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CRUISING for SEX - Suck Cinema updates?

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sextile 6th December 2010 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by wantasian (Post 680696)
1.- Is this the well-known one in China Town ... ?
2.- I think it's better not to refer to cinemas by their names (confusing) ... .

1. - Howmany other 'well-known' such cinemas are there in ChinaTown?
2. - That is why I try and include a reference to former postings, so that anyone confused can refer back for further info..

wantasian 6th December 2010 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 680698)
1. - Howmany other 'well-known' such cinemas are there in ChinaTown?
2. - That is why I try and include a reference to former postings, so that anyone confused can refer back for further info..

You're right--I thought there was just one suck cinema in Chinatown, but I thought maybe there was some second one named Chintown Rama. I still can't keep the names straight--the only way I think of them as by their location--like "the one by the Saphan Kwai skytrain stop" etc.

sextile 6th December 2010 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by wantasian (Post 680702)
... the only way I think of them as by their location--like "the one by the Saphan Kwai skytrain stop" etc.

-- That would be the PHAHON CINEMA, wouldn't it?
- Posting in this thread #29..
-- But agreed, whatever it takes to remember them.

sextile 8th December 2010 06:16 AM

CHALERM GIAT Cinema ... .
-- Today,(08th.), evening I dropped-in to the CHALERM GIAT CINEMA on Lat Ya rd., (by KING TAKSIN the GT. CIRCLE.),; earlier postings in this thread: #97., 105., 111. etc.;
- ETA.: approx. 17.55.hrs. ;
- Adm'n.: 50.oo.Bh., my tkt. was stamped #052., presumably that shewing the tkt. numbers sold sofar on that day?
- Film shewn was ortho-sexual porn. with more suggested than actually shewn;
- May be as many as a score of spectators?
- A couple or three katoeys were working the block of seats on the spectators' RIGHT; but otherwise little activity that I could see;
- I left at around 18.30.hrs., and walked to BTS. Wongwiang Yai. As an aside I saw two of these new & four-coach trains standing idle beyond the stn.; our train to Nat'l. Stadium soon became the usual 'Standing room only.'!

icon513 8th December 2010 07:01 AM

For any fans of the Prince, you better get your licks in soon. Frankly, I don't know how much longer the place will exist.

Physically, it's literally falling apart. I'm not even sure it's safe in there, with falling ceiling panels the norm.

There has been no maintenance for decades, and I wouldn't expect any soon since whoever owns it is just passing the days until he gets kicked out by the land owner (the Crown Property Bureau, which owns the whole block).

Undoubtedly, the whole area will eventually be redeveloped into something more profitable for the Crown's purse. That will be a sad day, which I fear could be coming soon.

KhunTST 10th December 2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 680741)
For any fans of the Prince, you better get your licks in soon. Frankly, I don't know how much longer the place will exist.

Physically, it's literally falling apart. I'm not even sure it's safe in there, with falling ceiling panels the norm.

There has been no maintenance for decades, and I wouldn't expect any soon since whoever owns it is just passing the days until he gets kicked out by the land owner (the Crown Property Bureau, which owns the whole block).

Undoubtedly, the whole area will eventually be redeveloped into something more profitable for the Crown's purse. That will be a sad day, which I fear could be coming soon.

And I thought it was just me. Over the last 6 months or so attendee numbers and 'quality' seemed to me to be declining. The place has always been crappy but there was always something worth a second look. May be this is just a phase and it will pick up again. -May be there is something else in the area where the locals are dropping in on the way home...

Any ideas welcum

icon513 10th December 2010 11:37 PM

Actually, quality was surprisingly good when I was there. It's a crapshoot though, and odds are not in your favor.

JupiterJake 10th December 2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 680789)
Actually, quality was surprisingly good when I was there. It's a crapshoot though, and odds are not in your favor.

What day and time did you visit, Icon?

icon513 11th December 2010 12:30 AM

Weekday, early afternoon. A fluke, I'm sure, but there were some hotties there.
Posted via Mobile Device

JupiterJake 11th December 2010 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 680791)
Weekday, early afternoon. A fluke, I'm sure, but there were some hotties there.
Posted via Mobile Device

Lucky you! The last few times I went there (about a year ago now), usually on a weekend, the pickings were very slim indeed.

But as you say, one never knows!

sextile 19th December 2010 11:20 PM

Chinatown cinema ...
-- Y'day., (19th.), my Elderly, Frequently visiting & Am. friend paid a visit to the CHINATOWN CINEMA*, arriving soon after opening time, (11.30.hrs. or thereabouts.),;
- After about half-an-hour he walked-out to stretch his legs and in a dark & secluded nook he saw a man, maybe in his 40s.?, offering the Final Favor to another; there were four - then five - other voyeurs clustered around, enjoying & participating.

-- Previous postings for loc'n. etc. etc.: #20., 84. & 139..

sextile 1st January 2011 09:38 PM

Chinatown cinema ...
-- My Elderly, Frequently visiting & American Friend visits the only remaining cinema of its type in CHINATOWN, on Yaowarat rd. - see previous posting #191. - for purposes of research, (and, after his return to the USofA., to the Drs'. gain for att'n. to his knees! ;) ).;
- He mentioned that last week during one session he enjoyed as many as five other patrons; but other times have been quite unsatis.; as my Enthusiastic & American Friend is wont to say: 'It's a crap shoot.'.

icon513 2nd January 2011 01:01 AM

Is he at all picky in the cocks he sucks? Just curious.
Posted via Mobile Device

sexton 2nd January 2011 07:08 AM


If given a free cock, at one's age of being Elderly & Enthusiastic , I think he is not that picky!

sextile 2nd January 2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by sexton (Post 681168)
If given a free cock, at one's age of being Elderly & Enthusiastic , I think he is not that picky!

-- While both of those friends of mine are American that's where any similarities end: one is Elderly ... and the other is Enthusiastic ..., (and yes - both words do begin with the vowel E! Possibly that confused you?); the latter friend does not visit C'TOWN's. cinema.
- To obviate yr. seeming uncertainties between the pair of them possibly a MORE careful reading of my postings would help!

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