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CRUISING for SEX - Suck Cinema updates?

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TSTPaul 2nd August 2009 07:39 PM

Many thanks for the photos and wonderful map. as I am in Krngtp at the present I will be makin' my way to WWY to check things out!

sextile 2nd August 2009 07:50 PM

-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thank you for your comprehensive and illustrated reply - appreciated.
- For the sharp & clear photo. of KT. CIRCLE were you using Google Earth or some other Google picture?
-- Bibi. --

Yannawa 3rd August 2009 12:30 AM

I was using Google Earth...some areas it seems better than others...probably due to haze and cloud when the shots were taken. But I was surprised how good photos I was able to get with a simple mobile camera..LG KF300 mobile.
Here are the shots of the entrance of the closed-looking Charoen Rat Richsilver cinema and the easy-to-find Sextile Plaza.

sextile 3rd August 2009 12:51 AM

I was using Google Earth ... .
Here are the shots of the entrance of the closed-looking Charoen Rat Richsilver cinema and the easy-to-find Sextile Plaza. ... .

-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thanks for your earlier reply and for this one; now it should be much easier for others to find their ways thither. "Good hunting and sanookie dee!" ;)
- Thanks to your 2nd. photo. the cinema's entrance is quite obvious - 'One picture ... .'.
-- Bibi. --

icon513 3rd August 2009 06:52 PM

Question still remains: are they worth finding? Someone please report!

richsilver 3rd August 2009 10:58 PM

The Full Story
OK guys I’m back in Pattaya and ready with the full story.

On Saturday I took the BTS to Wongwian Yai and checked out the two nearby cinemas:

* “Sextile’s Cinema” (#1 on Sloot’s map in posting #97 and “Active Cinema” on Yannawa’s Google Earth view in posting #105) is called Chalerm Giat (“To Celebrate Honor” ― a most appropriate name for the CFS crowd!). At about 1:30 on Saturday there were perhaps 20 people there, but only a few seemed to be celebrating their honor. It was a mixed crowd with some older and some younger and with light air conditioning. I was approached by one money boy and I saw two lady boys. After about 10 minutes, an employee came around with a flashlight and chased me to a seat ― a real turn off for me! I left.

* The Hawaii Cinema (#2 on Sloot’s map in posting #97 and “Cinema closed Sunday at least” on Yannawa’s Google Earth view in posting #105, including the picture of the marquee). In fact, it is not closed. You have to walk a short way down the small soi to the left of the marquee (it looks like you’re walking into a parking garage). You will see a set of stairs. Walk up to the box office. Pay your 50 baht, then proceed left though the some doors, passed the charming family watching TV and up a set of stairs to the theater. It was quite active Saturday afternoon about 2. Perhaps 30 patrons (and more as the afternoon progressed). It was mostly a younger crowd that showed not very much interest in this older guy, but I did manage to carry on with a few cuties. I was approached by two money boys. There were no lady boys in sight. No air conditioning, but many fans. All and all a pleasant 2 or 3 hours. I will go back on my next trip to the Big City from Pattaya around August 26th or so.

Directions to Hawaii: From the BTS station take Exit #3, then use the left hand stairs down to the street. Walk a very short distance to Krungthonburi 1 and turn right. Walk about 7 minutes on this very busy, minimally shaded, most dangerous soi until you reach Charoen Rat (the first main street you will see), then turn left and walk a half block to the marquee and entrance described above.

To get to the Chalerm Giat you cross over Charoen Rat (instead of turning left) and walk a few minutes to Lat Ya, a very busy divided street. Turn left and walk a half block to the theater (I believe the entrance is just behind the white vehicle in Yannawa’s second photo in posting #108). It is roughly across the street from the large Robinson’s Department Store (Sextile: how about checking out the facilities there sometime?).

Always concerned about the weather, I try to find spots that are close to the Skytrain. The Hawaii is about 10 minutes, the Prince about 10 minutes, the Pahonyotin in Saphan Kwai about 3 minutes, the Laem Tong about 7 minutes (from the MRT) and the Chinatown Rama about 15 minutes (from the MRT). Those are the only ones of which I’m aware.

Questions? Comments?

sextile 4th August 2009 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by richsilver (Post 672605)
... .
On Saturday I took the BTS to Wongwian Yai and checked out the two nearby cinemas:
... .

-- Khun R'silver.,
- Many thanks for this update.
- I hope to venture out thither on sunday, O9th..
- Your kind suggestion about R'SON'S. facilities noted, possibly a side-trip might be possible?

-- A word to the wise: Never ever ask for 'Comments.', (NEGATIVE - connotations.], instead ask for 'Suggestions.', wch. are much MORE POSITIVE +.
-- Bibi. --

sextile 24th September 2009 11:45 PM

-- Y'day., (24th.], late a'noon. I went-to the PRINCE CINEMA on Tnn. Charoen Krung - (BTS. Saphan Taksin, [S6.],].
- ETA.: around 17.oo.hrs.;
- Adm'n.: 6O.Bh..
- Both films shewn were non-porn. & straight, and both dubbed into Thai.
- Maybe as many as some half-a-dozen others therein?
- One man - not bad-looking, (as far as I could jusge in the gen'l. gloom.], wanted me to smoke him for only 2OO.Bh.: an offer that I was able to refuse. However, I did notice a couple of others being smoked, both standng-up and making it obvious what was taking place.
- I left just after 18.oo.hrs..

wantasian 28th September 2009 10:36 AM

Can someone please post exactly where Prince Cinema is, and is it right on Tnn. Charoen Krung?

icon513 28th September 2009 11:07 AM

Put these coordinates into Google Earth, and there you will be:

13.720636 100.516375

sextile 28th September 2009 07:32 PM

Can someone please post exactly where Prince Cinema is, and is it right on Tnn. Charoen Krung?[/QUOTE]

-- Here are my walking directions from Phat Pong, (wch. we all know! ;) ), -

1.- Walk along Tnn. Si Lom, (with the traffic flow), away from Tnn. Rama IV, and towards Charoen Krung, (New rd.), and the river; you'll pass BKK. Xtn. Hosp., (RHS.), BKK. Bank Hd. Office, (LHS.), Holiday Inn Silom, (LHS.), pass beneath the flyover, Lerdsin Hsp'l., (LHS.), Lebua State Tower Htl., (LHS.), and reach the T-Junc. with Charoen Krung, (where you'll see a white on blue BANG RAK area sign.);
2.- Turn LEFT along Tnn. Charoen Krung, and walk with the tfc.;
3.- Cross-over Tnn. Si Wiang;
4.- On opp. side look-for an AGFA photo. sign, (it's next to DELICIOUS Bakery/cafe.); on yr. side of the rd. you'll be right by a hair-dressers;
5.- On yr. LHS. you'll see a pasageway, with portable tables & chairs, at the far end of wch. you'll see the cinema's box office with the price of adm'n.,(, quite clearly shewn.
- You have arrived!

- From Phat Pong it's aprox. some 30-35mins. leisurely walk. I've not paced the distance but from my BKK. City Atlas it looks to be some 2,200yds..
-- From my BKK. BUS. MAP* the flg. 'buses. run along Tnn. Si Lom, along Charoeng Krung and pass the cinema: #15., #504., #544. & #547..
-* ISBN.: 9 789745 250451 - price 69.Bh..
-- BTS. Saphan Taksin, (S6.), is nearby.

wantasian 29th September 2009 03:54 AM

Thanks so much for your instructions to Prince Cinema, Sextile. I like you so much!

I'll probably walk there from Taksin Saphan skytrain stop my next trip to Bkk over Christmas and New Year's.

I also found Sextile's instructions for finding State Cinema (beyond the end of the Sukhumvit skytrain) very good on my July trip. I simply took a taxi from On Nut skytrain stop to Imperial World. (I wonder why my green ticket stub says Washington Theater.) I got there maybe 3:00 p.m. and cruised inside for about an hour. There weren't many people. But there was a hot young guy in the back and he let me service him. I left and took a taxi to the Beach Sauna and eventually I ended up at Farose 2 sauna.

I think Phahon Cinema is the best (the few times I've been there). It's hard to force myself to leave the place. I never understood why so many guys stand along the left wall. Why don't they cruise and connect with each other? They sneer at me (so I assume they're not money boys). They just seem to want to waste time and pose.

TSTPaul 29th September 2009 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by wantasian (Post 673811)
I think Phahon Cinema is the best (the few times I've been there). It's hard to force myself to leave the place. I never understood why so many guys stand along the left wall. Why don't they cruise and connect with each other? They sneer at me (so I assume they're not money boys). They just seem to want to waste time and pose.

They are 100 baht a pop jobs. Usually will ask for 200 but there is negotiation... Occasionally I succumb. Mostly i prefer the freebies up back and all around!! When I was there in Aug I did see 2 of 'them' coming out of a stall with a middle aged Thai gent. Had visions of the Thai gent being on his way home from work & popping in for quick double ender with him providing the double ends! How wonderful! Ohh to be a fly on the wall but too busy just at the moment...

sextile 29th September 2009 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by wantasian (Post 673811)
Thanks so much for your instructions to Prince Cinema, Sextile.
I'll probably walk there from Taksin Saphan skytrain stop my next trip to Bkk over Christmas and New Year's.
... .

-- Actually the PRINCE CINEMA was detailed in the thread: ACTIVE GAY CRUISING CINEMAS IN BKK. - post dtd.13 jul O7..

-- From BTS. Saphan Taksin, (S6.], -
1.- Take the landward exit to Charoen Krung;*
2.- On Charoen Krung turn LEFT;
3.- Walk past both Robinson's Dep't. Store, (LHS.], & CentrePoint Condo. (LHS.];
4.- STOP when you come to DELICIOUS Bakery/Cafe., (LHS.],*;
5.- Cross-over Charoen Krung and you should be within a few steps of the small alley that leads to the PRINCE CINEMA.

- Today, (30th.), a'noon. I paced-out the distance between the two stared loc'ns., (#1. to #4.); it's approx. 290yds..

wantasian 29th September 2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by TSTPaul (Post 673813)
They are 100 baht a pop jobs. Usually will ask for 200 but there is negotiation... Occasionally I succumb. Mostly i prefer the freebies up back and all around!! When I was there in Aug I did see 2 of 'them' coming out of a stall with a middle aged Thai gent. Had visions of the Thai gent being on his way home from work & popping in for quick double ender with him providing the double ends! How wonderful! Ohh to be a fly on the wall but too busy just at the moment...

I've often seen 20 or more guys standing against the left-side wall after you walk in. They are arrogant and no-touch. If you stand by one, they'll walk away. So I really don't think they're looking for money. They'll stand there forever. Are they just there to play goofy gay games (waste time and pose)? I really got the impression that they don't want people going after them. The odd thing is often there are one or two Western guys (farangs) in with them who also stand there and waste time and pose when they could be going after guys elsewhere in the cinema.

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