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CRUISING for SEX - Suck Cinema updates?

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billinbkk 3rd March 2008 07:05 PM

Sextile and Icon....have you 2 been working the Phayonthin Theatre together again?????

sextile 3rd March 2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by billinbkk (Post 658874)
Sextile and Icon....have you 2 been working the Phayonthin Theatre together again?????

-- Billinbkk.,
- Isn't your percentage of our earnings enough for you that you have gone and done this public outing? ;)
-- bibi.. --

futuremeet 5th March 2008 04:44 PM

Crikey, I was indeed honoured?!!

sextile 29th March 2008 10:11 PM

-- A 30yrs'. old and Fils'. friend has come to BKK. for some days while his Work Visa for SGP. receives the necessary approval.
- Having lived in MNL. he's not entirely innocent, so I was pleased to give him the necessary dir'ns. to go to the 'PHAHOL CINEMA.' in Saphan Kwai,(BTS. N7.), for y'day.,(sat.), a'noon..

-- In the evening he told me all about his visit.
- He was amazed - and this even after his visits to similar movie-houses in MNL. - at the goings-on in the seated area in front of the screen: katoeys openly offering svces., men offering oral svces. and with others looking over to share vicariously in the fun and so on; even the 'Final Favor.' was to be seen. He professed himself to have been shocked at this OPEN display of s*x.
- At one time he went to relieve himself and saw a hefty and American looking man enter a toilet with a TH. boi., after a few mins. the TH. boi came-out and another went-in, finally #2. was replaced by a third boi!
- Of course - being facially Chinese looking, (albeit with a darker skin.), and still quite attractive in a certain way - he received several approaches, but he told me that he declined them all!

-- In the evening we went to 'HOTMALE.' in Soi Twilight - but that's in a different thread.

-- bibi.. --

midwestbttmboy32 10th July 2008 02:18 PM

Any updates about cinemas in BKK lately? I'm a bit concerned about the following--this was posted a few months ago about the Phaholyothin, here in the "Sex Listings" section of CFS:
"Phaholyothin Rama: (March, 2008)
Corrupt police have been lurking inside to collect and arrest foreigners. They are tipped off from vendors seeing foreigners upon entering the premises. My Thai friend said they wouldn't do anything to the Thai's but they crack down on foreigners and look for cash, passports, and arrest foreigners on anti-moral grounds."

Has anyone else heard this happening there recently? I was thinking of a visit next week when I'm intown, over the weekend of 18-20 July.

futuremeet 10th July 2008 06:02 PM

Hi there midwestbttmboy32. I visited mid-may despite having the same concerns as you. What follows is my post on 23 May under the topic "daytime options". I can't wait to visit Bkk again, in the meantime I shall have to live vicariously through you guys, so please keep up the good work and keep posting updates. Cheers!

"Just to report back that I did eventually pluck up enough courage to visit the cinema near 39 sauna (with Icon's last words here very much at the forefront of my mind)

I didn't notice anything (more) unusual (than usual!) and I eventually relaxed and had a good time, only the usual sort of "arresting" sights, I'm pleased to say!

I then returned another day and didn't manage to hit it off with anyone I fancied, but that's just the way it goes...

Of course, my limited experience doesn't mean it's "all clear" - can only conclude for sure that it was ok for me.

Thanks sextile for pointing me in the "right" direction but apologies for not trying out any of the other places suggested"

richsilver 13th July 2008 03:45 AM

Anybody been to the Laemthong lately?

sextile 17th July 2008 07:43 AM

-- Talking with another of my elderly and American acquaintances - he divides his time roughly 50:50 'twixt. here and there - he had just ret'd. from visiting PHAHOL CINEMA, SAPHAN KWAI, and reported that it was busier then usual - and that on an Holy Day of Religious Observances!
- While he's in BKK. he's a regular visitor there - I think that he splits his a'noons. between the SAPHAN KWAI and the CHINATOWN CINEMAS - and mentioned that he's never ever seen any ON-Duty members of BKK's Finest there.
- Despite his apparent success I regard such places as AYOR.: if not from the Police then from pick-pockets and/or picking-up any disease. Indeed, at the time when he joined me I was chatting with a young man whom I know to be HIV+. and who goes there from time to time to supplement his income.
-- Bibi.. --

sextile 12th August 2008 11:52 PM

-- Y'day., (12th.), thinking that as it was a public holiday, (Queen's b'day.), I went to PHAHOL CINEMA in Saphan Kwai.
- ETA. approx. 13.oo.hrs.;
- Adm'n.:;
- Not at all busy at that time.
- However, after around 15.hrs. MORE spectators began to cum-in!
- The area with the most action was way back in the MORE raked portion of the seating and to the RHS. of the screen, roughly above the RHS. ent'ce..
- A couple of men offered the Final Favor and were accepted - Condoms not used, I noticed.
- Even I, a tired and olde farang was not without some luck that day, although I would have enjoyed MORE.
- I left just after 17.hrs..
-- Bibi.. --

Beethoven 22nd August 2008 09:41 PM

The Prince
I was wondering if The Prince cinema is still open. Anyone know? My cruising mojo is coming back after a long hibernation. I feel the need for some Thai cock.

sextile 22nd August 2008 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Beethoven (Post 663329)
I was wondering if The Prince cinema is still open?
... .

-- An elderly and American acquaintance who patronises that type of cinema has not given me any reports of closure; but then he spends MORE time in the ChinaTown cinema than the PRINCE.
-- Bibi.. --

richsilver 23rd August 2008 05:30 AM

I was there in mid July and it was doing just fine (except a large chunk of ceiling fell down while I was there, almost hitting some patrons!).

sextile 19th November 2008 11:08 PM

Y'day., (19th.), a'noon. - in between cruising-around IMPERIAL WORLD SHOPPING PLAZA - I went looking for the reported s*ck-cinema in that area.
- Despite previously given dir'ns. by Khun Icon I failed to find it, although I walked-back towards Central BKK. for quite a good distance - MORE than the suggested 200 or so yds. - and walked UP & DOWN each soi on the same side as IWSP.. I'd say that anyother large bldg. in that area is MORE than likely to be a warehouse or similar.
-- Bibi.. --

sextile 4th December 2008 12:17 AM

-- Y'day., (03rd.), in between my cruises of IMPERIAL WORLD - SAMRONG, (qv.), I followed Khun Icon's dir'ns. to the STATE CINEMA -
- addr.: 1,584, moo1.,
Tnn. Sukhumvit, NORTH SAMRONG;
- co-ords.: 100-35-44.34.E.x13-39-08.76N.;
- BTS.: ON NUT,(E9.), and 20mins'. 'bus. ride thence;

- dir'ns. from IW. -
-- standing on the pavement on Tnn. S'vit. and in front of IW's. stairs 'neath. DUNKIN DONUTS
-- turn LEFT and walk with the tfc. - back twds. Cent. BKK. - for approx. 200yds.;
-- facing one will see a std. st. sign for Soi 78.; o'hd. is a large & steel gantry with the word STATE in Thai, Chinese & English; on one's RHS. is the former SUPER-SAVER, (taken-over now by some Uni.),;
-- turn LEFT and walk along Soi 78. away from Tnn. S'vit. for approx 145yds, at wch. pt. one will perceive a small & Ch. temple looking bldg.;
-- turn LEFT and walk-on for a further 50yds., (passing the first soi on one's RHS.);
-- look RIGHT along the second soi and at the end one will see the cinema - its has four red letters on its facade;
- walking time: approx. 5mins. from IW..
- tel.: not known;
- web: not known.

-- ETA.: approx. 14.50hrs.;
- Adm'n.: 50.Bh. - on entering the Box Offce. is on one's LHS.;
- Hawng nahms, (grotty-looking places.), are either side of a dull & red curtain;
- 16 steps will take one UP and into the centre of the videtorium ;
- a walkway runs across the cinema at that point; against either wall are MORE steps: 16 to a small landing and a further 12 to the rear wall;
- lighting is dim - it took my aged eyes approx. 20mins. to acclimatise;
- at the conclusion of the first movie - brave farang kills killer croc.! - the lights were switched ON and I was able to look-around: between the central ent'ce. and the screen the seating is in 2 blocks with plenty of leg-room; immediately behind the ent'ce. are a few rows of centrally located seats flanked by other blocks of seats, after wch. there is a central aisle.

-- for the 2nd. movie I moved to the back row and sat a couple of seats away from a neat and youngish-looking man. After a few moments he was joined by an older Thai. So I moved to the other end of the back row. After a few mins. the younger man joined me: tall & slim, the by now fashionable facial hair, while tee-shirt over greyish jeans. It didn't take long for his belt to be unbuckled and his jeans to be unzipped and I found myself kneeling before him - c'cised. cock with a well-developed cock-head and about 5ins.LOA.; so I smoked him to a desired conclusion; an handful of others had gathered to watch. Afterwards he adjusted his dress, thanked me politely and went elsewhere. Well - 'One swallow doesn'ty make a summer.', but it was better than I might have expected looking-at the small no. of spectators.
- I left at around 16.oo.hrs..

-- Bibi.. --

sextile 6th December 2008 12:45 AM

-- Y'day., (05th.), a'noon. - in between my visits to ROBINSON'S - CHAROEN KRUNG, (qv.), I dropped-IN at THE PRINCE cinema:
- loc'n.: given in a previous posting;
- ETA.: just after 16.hrs.;
- adm'n.: 60.Bh..
- About a score or so of us spectators therein, with a few couples getting to know eachother better.
- After some time I was joined by quite a good-looking man. However, not long after I started to sm*k* him some other man - tallish, shoulder-length hair, bk. jerkin over white shirt & dk. trousers - said stg. or other to my companion, who tapped me on my shoulder and indicated that we should desist.
- So I stood-up and moved elsewhere.
- But after a while the a/m. re-joined me and made it obvious what he wanted; but I was feeling in no mood for that at that time.
- ETD.: soon after 17.hrs..
-- Bibi.. --

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