-way HN. on the 11fl., reached by elevators #05-08.; possibly worth bearing in mind for the future? -- By 18.hrs. many people seemed to have left and the HN. were all but empty - so time to join the going-home crowd.
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-- On sunday morning, 28 oct., my Enthusiastic & American Friend came-IN to Town and wanted to have a look-see in the recently refurbished SCSP.;
- We both agreed that - 1.- judging by the users the 2fl. hawng nahms, both in CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE and in the PLAZA, were the most popular; however janitresses were present in each one. There are LOW-level partitions between each pissoir: enough to prevent any hand-contact but not so high that tall farangs aren't able to look-over and see what's on display. 2.- SCSP. is no longer the place for lingering, either over a cup of coffee or for leaning-on the railings and observing the body-traffic entering or leaving. I was given to u'stand. that CHESTER'S COFFEE & GRILL will not be returning; most of the other coffee & eating places looked as though they are set-up for those wanting to drink and/or eat and then to leave soon thereafter - an HIGH & rapid turn-over of customers; possibly the only exception being STARBUCKS on the ground floor and with its view looking-out at Si Lom rd.? 3.- an emphasis on trying to attract either an HIGHER-So and female or JP. clientele, we felt. 4.- many pieces of eye-candy with several pairs seen walking hand-in-hand and enjoying the pleasures of eachother's company.
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Big C Yaek Bang Yai. Now you wont all go out rushing there-it is far out of town , but a new MRT is in the making- a giant station being built here. Ran very late-had to check out some of those ''nonfloating marklets'' for potential visits and it was raining-late, late. Note there are 2 BigC across the road here; you want the OLD Carefour-beside a big blue deserted former dept store named Big King. You get OFF the bus from Centre BKK here-134,127,516,177. Get ON the bus other side beside another bigC. Ground floor/foodcourt: large toilets, quite rundown (this was about the oldest CFour in BKK-renovated even, but again falling to pieces), many with holes in the sides-some tried to stop up. Was quite busy, but many seemed to liter on and stay for too long for normal bisnis. Saw 2 grinning guys comiing out of 1 cubicle. Others grinned at me and nod-eyed. Saw a fair lot of Burmese here-even some signs in that lingo. Also a fair lot of Khmer begging.
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-- Khun Pong,
- Well you do get out and about, don't you? Quite put some of us more sedentary & resident farangs to shame! -- Google Earth puts the BIG C. that is opposite to BIG KING on the Outer Ring Rd., as: 100-24-37.E.x13-52-48.N.; - A convenient landmark might well be KASSEMRAD RATTANATHIBET HOSP'L.; -- Possibly the most convenient 'buses., having cross-checked my three 'bus.-maps - 1. - BANGKOK BUS GUIDE: 9-786169-018926; 99.Bh.; 2. - BANGKOK BUS MAP: 9-789745-250451; 69.Bh. & 3. - BANGKOK TPT. MAP: (-789744-850386; n/k.; would seem to be - #177. from either SILCOM. or UNITED CNTR. on Si Lom Rd.; #516. from Democ'y. Mon't.; #528. from Victory Mon't.. -- E&OE!. -- ![]()
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-- Y'day., sunday 11 nov., (Martinmas, Armistice/Veterans' day.), and being unexpectedly unengaged I resolved to go-out and to have a look-at BIG C 'EXTRA.' in Amphoe Bang Bua Thong.
- NB.: In my copy of BANGKOK CITY ATLAS - ISBN.:9-789749-440780 - BIG C 'EXTRA.' is outside BANG YAI and just in BANG BUA THONG! -- Dir'ns., from Si Lom rd.: 1. - Board 'bus. #177. from either SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA or from UNITED CENTRE, (NB. 'bus. going AWAY from Rama IV. rd.!); 2. - Fare & journey's time: 18.Bh., approx. 01.hr., 40.mins.; the journey's time may appear to be long but nigh on an hour was spent mainly on the WEST bank of the CHAO PHRAYA river getting to CENT'l. PINKLAO - after wch. the 'bus. progressed MORE rapidly.); 3. - Way-points: 3.1. - King Taksin Statue at WONGWIANYAI. - RHS. 3.2. - SC. PLAZA. - LHS.; 3.3. - BKK. 'BUS. TERMINAL. - LHS.; 3.4. - MRT's. construction. - coming-IN from the RHS., (this will be the 'PURPLE.' line - BANG YAI > NONTHABURI > RAT BURANA. TALAD BANG YAI stn. is under constr. roughly between the BIG C. SUPERSTORE & BIG C 'Extra.'.); 3.5. - INDEX LIVING MALL. - LHS.; 3.6. - BIG C SUPERSTORE/HOMEPRO. - RHS.; 3.7. - Vacant BIG KING. - LHS.; 3.8. - BIG C 'EXTRA.' - LHS., (the 'bus. will STOP by BIG KING; BIG C 'EXTRA.' is just a few MORE mins. walk after BIG KING. -- ETA./ETD.: 13.30.-18.oo.hrs. - Surprisingly BIG C 'EXTRA.' isn't all that run-down. It is on two floors with roof-top car-parking; - I saw but one hawng nahm on each shopping floor; both are generally fairly clean and graffiti-free - janitresses are in attendance from time to time. - I visited the GF. HN. four times during my visit, at no time was it really busy and certainly no-one displaying himself, even discreetly that I saw. V. few young men. The cubicles were quite busy; a few had small peep-holes in the partitions - little graffiti seen. -- During my visit I crossed-over the OUTER RING RD., (there is a nearby pedestrian over-bridge.), to the BIG C S'STORE, wch. has two HN. - one of each shopping floor; both of wch. are clean, graffiti-free and not all that busy. -- I did see a goodly number of young men, mostly in pairs or small gps. - but as to their ethnicity I am no judge. -- For the return journey - having been shooed-away by the #134. bus's. conductress, it did not go to BTS. Mo Chit, as my BKK. 'BUS. GUIDE indicated - I caught a #177. all the way back to Si Lom rd.. As it ret'd. along Phahon Yothin rd. I could have de-bussed. at BTS./MRT. Mo Chit/Chatuchak and saved some time. The return journey passed-by CENTRAL PLAZA - LAT PHRAO > SIAM DISC'Y. CNTR. > MBK. > CHAMCHURI SQ. > DUSIT THANI HTL. > along Si Lom rd.. -- E&OE.. -- ![]()
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But hey each to his own.
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