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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Panthip Plaza

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Old 19th December 2006, 08:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170
Panthip Plaza

I always check out one or two facilities when I'm @ Panthip Plaza but with limited success (too many guys just dropping by for a piss). Any suggestions to improve my "hit rate"?
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Old 21st December 2006, 06:40 AM
Gany's Avatar
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Yes, try the urinals in the Kalahari Desert. They're far more cruisy. Phantip used to be very cruisy, but that is quite some time in the past. The best stalls were converted to shops on the first floor. And the rickety screens between the others have been replaced by steel panels. Mr. Swiss Army Knife can't handle it. Mr. Swiss Blow Torch can, but isn't on holidays here.

You may get lucky on the 3rd floor, but not likely, I'm afraid.
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Old 21st December 2006, 10:19 AM
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I didn't know Cupidman was Swiss, but as you say, he can certainly handle it...when he returns from his Rayong holidays.
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Old 2nd January 2007, 02:52 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136

I NEVER ever scored there! I've spent hours at that one toilet that had the glory hole. I might have sucked on a few cocks. But I never got close to one cumming in my mouth. And it's not because I wasn't trying, believe me.

Panthip has potential to be a great cruising place. Lots of places where you can take the action. But I've never had any luck picking guys up.

I think it has two problems going against it:
1) It's not close enough to a university
2) People are actually there to buy computer parts and stuff.

The shopping center across the street and back up towards the World Trade Center used to be cruisy. Not sure if it is now, as they did something to the bathrooms a few years ago. But it may be worn back in now

Speaking of Panthip. I've got a camera that's broken. I just read in last week's Database that a place called Area 519 on the top floor, opposite the Data IT, or what ever that big store is, has guys who can fix ANYthing, cameras, TVs, video recorders, MP3 players, etc.

Does anyone know about this place? I've got a camera that isnt' working, but I'm sure there isn't much wrong with it. I'm going to check out the place next time I'm up in Bangkok. Better than paying 15,000 baht for another camera (of the same style).
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Old 2nd January 2007, 05:44 AM
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Well Cupidman,

I think I've beaten you there.
It used to be VERY cruise in Panthip. Extremely very cruisy, or cruisy mahk mahk. I've spent lots of hours having fun in the stalls, without any danger of being noticed. At worst it was somebody banging the door to hurry up, he'd like some head too.

Even better: I performed the ultimate perversion in Thai culture. In the other stall a young cute Buddhist monk was .... meditating?????? And he was very much interested in reaching nirvana together. So I hopped over to be blessed.

My partner was shocked when I told him. He thought I was a nice cute innocent boy when we got together. Conveniently forgetting where we met: the sleasiest darkroom of Amsterdam!

But today there isn't any cruising worth mentioning. The glory hole is now not big enough to put a drinking straw through. Let alone something else.
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Old 2nd January 2007, 11:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

There is also a fix-all place on the top floor of Fortune on Ratchada at Param 9 MRT. But the best one for cruising potential and fixing electronics is on the upper(top?) floor of Old Siam Plaza, just off Charoen Krung road just a block or two east of Wat Po. You will pass the cruisy park/bus stop on your left where the pickup boys linger while waiting for horny drivers.
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