Will post my adventures in the well known (should we call it "39above ground") Saphan Kwai theatre after my recent visit. Just to busy at present. Things there continue to surprise. |
-- In my long life I've been called many things by many men in many places - even here in CFS.! But am I really a 'purveyor.' of flesh? That's a new one for me - ha! - Surveyor maybe? -- Bibi. -- |
-- Thanks for your encomium wch. fair warmed the cockles of this olde codger's flinty heart! - Although, in fairness and at times, I've found both Khun Icon and Yannawa to be veritable mines of info.. -- Bibi. -- |
Hawaii Theater
A few years ago, having read about it on this forum, I ventured to the Hawaii Theater near Wong Wian Yai. There were no specific directions, but I had a very good taxi driver and he asked some locals and promptly found the place. It was not terribly exciting, so I never went back.
Now, however, with the Skytrain extension going across the river, it may be easier to get to and perhaps worth a second look, especially since they are offering free rides to the last two stations! I’m hoping our erstwhile Khun Sextile might be willing to venture forth into the wild frontier of Thonburi, report his findings and provide his usual exquisite directions to this establishment from the BTS. I came across a note from my original taxi trip in which I wrote up directions: “Hawaii: on Thanon Charoen Rad. From Sadet Prachao Taksin (after going over the bridge), go around the circle and back the way you came. Turn left at the first street, Charoen Rad. The theater is a short way down the street on your right.” |
-- Am I really 'Erstwhile.'? - But it is true that I am 'Ready, Willing and Able.' - ha! ;) - I believe that there are also several other intrepid explorers who contribute to CFS.. -- Bibi. -- |
Indeed, but none seemingly with as much free time on their hands as you!
-- As a Alien holding a Retirement Visa - and thus forbidden to work - I do have time for researches of various sorts. -- Bibi. -- |
-- On fri., (22nd.), a'noon. - after looking-around for sources of 'Horny Goat Weed.' - and being in CHINATOWN I decided to venture into the one remaining suck-cinema there.
- name: MAXIMA CINEMA* - CHINATOWN, - addr.: 408, Tnn. Yaowarat, Samphanthawong, BKK.; - nrest. landmark: WHITE ORCHID HTL.; -- Google 'Earth.' co-ords.: roughly 100-30-36.E.x13-44-26.N.; - dir'ns.: from Soi Yaowa Phanit walk with the tfc. for approx. 22yds.; you should see the cinema on yr. LHS. and roughly op. to Soi 12., and opp. to JAWARAT TOURS; or it's approx. 110yds. from the WHITE ORCHID HTL and on opp. side of the rd.. -- adm'n.: 50.Bh.. - Walk UP the stairs, behind the box office, and follow the signs around to yr. LEFT until you come-to curtained entrances/exits. - Inside the seating is in two blocks: 1.- Nrer. screen are 5 rows of 20 seats; 2.- Behind the cross-cinema aisle are 7 rows of 20 seats, most of wch. are in fairly good cond'n., (gen'lly. better than in THE PRINCE CINEMA.),. - There is no air-cond.; instead the air is moved-around by fans on the floor - until yr. eyes become adjusted to the gen'l. gloom watch-out for them. -- Films shewn were non-porn.. - I'd been advised that that cinema was patronised largely by the younger Ch./Th. men on the look-out for 'Sugar Daddies.'; that may be so but I saw none of either! - Most of the action - possibly a score of spectators present during mid to late a'noon. - was in the back row against the rear wall. - When I left the space in front of the box office was given-over to an eatery. --* MORE recent correspondance,(this thread #139.), has reported that that cinema's name is not Maxima but CHINATOWN RAMA.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. -- |
Part the First –SK Cinema Sucks
If you want to take a seat inside then there are hundreds and pretty comfy too. This May Saturday afternoon there were probably more than a 100 plus cruisers all over the whole area including the large seating area in the front on the ground level. Up the back there are 4 isles that lead upwards. One ends in a dead end. Today I started over at the ‘deadend’ isle seating myself in the last row against the wall. A tall slender guy with lots of attitude (a bonus for me) made his way up slowly. I just made a move straight away for his crotch and he helped me get it out. A very hot and delicious hard, covered by a soft moist foreskin. Doesn’t get any better AND this fellow had been working or walking all day so it smelt divine (note irony as I don’t mean like fresh lux soap). He held my head on it and fucked my face!! He came and went! At this point I always go and do a mouthwash, used to be with listerine until it got such a bad rap and now I just use water… or beer!! Obtainable at the front counter for about 30 bahties. On my way down for a beer I notice a few guys with small packs like gym bags streaming in. I get a beer and make a beeline straight back. The other 3 isles up the back take you into an area about 2-3 M deep and as wide as the back of theatre. There are a couple of air con fixtures so you get guys cooling themselves. Its lighter than other parts but there are darkish spots… There is a row of seats along the back for the most part that have only backs with no bottoms so you have to perch on an arm if you want to take a rest or crouch. Crouching also sends out obvious signals. Time passes and I find myself standing next to a chunky guy in baggy nylon or some such gym longs. He has a strong face and his body is clearly very tight, lean although muscular. He is finding the movie ‘very’ interesting and has ‘no’ interest in me whatsoever. LOL. I do my crouching routine to put my beer on the ground and stay down there for a while. Brush his trousers ‘accidentally’ and there is no recoil so place my hand on his calf and gently push through his trousers. He stirs and I gently persuade him to turn towards me. Its easy to ease these gyms trousers down slightly. And across the front of his pants trapped in his undies is a sizable hard dick. Very fat in the middle but as hard as the proverbial. Continuing to take a great interest in the movie I give him a bj. All this rustling brings a few JAFO’s over so I turn him towards the wall where he goes for it providing me with an ample protein infusion. Well he has to get home to the wife, back to the police station or army barracks (wishing) and he is gone… Fortunately I have a beer on hand to provide the customary mouthwash. Ha! Tune in for Part the Second SK Cinema Sucks coming soon!! |
-- It's quite some time since I last visited the PHAHOL CINEMA. so one or two small things may have changed?
- Basically I found that it was generally the younger spectators who went UPSTAIRS and towards the rear, while the older ones prefered to sit nearer to the screen. - Also it tends to be st*cky r*c* at times - particularly for the older farangs. -- Bibi. -- |
http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/95fa9ac3af.jpg |
Thanks for the pic. It isn't him, this is one of the helpers. Remember when he is there the 'bar' is open and in your photo the bar is closed. (chain around fridge). I think he is a bit older probably 40's with thinning hair on top but very chunky, tan skin and a few tats, AND a lovely sly sort of smile. Look not everybody's cup and I am sure we will never be squabbling... I will be back next month and will try an get a shot. Ha Ha what fun! |
Younger spectators? At both visits there would have been mostly guys in 20's to 40's cruising UPSTAIRS. But clearly many older so its a range. Its so hard to tell as they pass. Remember we all look better in the dark... Don't really notice under 20ish but could be wong. The more mature ones interest me etc etc. but would not turn down any tasty morsel offered. Perhaps you could reconnoitre but may be you are busy and better deployed elsewhere. I will be go again next month. Its not somewhere I would want to go to regularly as there is not a lot to do waiting around and the atmosphere is pretty much directed at one end (pun intended). Unlike the beloved and greatly missed (sob, sob) GSM. Thanks for the update on the burnt out site incidentally greatly appreciated. Heres hoping they will resurrect it... |
No sign of the "hot one", unfortunately. And too bad the tour didn't continue inside.
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